drone-hellfireThe Telegraph

A document containing al-Qaeda’s 22 tips for dodging drone attacks has been found in a building abandoned by Islamists in Mali. Here, we list all 22 tips.

1. It is possible to know the intention and the mission of the drone by using the Russianmade “sky grabber” device to infiltrate the drone’s waves and the frequencies. The device is available in the market for $2,595 and the one who operates it should be a computer know-how. Continue reading “Al-Qaeda’s 22 tips for dodging drone attacks: the list in full”

Texas State Troopers in a helicopter (Texas Dept. of Public Safety)Raw Story – by David Edwards

Officials in Texas announced on Thursday that State Troopers would no longer be allowed to open fire on suspects from helicopters after the recent killing of two immigrants.

While announcing the new policy, Texas Department of Public Safety Director Steve McCraw insisted that the ban on aerial shootings had nothing to do with the October 2012 death of two Guatemalan immigrants, who were gunned down by troopers in helicopter while they were hiding in the back of a speeding pickup truck near La Joya. Continue reading “Texas bans shooting immigrants from helicopters”

fbiYahoo News – by Dashiell Bennett | The Atlantic Wire

Approximately 150 federal and state law enforcement agents launched a massive raid on one of the biggest perpetrators of government fraud in America: The Scooter Store. Yes, that’s right. The nation’s largest provider of single-person electric vehicles and power chairs is the target of a federal investigation, probably because many of the people who ride around their “personal mobility devices” don’t actually need them. Continue reading “FBI Declares War on The Scooter Store”

<p>               Janet Falk, public relations professional, rides the Roosevelt Island tramway with a Manhattan view behind her on Thursday, Feb. 21, 2013 in New York.  Falk applied for a public-relations job at a New York City law firm two years ago, but the recruiter told her she wouldn’t be considered because she had been unemployed for more than three months, Falk said. (AP Photo/Bebeto Matthews)Yahoo News – by Jennifer Peltz, Associated Press

NEW YORK (AP) — Help wanted. Qualifications: Must already have a job.

It’s a frustrating catch for those out of work in an era of high unemployment: looking for a job, only to find that some employers don’t want anyone who doesn’t already have one.

But after four years of above-average joblessness in the U.S., efforts to bar such practices byemployers have met with mixed results. Continue reading “Unemployed complain they need a job to find a job”

Activist Post

The anti-NDAA movement continues to gain traction. There is still much more work to be done as part ofOperation Homeland Liberty, but People’s Blog for The Constitution highlights the latest development we can add to the victory column in Montana’s step toward resisting federal intrusion.

By a vote of 20-0, a bill that bans cooperation with federal agents over the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) has just passed the Montana House Judiciary Committee. Known as HB 522, the bill would also require the state’s attorney general to report any attempts by federal officials who try to enforce the NDAA. HB 522 is now one step closer to becoming law.  Continue reading “Montana votes 20-0 in favor of anti-NDAA bill”

Gun Owners StarbucksHuffington Post – by Bonnie Kavoussi

The Second Amendment may not have much to do with your daily cappuccino. But on Friday, some gun rights activists plan to descend on Starbucks, bringing the coffee chain face-to-face with the nationwide debate on gun control.

Starbucks does not prohibit customers from openly carrying guns in states where it is legal, and in an effort to show thanks for this policy, some activists have designated Friday, February 22, “Gun Owners Support Starbucks” Day. Continue reading “‘Gun Owners Support Starbucks’ Day Celebrated On February 22”

AFP PODCAST: New Book on Sandy HookAmerican Free Press – by Dave Gahary

What allegedly happened on December 14, 2012, at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, where 20 elementary school children were massacred along with several adults, left the nation in a state of shock.

However, from the second the alleged event happened, the mainstream media began a barrage of reporting, 95% of which was absolutely wrong. This pathetic—or purposefully confused—reporting left truth-seekers, already distrustful of any official story coming from the United States federal government or from the controlled press, crying foul. And why not? As of the publication of this 32-page booklet in late January 2013, not a single solid fact has emerged from any official source proving what really happened inside Sandy Hook Elementary. Continue reading “First Book on Sandy Hook”

Jon Rappoport

If you want to track a civilization as it collapses, watch what happens to the concept of the rebel.

On a profound level, mass shootings and assassinations (whether staged or not) are used to define the ever-present “lone assassin” as the REPRESENTATION AND THE SYMBOL OF WHAT THE INDEPENDENT INDIVIDUAL IS.

You’re a separate and distinct individual? An outsider? Watch out. Overnight, you could turn into a raging killer. Continue reading “The era of programming the mind”

The New Boston Tea Party

We know the game all too well, become a politician, be nice to those who funded your campaign and when you retire they will return the favor. And presidents do especially well, speaking engagements, TV appearances, political commentators and signing venues are part and parcel of the cashing in experience.

