The great compromise has been made in the Congress.  Today it will go to the Senate and after it is affirmed there, it will be signed into law.  There are a hundred different opinions entangled in speculation as to what the effects will be and the American people seem to be failing to see the forest for the trees.

There is only one decisive thing that is occurring.  We are seeing key parts to our Constitution being repealed without there being a Constitutional Convention, as required under the laws contained therein.  This is blatant subversion and can be described as nothing short of an attempted coup d’etat.
Continue reading “99ers HR 589 Unemployment Extension – Super Congress Coup d'etat – A Call to Arms”

The Republiscums and Demorats are compromising all over one another in a frantic race to reaffirm the status quo before the August 2nd deadline.  One of the reported points of compromise is a 12 person commission made up of 12 Congressmen who will lay out future spending cuts that, if not enacted, will trigger an across the board cut of 1%.

Well I guess as long as these 12 Congressmen do not screw the people in their home states, they are free to do to the rest of the people in the rest of the states whatever they please without consequence as only the people in their states can vote them out.
Continue reading “99ers and HR 589 Unemployment Extension – You Have Been Sacrificed to Mammon”

Once a month I write an article on the Fukushima Power Plant in an effort to keep the subject from being completely removed from reality.  We will all remember just a couple of months ago there were stories in the mainstream media in reference to nuclear power plants in Nebraska that were posing a threat because of flooding.  So what ever happened with that?

It seems all mention of nuclear power plants of any and all kinds has been completely removed from the mainstream news.  This news blackout can be directly attributed to the international nuclear industry and the enormous wealth and power it represents.  There has not been a word in the mainstream in reference to the multi-billion dollar projects involving the building of new power plants in the U.S that were in the spotlight in the aftermath of Fukushima.
Continue reading “Fukushima Blackout”

Obama advisers are saying Al Qaeda is on the ropes and that a six month intensified campaign could very well deliver a knockout blow.  Could this hype be designed to bolster the position of the industrial war complex in the debt negotiations?  The very thought that Al Qaeda is “on the ropes” is ludicrous.  How can they be when the United States is sending billions to Libya, Syria, Yemen, and Egypt to prop up and strengthen Al Qaeda?

Fifteen of our service members were killed in Iraq last month, marking a resurgence of violence in that country.  And I think we are going to see escalations in every country wherein we are currently engaged in war as an increase in fighting is the surest way to make the arguments necessary to stop any cuts in defense spending.
Continue reading “U.S. has Al Qaeda on the Ropes?”