The insurgent Obama’s nightmare executive order to accommodate the southern invasion is coming to fruition as thousands and thousands of new invaders pour across our southern border and are granted work visas, which in essence gives them permanent citizenship.  There is absolutely no system in place to verify eligibility under the Dream Act Executive Order.

Any invader from six to twenty-eight years old can enter the United States and simply say that they have been here and/or went to school for more than five years, and that is all it takes.  These fraudulent insurgents can then set up shop as drug dealers and actually travel back and forth across the border, unhampered at will, as they retain their Mexican citizenship and are in the United States through a work visa.
Continue reading “Obama’s Executive Order Opens Southern Border to Insurgency”

The international socialist traitor, Barack Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat, the south side of Chicago back alley Zionist pimp, just signed The United States-Israel Enhanced Security Cooperation Act, S. 2165, which is an amended version of a House bill that was approved back in May, stating that the legislation is a reaffirmation of US ties with Israel.


This is a reaffirmation of the fact that the Israeli Zionists control the United States, lock, stock, and barrel.  This legislation puts forth an additional $70 billion for the so called Iron Dome Project in Israel because we must make sure their people are secure.
Continue reading “Obama Pledges US Food Stamp Moneys to Israel”

There is a correspondence making its way around the internet proposing an army of unarmed patriots going to Washington DC on November 5th to arrest the federal government.  This is nothing more than another attempt by the soviet socialists to hijack the patriot movement, no different than the so called May Day Protests, though this scheme is a bit more elaborate.

Since the patriot movement became a force to reckon with, with the grass roots Tea Party, the international elite have been seeking to infiltrate but have only managed to succeed to the extent that the Tea Party put forth an agenda which was hijacked by the neo-cons.
Continue reading “Communists Seek Counter Revolution in the US”

Freedom Fighters Unite  On November 5th 2012

WE THE PEOPLE will March on Washington DC peacefully and unarmed to arrest all members of congress, the president, and all supreme court justices where they will be held without bond until a full independent investigation and trial have been completed. We must re-elect our government within 90 days in order to stave of unrest.
Continue reading “Citizen’s Action – November 5th, 2012 – March on DC”

The top communists for the insurgency into the United States are taking stage in a desperate and futile attempt to get any kind of concession whatsoever as a reward for the Colorado false flag.  The British commie piece of tripe, Piers Morgan, teamed up with the pathetic pus gutted soviet socialist parasite, Michael Moore, for a half hour propaganda piece on CNN Tuesday.  This was not a news interview designed to find a truth, but rather a half hour soviet socialist anti-2nd Amendment communist propaganda push.

The first assertion put forth was that the inanimate objects known as guns actually affect the human thought process.  You see, violent video games are played by children growing up in Japan as well as the United State, however the Japanese, because their population is unarmed, has a far lower death rate attributed to firearms.
Continue reading “Michael Moore and Piers Morgan Trust their Fate to Communism”

Huffington Post  In April, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition published a study linking diet soda consumption to an increased risk of diabetes and heart disease. Nobody blinked or cared because this research was just going to be thrown on the pile of allegedly conflicting studies about the safety of artificial sweeteners, particularly aspartame. This pile is referred to as the “aspartame controversy.”

Aspartame is the artificial sweetener sold under the brand names of Equal and NutraSweet. It is used commonly in diet sodas because it tastes the most like sugar, or at least that is what the people selling it say. Despite all the hype about controversy, there is no aspartame controversy. All of the aspartame-industry-sponsored research consistently concludes aspartame is safe, while the independent studies overwhelmingly find side effects and problems. Continue reading “Does This Aspartame Make My Butt Look Fat?”

Village Voice  First he came for your smokes. Then he came for your trans-fats. Then he came for your sugary drinks — and now Mayor Mike Bloomberg has your booze in his sights.

In the mayor’s latest effort to protect you from yourself, the city Health Department now plans to tackle alcohol abuse in the Big Apple, starting with a mass, 50-question telephone survey to get a handle on how serious a problem it actually is.

Given the mayor’s belief that 16 ounces of soda is all that one person should possibly be allowed to drink in one sitting, don’t be surprised if drinking a thimble of beer a week is an indicator that you have a problem — and you need some city-mandated “help” to cut out the booze.
Continue reading “Mike Bloomberg, Health Cop: Mayor Takes Aim At Booze”

Wall Street Journal  NEW BRUNSWICK, N.J. — It’s an audiotape the New York Police Department hoped you would never hear.

A building superintendent at an apartment complex just off the Rutgers University campus called the New Brunswick Police 911 line in June 2009. He said his staff had been conducting a routine inspection and came across something suspicious.

“What’s suspicious?” the dispatcher asked.
Continue reading “‘What?’ Confused 911 caller outs NYPD spying in NJ”

The campaign to gain public support for the United Nations Small Arms Treaty has failed and the propagandists, et al., are flabbergasted.  The false left-right paradigm is sticking out front and center like a sore thumb.

