The polls in South Carolina closed at 7:00 EST.  At 7:20 with less than 1% of the vote counted, the election was called for Newt Gingrich.  At 7:30, with still less than 1% of the vote counted, it was declared that Rick Santorum took 3rd place.  We are now living in a corporate media dictatorship wherein the election results are adjusted through fraud to match the reporting.  And this is fraud absolute as it can be considered nothing else.

They don’t try this kind of shit in a banana republic.  This is high treason being perpetrated through propaganda.  This is telling the American people of the American race, you can think what you want but you will do as the 1% says.
Continue reading “South Carolina Voters Defrauded by Corporate Propagandists and Corrupt Election Officials”

Today the good patriot American people of the American race all over the state of South Carolina will be casting their vote for Dr. Ron Paul, and tomorrow we will be talking about the election fraud.  I do believe the cries of foul coming from the internet are having an effect.  The good thing is all those supporting Ron Paul are aware of the election fraud and will be looking to catch the fiends at their dirty deeds.

Dr. Paul has been literally removed from the mainstream propaganda broadcasts all week, I guess in an unveiled attempt to remove him from the minds of the undecided voters.  At one point during Thursday night’s CNN GOP debate, the cameras framed in on Santorum, Romney, and Gingrich and stayed there; projecting the image that only those three were on the stage.
Continue reading “Will Election Fraud Continue in South Carolina?”

It has been confirmed.  The Iowa Caucus was a fraud.  It is now being said that Rick Santorum won Iowa by 34 votes, however this statement cannot be confirmed as the results from eight precincts have somehow disappeared.  The fact is in the final analysis the results of the Iowa Caucus are unknown because the election cannot be certified.

If this election cannot be confirmed how can the delegates be rightfully doled out, especially considering the fact that a majority of the precinct results that got lost were in Lee County which was won by Congressman Paul.  Could it be that so many votes had to be shaved off to stop Paul from winning Iowa that entire precincts had to be removed?
Continue reading “Rick Bilderberg Perry Endorses Newt Bilderberg Gingrich”

President Obama announced today a new tourism policy which will accommodate the streamlining of the visa process for foreigners entering our country for business and recreational purposes.  Obama contends that the ever expanding Chinese, Indian, and Brazilian middle classes should be welcomed into the United States with open arms and that the dollars they will bring will help American businesses and create jobs.

Now let’s look at what is really going on.  Bill Clinton, George Bush, and Barack Obama, through NAFTA, CAFTA, and GATT have dismantled our industrial base and sent it to China, India, and Brazil.  And now he wants to allow the peoples of these countries, who are prospering via our stolen jobs, to be allowed to come into our country for recreation and to perpetuate further dirty business deals designed to further deteriorate our condition.
Continue reading “Barack Obama the Pimp, the US his Prostitute”

A cruise ship laying on its side over in Italy and two bills allowing the government to take over the internet are working quite well as a smoke screen for the select reporting on the mainstream propaganda machine coming up to the primary in South Carolina on Saturday.

It is indeed a strange situation. Ron Paul has pretty much been removed from the mainstream and I believe they have been told to stop reporting on the other candidates because all their exposure is doing is highlighting the hundred and one reasons that the other candidates are completely unacceptable.  There will be a GOP debate on CNN this evening.  It will be interesting to see what the coverage looks like coming up on the hour.
Continue reading “US Government Insurgents Becoming Desperate”