The debate of the day is centered on the question, “Will the Obama Administration Push the Panic Button?” in reference to last week’s reporting of the fact that the economy is not only not getting better, but is indeed getting worse, that is of course unless you are an elitist who has been making record profits since the beginning of the depression in 2008.

Oh my, what will Obama do?  Billions more for stimulus perhaps?  Maybe QE3?

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.  But can we really call it insanity when the result is the status quo, wherein all these actors in our government pretending to be bumbling fools keep acquiring new mountains of wealth, as our middle class continues to shrink and poverty becomes predominate?
Continue reading “Will the Obama Administration Push the Panic Button?”

The US CIA and Israeli Mossad now have all the pieces in place for a repeat of the Lebanese Civil War for Syria.  Little portions of the truth are starting to surface and what we are finding out is that there are three distinct elements at work in Syria.

We have the Assad regime, which is the legitimate government that, until about a year ago, was sporting itself as a US ally.

Then there is the anti-government political faction, which is being organized through socialist one world insurgents.  These would be the protesters in the streets.
Continue reading “Does Syria Hold a Trump Card on the US?”

As predicted the propagandists are sparing no effort in rearranging reality to portray the corporate elite as the victims in our latest economic downturn, blaming the condition on the prospect of an end to the tax giveaways for the filthy rich.  The elite want to blame the middle class and poor for instigating a class war, saying we want to tax them to pay us for sitting on our asses.

This distortion of reality has completely played itself out.  How many years do they think they can keep throwing out the same old buzz words and slogans as they continue to acquire record profits at our expense?
Continue reading “Just who are these Job Creators who are so Insecure?”

As Europe is experiencing its worst economic crisis in a century, Queen Elizabeth II is celebrating her Diamond Jubilee, marking her 60th year on the British throne.  No expense is being spared.  Giant flotillas on the English Channel accompany the Queen’s royal barge as it floats past monolithic billboards portraying the Queen at different events during her reign.

It is nauseating enough knowing that many British citizens are enthralled at the aspect of worshiping another human, being based on no other consideration than consequence of birth.  It is absolutely sickening to see my fellow Americans following suit.
Continue reading “236 Years since the Declaration of Independence and Americans once again Bow to the Crown”

John Stossel has become the lead spokesperson for the corporate elite and their propaganda program, designed to portray the American poor as “well off”.  Stossel has a degree in psychology and his demeanor reflects his arrogance.  He thinks that by using a few third dimensional applications of basic psychology he can manipulate millions.

Stossel freely admits that he himself has received government handouts as a wealthy celebrity in an attempt to gain trust among those in the middle class.  He then goes out into the public and finds a few examples of generational dependents on welfare and thus labels all of the poor as manipulators of the system.
Continue reading “John Stossel and Psychological Warfare”

The propagandists at CNN are running a piece that pretends to explain how the unemployment rate number is calculated.  This is an attempt to legitimatize the blatant fraud they have been reporting since the implosion of our economy.  The communists are making every effort to minimize the reality of the non-recovery.

There was a propagandist speaking through the stupid tube and talking to us like we are a group of third graders, which in truth only those with a third grade mentality are capable of believing anything coming out of the mainstream media.
Continue reading “Propaganda Blitz to Minimize Unemployment Catastrophe in the US”

69,000 private sector, non-farm jobs were added to the US economy in May, far below the 150,000 expected, which was a weak number in itself considering new weekly jobless claims have been rising exponentially as every previous week’s report is revised up.  Also today we find out that April’s number for new jobs created is being revised down by 102,000 from 179,000 to 77,000.  So how could these bean counters have been so wrong about this number?  It is called juggling your books.

Here at From the Trenches we have been saying all along that this recovery is a fraud, just like the one last year and the year before.  Our economy has a cycle.  In the Fall we have a harvest which puts people to work and brings in the year’s revenue for our crops.  The harvest is followed by the Christmas shopping season wherein our people go out and spend billions of dollars they do not have and go further into debt.
Continue reading “New Employment Numbers – It’s June and the Recovery is Over Again”

The international corporate mafia is having a sit-down today in Chantilly, Virginia to discuss their strategy for the coming year.  There are protesters and extensive coverage by the alternative media.  This mob get together is being held at the Westfields Marriot, about 25 miles from the White House.  County police have cordoned off a half of a mile perimeter around the Marriot and the big black mob vehicles with dark tinted windows have been flowing in.

So why are these international mobsters being guarded by the police rather than arrested by them?  In case you haven’t noticed the crime syndicates in the USA seemed to have disappeared.  You could say an illusion has been created wherein they no longer exist.  Nothing could be further from the truth.  The gangsters have just simply taken over.  They incorporated, and with Inc. behind their names, started purchasing government officials.
Continue reading “Bilderberg 2012 – A Mafia Sit Down with US Politicians”