On CNN a female propagandist with a hateful and confused look on her face said that white males see guns as a extension of their phallus and that this is the only way we weak timid creatures can feel any power as men.

Then on the other side of the false left-right paradigm, the tired old propagandist, Bill O’Reilly, looked pathetic in arguing to shut down gun shows and to create a master list of US gun owners for the FBI.
Continue reading “Bill O’Reilly Wins Dunce Award for Prime Time”

MSF  All Americans will receive a Microchip implant in 2013 per Obamacare.(SodaHead).There is an old adage that seeing is believing, the only alternative is to convince yourself that your lying eyes are wrong. Would you upon seeing something for yourself by way of documented proof believe your own eyes and accept it as the truth, even if it was hard for you to accept?

There will always be those who will remain in denial even though they know better, they will not accept it because they can not bring themselves to admit it to themselves. For those described here this will be a wasted effort.
Continue reading “All Americans will receive a Microchip implant in 2013 per Obamacare”

WND  A Phoenix, Ariz., Christian who has held Bible studies in his house for years, often in the face of city threats not to do so, will remain in jail for having those studies, after the state Supreme Court today refused to intervene.

Officials with the Rutherford Institute today announced the court had denied a petition for a writ of habeas corpus that had been filed.

Michael Salman is serving a 60-day jail sentence and was ordered to be fined some $12,000 for using his private residential property to hold a weekly Bible study. The city said his offenses involved city building codes, but his defenders have pointed out that those codes are for commercial properties, and the city does not apply them to football parties, social gatherings and other events that are held in homes.
Continue reading “Bible-study Leader To Remain In Jail”

It’s been four days since the shootings in Aurora, Colorado and the propaganda machine is operating at its maximum in pushing for an end to the 2nd Amendment to our Constitution.  We are talking about the actions of one individual being used to nullify the absolute rights of hundreds of millions.  The propaganda is dirty with catch phrases and trigger words like, “a hundred loopholes”, “automatic weapon”, “control”, and “purchases tied to the internet”.

We must reject this false flag and come out aggressively against these soviets who have never made it a secret that it is their ultimate goal to completely disarm the American people.
Continue reading “Take Your Gun Control and Shove It – We Will Not Be Intimidated”

The arraignment for the mind control subject, James Holmes, the shooter in the false flag incident at Aurora, Colorado, as televised through the propaganda machine, shows exactly what was expected.  Holmes was clearly heavily drugged and was incapable of speech.  Like Timothy McVeigh and Jared Lee Laughner we will never hear him speak past a few mumblings from his drug induced walking coma.

This is beyond blatant and anyone who cannot see it for what it is, is blind, deaf, and dumb beyond repair.  This poor pathetic creature will eventually be put down like the animal his CIA programming has turned him into.
Continue reading “Colorado Mind Control Subject, James Homes, is Arraigned – Updated with video”

An attack on our 2nd Amendment is being launched in earnest as the anti-gun propagandists come out of the woodwork with 101 new good ideas to prevent another incident like that which occurred in Colorado on Friday.  This false flag was designed so specifically that it is being identified as such by every non-brainwashed American that sees it.

Purchases of firearms in the US have been increasing to the millions per month as the soviet socialist insurgency is moving closer to martial law and a totalitarian dictatorship.  The enemies of our Republic are showing their desperation to stop the American people from arming for our defense.
Continue reading “Colorado False Flag Attack Specifically Targets Young American Patriots”

One of the top representatives for the industrial war complex, Arizona Representative John McCain, is back on the propaganda trail pushing for US air strikes in Syria and also for more small arms to be brought in to that country from the United States and handed over to the Al Qaeda insurgency there, both of which are acts of war.

In past years individuals like McCain have stood out distinctly as the death salesmen they are.  But now it has reached the point to where he is all but lying on the floor, kicking and waving his arms and saying, “I want it, I want it, I want a US invasion in Syria and I want it now.”
Continue reading “John McCain Calls for Blood Sacrifice in Syria for Zion”

Last Friday’s shooting in Colorado represents the implementation of the ultimate distraction from the fraudulent elections coming up on the GOP Convention in Tampa.  It almost seems it was planned this way.  Of course heightened security in Tampa, complete with Gestapo tactics must be considered reasonable in light of the shooting.  And how can we possibly be concentrating on the death of our economy and the destruction of our lives when we must find a solution to make sure another 12 person massacre does not occur somewhere in the United States among our 350 million person populous?

When mass graves are discovered down on our southern border containing 20 or 30 people, the incident receives only a short mention on the evening news, certainly not a massacre and absolutely nothing to get too excited about.  Yeah, this so called massacre in Colorado has been a godsend for Eric Holder as he and his international criminal activities have been completely removed from the mainstream.
Continue reading “Colorado Shooting just another Diversion”