Freedom Outpost – by John Risselada

Throughout the course of the past year, America has been witness to some of the most abusive scandals in our nation’s history. From the terrorist attacks at Benghazi, to the IRS scandal and the NSA spying program, these scandals only scratch the surface of the criminal behavior we have been witnessing; not just from the Obama administration but from many administrations preceding it, as well. Our so called representatives, many of whom were elected to stop the corruption and restore something resembling constitutional order to our House and Senate, have all but turned their backs on the people who have entrusted them with the duty of representation. Continue reading “With Illegitimate Power Comes Illegitimate Laws”

How to kill Predator DronesUS Crow

This article will explain some rudimentary techniques for disabling or killing a Predator Drone UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). This information is the product of several months of source research and evaluation. Before you attempt to get on your soap-box, please understand in the event of a civil war, predator drones will be the government’s primary weapon against Americans.   Continue reading “How to kill Predator Drones UAVs”

Boing Boing – by Cory Doctorow

Back in 2012, the major US banks settled a federal mortgage-fraud lawsuit for $95,000,000. The suit was filed by Lynn Szymoniak, a white-collar fraud specialist, whose own house had been fraudulently foreclosed-upon. When the feds settled with the banks, the evidence detailing the scope of their fraud was sealed, but as of last week, those docs are unsealed, and Szymoniak is shouting them from the hills. The banks precipitated the subprime crash by “securitizing” mortgages — turning mortgages into bonds that could be sold to people looking for investment income — and the securitization process involved transferring title for homes several times over. This title-transfer has a formal legal procedure, and in the absence of that procedure, no sale had taken place. See where this is going?   Continue reading “Unsealed court-settlement documents reveal banks stole $trillions’ worth of houses”

Max Velocity Tactical

I’ll try and keep this post short. That usually turns out to be harder than you think, as I start getting into the topic. I saw an interesting post on the American Mercenary blog: ‘Moving Groups’. I am moved to comment.

So yes, a lot of this depends on the exact scenario you find yourself in. We are not soldiers on a  foreign battlefield. It really just depends on how the situation pans out when you end up fighting those ‘enemies foreign and domestic’. A few good points have been made out there in the blogosphere lately. Mosby with his ‘Underground Tradecraft’ post (part 1), and other comments about the likelihood of taking off into the woods in camo and a boonie hat (I’m game….).   Continue reading “Comment on Covert Movement”

I highly recommend this book for both its entertainment value and its educational content.

If you have the time, Enjoy a good book!


It’s 2056 and America is on the ropes. The former middle class are now living in tent cities and under bridges. The economy is in ruins and the banksters are demanding payment. The nation has become a near police state and everything is to be feared. Vice President Aaron Banner knows that huge conspiracies are in place and events leading to the public awareness that America has been taken over by the NWO are well under way. Aaron Banner is an oddity inside the Beltway, the fiftieth vice president is a staunch Constitutionalist. While speaking at a commencement ceremony VP Banner is shot multiple times and slips into a coma.   Continue reading “Preserve Protect & Defend”

Lew Rockwell – by Michael S. Rozeff

Can a man speak freely in America without any fear of punishment or can he not? He cannot. Has the U.S. government concocted free speech “crimes” in order to suppress free speech? It has. Is the U.S. government investigating free speech activities with the notion that they may be terroristic? It is.

Being pro-liberty, I am pro-free speech. I think that liberty and being able to speak freely are part of what being a human being means. In addition, I think that free speech enhances human life. Favoring the human being, human life and its development, I favor free speech. This does not mean that I like or approve of everything that anyone says. I don’t, most assuredly. It doesn’t mean that groups of people may not voluntarily suppress free speech among themselves. Favoring free speech implies that I do not believe in forcibly curtailing speech.   Continue reading “Which Shall It Be, Freedom of Speech or Not?”

braintvTruth Stream Media – by Melissa Melton

Are large segments of the American public literally walking around in a hypnotic trance?

Michael Snyder, of The American Dream, wrote this almost two years ago:

“Our society is rapidly coming apart at the seams and people are seriously starting to lose it… Way too many Americans seem to be losing all sense of what is right and what is wrong. Continue reading “TV: Your Mind. Controlled.”

pantry getting startedThe Organic Prepper

You’ve been plotting the creation your stockpile.  You’ve made a meal plan, taking into account foods that can pull double duty as “right-now” meals and as “storage food”.  You know why you need to build a pantry, you know how to build it, and since the timing is getting more imperative by the day, now you just need to start doing it.

We are finally in our home sweet home after a long journey:  a 3600 mile drive, 5 weeks with dear friends, and finally, here we are!  I’m also getting started on rebuilding my own stockpile.   Continue reading “The Pantry Primer: Getting Started”

NYPD stop-and-frisksThe Guardian – by Matt Williams and Ryan Devereaux

New York judge ruled Monday that “stop-and-frisk” searches carried out by city police are unconstitutional – and ordered that a federal monitor be brought in to oversee their reform.

