Considering the blatant election fraud being exhibited in the GOP Primaries and Caucuses, should not the question be raised as to why those in the Democratic Party are not jumping on the issue in an effort to discredit the Republican Party,, and their bid for the Presidency in 2012?
Has the fraud and duplicity in the US reached such heights and become so omnipresent that there could actually be deals between the Democrats and Republicans, establishing such bizarre agreements as the Republicans saying, “You keep quiet about the voter fraud we are committing in our Primaries and Caucuses, and we will keep quiet when you bring your illegal aliens in to vote in the general election”? The idea being that so long as Ron Paul is stopped the worst eventuality for either side lies in whose corporate controllers will get to steal the most through their government contracts. And of course if Dr. Paul is elected, God forbid, both sides might be stopped from stealing.
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