A customer inspects a 9mm handgun at Rink's Gun and Sport in the Chicago, suburb of Lockport, Illinois in this June 26, 2008 file photograph. REUTERS/Frank Polich/FilesReuters – by Karen Pierog

Illinois Governor Pat Quinn signed a gun-control measure into law on Sunday that expands background checks to cover all firearms purchases in the state, closing what he said was a loophole that exempted gun sales between private parties.

The new law also requires all gun owners to report any lost or stolen firearms to local police within 72 hours.   Continue reading “Illinois expands background checks to all gun purchases”

chinese-communist-congressWND – by JEROME R. CORSI

NEW YORK – New Zealander Trevor Loudon has just published an encyclopedic new 689-page volume, “The Enemies Within: Communists, Socialists and Progressives in the U.S. Congress,” to accompany his 668-page 2011 book, “Barack Obama and the Enemies Within.”

In both volumes, Loudon has proved himself to be among the foremost experts in the world investigating and reporting the penetration of communists, socialists and the current group of “progressives” affiliated with Democratic Party politics who portray themselves as liberals.   Continue reading “Communists in Congress? Just Count ’em”

Stock Gun Photo - Tactical 1911Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

Vickie Rock, 50, was visiting the home of her boyfriend at the Grand Oaks Apartments in Riverview, FL when she heard screaming as well as glass breaking.

Rock ran to investigate the source of the commotion. She found a man, identified by media reports as Daniel S. Robertson, beating his girlfriend with a metal object.   Continue reading “FL Woman Uses .45 to Shoot and Kill Man Who Was Beating His Girlfriend With a Blunt Weapon”

Tea Party Cheer – by Ed Farnan

With no real accomplishments as  and much to defend while she occupied that position,  signaled her upcoming presidential campaign strategy in a grand opening speech in San Francisco last week.

She threw down the dog eared and quite worn out Democrat hole card of racist scare tactics…..again.   Continue reading “Hillary throws out the tattered race card to scare up support for her tattered record”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On August 16, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie (R) vetoed some gun bills and sent others back to the state legislature with “recommendations.” One such recommendation is “requiring a New Jersey firearms identification card for the purchase of all ammunition.”

Christie also wants physicians and screeners overseeing involuntary commitments to inquire about firearm ownership. This information could be obtained through a provision in the bills for a firearms identification card.   Continue reading “Gov. Christie Wants Firearms ID Card for Purchase of All Ammunition”

fox guarding the henhouseThe Common Sense Show – by Dave Hodges

In the aftermath of the Snowden revelations and furthered by the admission that the NSA has broken the law thousands of times in order to illegally spy on the American people, Obama has decided to appoint a special “commission” to fairly and accurately investigate the latest revelations of this rogue, anti-American agency.   Continue reading “Obama Has Hired the Fox to Watch the Hen House”

Inder Comar and Sundus Shaker Saleh.Yes Magazine – by Corey Hill

George W. Bush keeps a low profile these days, making the rounds on the public speaking circuit, engaging in a bit of philanthropy here and there, occasionally sharing his dog paintings or offering an unsolicited opinion on the immigration debate or national security.

Given his role in the current media landscape, it may be easy to forget that just 10 years ago he led an invasion of a foreign country that many in the international community saw as criminal.   Continue reading “Why an Iraqi Single Mom Is Suing George W. Bush for War Crimes”

Before It’s News

In this Civil War Today We Have but One Weapon, Trust. Withdraw Trust from this Lying, Spying, Smug and Arrogant Banker Government & WE The People May Rule Again…

“Give us Eight Hundred Billion Dollars by Next Week or we Shut Everything Down”

That shot was heard around a shocked world because our elected representatives ‘caved’ to the banksters and gave them our money.   Continue reading “We Have but One Weapon, Trust”

