You can learn a lot falling down the side of a mountain, stunt-woman style, but honestly, I don’t recommend it. I’d suggest that you read books and articles instead, as those activities are far less painful and traumatic.
Last week, my daughter and I went hiking with my good friend, Tess Pennington of Ready Nutrition, and her family. It was a nice sunny afternoon and we were going to hike a short way down off the main trail to the river to go tubing with the kids. As someone who writes about preparedness it is a little embarrassing to admit this, but because this was intended to be just a step up from a leisurely stroll, we weren’t as prepared as we should have been for a major traumatic accident. Our first aid supplies were uselessly sitting a mile away in the van when our walk turned into an unfortunate scene from an action-adventure movie. Continue reading “The 5 Things I Learned When I Fell Down a Ravine”