In a major victory for civil rights activists who have long contended that stop-and-frisk amounts to racial profiling, US district court judge Shira Scheindlin said the stops violated individuals’ right to privacy and equal treatment under the law.   Continue reading “New York’s stop-and-frisk policy is unconstitutional, judge rules”

Reuters/Gaston De CardenasRT News

A man and a child were found dead at the YWCA in Manchester, New Hampshire, police said according to local news outlet It comes after fire officials responded to an alleged shooting on Concord Street.

Security and emergency services responded around 10:30am local time to a report of shots fired inside the YWCA (Young Women’s Christian Association), located at 72 Concord Street.   Continue reading “2 dead including child in New Hampshire YWCA shooting”

Telegraph – by Nick Allen

When President Barack Obama goes on holiday to the seaside things can get complicated.

Rooms have to be found for dozens of Secret Service agents, someone has to carry a selection of presidential basketballs, and of course the family dog needs his own state-of-the-art aircraft.   Continue reading “First dog Bo is airlifted to Obama holiday home”

The Captain’s Journal – by Herschel Smith

CBS 60 Minutes recently did an absolutely fawning review of a police department in Springfield, Massachusetts, who claims to have implemented counterinsurgency tactics (hereafter COIN – Lesley Stahl incorrectly calls it a strategy, when it is more correctly a set of tactics, techniques and procedures).  You can watch the segment on your own time, but it’s worth pointing out that 60 Minutes didn’t do anything earth-shattering in this segment.  This is a fairly well known and well rehearsed report from 2012, and it is here that we will turn our attention.   Continue reading “Counterinsurgency Cops”

Screenshot from News

Kim Dotcom’s is working on a highly-secure email service to run on a non-US-based server. It comes as the US squeezes email providers that offer encryption and Mega’s CEO calls Lavabit’s shutdown an “honorable act of Privacy Seppuku.”

Mega’s Chief Executive Vikram Kumar, who is heading the development of the company’s own end-to-end encryption technology to protect the privacy of the future email’s users, has reacted to the Lavabit founder’s decision to suspend his service’s operations – an act, which was shortly followed by voluntary closing down of another secure email service, Silent Circle.    Continue reading “Mega to run ‘cutting-edge’ encrypted email after Lavabit’s ‘privacy seppuku’”

Canada Free Press – by Kelly OConnell

Does it seem plausible that the true spark of the American Revolution was the religion of peace—Christianity? In fact, how could it be any other way in a country expressly founded to establish Christian religious liberty?   Continue reading “The American Right to Revolt Against Tyranny: Part B—Colonial Pulpits”

Classroom 1900sIntellectual Froglegs – by JoeDanMedia

So, do you believe American children are smarter than their counterparts in 1912?  And forget about computers—most of these kids didn’t even have electricity.

The following Eighth Grade Exam is from the Bullitt County (KY) Schools in 1912.  Note that there are several typesetting mistakes on the test including a mistake in the spelling list. The word “eneeavor” should be “endeavor.”   Continue reading “Check out this ’100 year old’ test for Kentucky 8th grade students”

Glock - Photo by SoCalBrandonEnd of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

The American people deserve to know the truth about gun control.  Passing strict gun control laws will not make us all safer.  In fact, as you will read about below, even a study conducted at Harvard found that the more guns a nation has the less crime it tends to have.  In other words, there is a very strong positive correlation between more guns and less crime.  This is the exact opposite of what the mainstream media would have us believe, but it makes sense.    Continue reading “18 Little-Known Gun Facts That Prove That Guns Make Us Safer”

Herald Net – Anchorage Daily News

ANCHORAGE, Alaska — Alaska fishermen and fish consumers shouldn’t be concerned about the new disclosures of radioactive water leaking into the Pacific Ocean near the site of the hobbled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant in Japan, according to an ocean chemist and a spokeswoman for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The amount of radioactive material flowing into the ocean is relatively minimal, compared to the size of the spills that occurred in the wake of the meltdowns that occurred at the site in 2011 following an earthquake and tsunami, said Ken Buesseler, a senior scientist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts.   Continue reading “Scientist, FDA: Don’t worry about radioactive fish”

Information Liberation – by Chris

According to a press release from a small sustainable organic co-op called ‘The Garden of Eden’ out of Arlington, Texas, they were surveilled by unmanned police drones and police helicopters in the days prior to being raided by a SWAT team for supposedly growing marijuana. A group of over a dozen police and a heavily armed SWAT team held those present on site at gunpoint and handcuffed them while they searched their property. No marijuana was found, but the cops forced them to bring their property “up to code,” by among other things, forcing them to “mow their grass” and uproot their blackberries while they stood watch.   Continue reading “SWAT Team Raid Sustainable Organic Co-Op For Drugs, Find None, Force Them To Mow Their Lawn”

Two three-story buildings are affected by the 15-foot deep crater.CNN – by AnneClaire Stapleton

A 60-foot-wide sinkhole formed under a resort in central Florida early Monday morning, causing one building to collapse and another to slowly sink.

Guests at the Summer Bay Resort, about 10 minutes from Walt Disney World, called for help, saying they heard loud noises and windows cracking. The estimated 35 people inside the buildings were evacuated.   Continue reading “Florida sinkhole swallows parts of resort near Disney World”