Not only do the ex-President rake it in in retirement, they have very healthy pension to go with numerous other bennies, but they forget to tell you that the bigger prize awaits when they leave office.  Ample proof of this incestuous relationship abounds. Rather than clamp down on industries that will later hire them, they go easy on them while in office. For instance the defense complex, perhaps the financial industry, maybe the oil cabal, who ever it is, they will feel obligated to write that check sometime in the future.  Continue reading “America being Raped by the Clintons”

veterans-affairsWND – by Bob Unruh

The Obama administration has launched into a campaign that threatens the Second Amendment rights of American military veterans, sending out letters that say their competency to handle their own affairs is being reviewed, and if determined by government bureaucrats to be unable to handle their affairs, they would be barred from having any weapons.

The issue is being raised by officials with the United States Justice Foundation, which takes up cases involving civil and religious rights. Continue reading “Obama Threatening Veterans’ Gun Rights”

screenshot from youtube video by user alschultesRT News

Even though she passed through a security checkpoint at Missouri’s Lambert-St. Louis International Airport, TSA agents picked a three-year-old girl in a wheelchair for additional screening. The agency is now apologizing for the incident.

Lucy Forck, who was on her way to Disney World, suffers from Spina bifida, a developmental disorder that prevents vertebrae and the spinal cord from fully forming. Lucy’s spinal cord is partially exposed as a result. Continue reading “TSA apologizes after picking wheelchair-bound child for security check”

Student of the Gun AR BannerAmmoLand

LUVERNE, AL –-(Ammoland.com)- It is only fitting that this week we are AR heavy.

We’ll take a close look at the Chiappa M4-22, a rimfire version of the famous black rifle that is a hoot to shoot.

Our friends from CMMG introduce us to a .50 caliber muzzle-loading AR, you read that right and you’ll need to see in to believe it. Continue reading “This week on Student of the Gun: Chiappa M4-22, AR Muzzleloader & .223 Carbine, King of Home Defense”

Walmart Saw $17 Billion Profit in 2012Latino Daily News

Walmart Stores, Inc., the world’s largest retailer, said Thursday it posted income from continuing operations of $17 billion in the fiscal year ended Jan. 31, up 7.8 percent from the comparable prior period, thanks to higher sales and lower financing costs.

Revenues totaled $466.1 billion in fiscal 2013, up 5 percent over fiscal 2012, the company said. Continue reading “Walmart Saw $17 Billion Profit in 2012”

To say our right to own and bear arms is facing an all out attack by the communist infiltrators within what is no longer our government would be putting it lightly.  The goal being of course to put we the people under the draconian authority contained in the UN Small Arms Treaty before it comes up to be signed in March.  We are talking about the disarmament of our people for the express reason of leaving us helpless in the face of the foreclosure of our country, a foreclosure admittedly brought about via international fraud.

It is impossible to comprehend that any thinking person could believe one word coming out of the mainstream media.  It has reached the point to where they are no longer attempting to twist the reality but have been reduced to the shoddiest of simple diversions. Continue reading “So what is in the News, or better yet, what’s not?”

MaliUnited Liberty – by Jason Pye

President Barack Obama came a step closer to engaging in military action in Mali. The Associated Press reports this morning that the White House has notified Congress that 100 military personnel have been sent to Niger, which borders Mali to the east:

In a letter to Congress, Obama says the forces will focus on “intelligence sharing” with French troops fighting Islamist militants in neighboring Mali. He says the American forces have been deployed with weapons, quote, “for the purpose of providing their own force protection and security.” Continue reading “U.S. sends troops to Niger”

https://i0.wp.com/www.theispot.com/images/source/FredaLibertyUpended1.jpg?resize=229%2C300Washington’s Blog

How Many Constitutional Freedoms Do We Still Have?

Preface: While a lot of people talk about the loss of our Constitutional liberties, people usually speak in a vague, generalized manner … or focus on only one issue and ignore the rest.

This post explains the liberties guaranteed in the Bill of Rights – the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution – and provides a scorecard on the extent of the loss of each right. Continue reading “Scorecard: How Many Rights Have Americans REALLY Lost?”

The Contributer – by Dave Johnson

You may have seen charts like the one to the right from the Economic Policy Institute, showing how working people’s wages stopped going up along with productivity gains.

This means the gains went…somewhere else. See if you can guess who got them? (Hint: it’s the 1 percent; this is one driver of the terrible income and wealth inequality.) This breakoff of wages from productivity growth is partly the result of trade agreements that pit Americans against exploited workers in non-democracies. This weakened the bargaining power of unions, moved factories and industries out of the country, devastated entire regions of our country — and gave the giant multinational corporations, Wall Street and the billionaires the leverage they needed. Continue reading “40% Of Americans Now Make Less Than 1968 Minimum Wage”