CBN News – by Raymond Ibrahim

According to a report titled “Sisi to Pentagon: We will not turn back, sovereignty is a red line,” published in Watannewspaper (Saturday, Aug. 15 edition), Egyptian Maj. Gen. Muhammad al-’Assar has just issued a strongly worded letter to the Pentagon, on behalf of the Egyptian military council, saying, among other things, “We will not retreat from fighting terrorism; the military does not run, for the [Egyptian] republic has leadership, and our message is clear: we will not allow red lines to be crossed.”   Continue reading “Egyptian Military Warns Obama: ‘Supporting Terrorism’ in Egypt is ‘Red Line’”

Photo: Wikimedia CommonsIntelliHub – by JG Vibes

Weather modification and Geo-engineering are both taboo topics for most people, with many believing that no such programs exist.  Despite the mountains of proof put forward by whistle blowers and and independent researchers, weather modification is just too crazy for some people to believe.

The government has been involved with may of these projects on the record, but they will rarely admit this and refuse to entertain any questions on the subject.  The media have also been complicit in keeping most people in disbelief of weather modification and Geo-engineering.   Continue reading “US Gov. Opens Official, On the Record Study Into Weather Modification and Geo-Engineering”

Before It’s News – Susan Duclos

The Sakurajima Volcano, one of Japan’s most active volcanoes, erupted on Sunday sending plumes of ash thousands of feet into the air, in what is being called it’s largest eruption in decades. Reports state that the smoke plume eventually reached a height of 5,000 meters (approximately 16,000 feet), according to the Kagoshima Local Meteorological Observatory.   Continue reading “Massive Volcano Erupts In Japan- Sakurajima Volcano Eruption Largest In Decades”

Photo from Twitter/@matiasasunRT News

Thousands of Chileans have rallied against a bill dubbed the “Monsanto law” that would let multinationals patent GMO seeds. Activists say it will not only compromise food sovereignty in Chile, but will also harm consumer health.

Mass protests were held in at least nine cities across the Latin American country to protest the bill that would allow for the development of genetically modified seeds. Activists carried banners emblazoned with slogans such as “Monsanto kills” and “Monsanto will patent your life.”    Continue reading “Chile fights GMO in national protest against ‘Monsanto law’”

Lone Star Watchdog

We can read in throughout history about Military Coups. The most recent one in Egypt does strike fear in the establishment because the Army threw out the Muslim Brotherhood. Now the people in Egypt might be in the position of out of the frying pan into the fire because what would the long term effects be and will there be a republican form of government? What was behind the Egyptian Military’s motive behind throwing Morsi from power? There might have been genuine concern for the well being and long term stability of the nation. Something the Muslim Brotherhood did not offer.I just hope there is long term benefit where the people have a life of stability in Egypt.   Continue reading “A Fascist Coup de ‘at, A Staged Coup? A Collapsing US Government? Or Patriot Military Coup in America?”

Mailman School Main Feature GraphicColumbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health

Americans buy more soft drinks per capita than people in any other country. These drinks are consumed by individuals of all ages, including very young children. Although soft drink consumption is associated with aggression, depression, and suicidal thoughts in adolescents, the relationship had not been evaluated in younger children. A new study by researchers at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, University of Vermont, and Harvard School of Public Health in The Journal of Pediatrics finds that aggression, attention problems, and withdrawal behavior are all associated with soft drink consumption in young children.    Continue reading “Soft Drink Consumption Linked to Behavioral Problems in Young Children”

0811-san-diego-mayor-filner.jpg_full_600Pat Dollard – 

SAN DIEGO — Organizers of the campaign to recall San Diego Mayor Bob Filner announced their schedule of events for Sunday, the first day they can begin gathering signatures.

Volunteers will begin circulating petitions at the finish line of the America’s Finest City Half-Marathon in Balboa Park Sunday morning, recall organizers said. The race is set to begin at the Cabrillo National Monument at 7 a.m. and wind its way through city streets to the finish in the Pan American Plaza.   Continue reading “Recall Effort Launched Against Progressive Sexual Predator Bob Filner”