greta van susterenBizPac Review – by Tom Tillison

When the actions of the federal government succeed in riling up the normally stoic Fox News host Greta Van Susteren, you can be sure that something sinister is afoot.

And she is so ticked by the current reign of lawlessness she could just vomit!   Continue reading “Greta: What Congress just did ‘will make you want to throw up’”

AlterNet – by Nicole Flatow, Think Progress

As law enforcement officers continue to ramp up use of a controversial practice known as civil forfeiture, police are seizing cash, cars, houses, and other assets in the name of drug enforcement without ever having arrested or charged their owners with a crime. Funds collected from these seizures frequently go directly back into law enforcement, creating a dangerous profit incentive for police and other law enforcers.   Continue reading “Shocking Stories of Police Taking Cash, Cars, Even Infants from People Never Accused of a Crime”


A 95-year-old man who served his country during World War II is now dead after police stormed his retirement home with riot shields, Tasered him and shot him with bean bag rounds – all because he adamantly refused to undergo high-risk surgery.

U.S. Army Air Corps veteran John Wrana, who was honorably discharged as a sergeant after he served in the India-Burma campaign, used a walker because family members said he was “wobbly” on his feet, according to the Chicago Tribune. The elderly veteran was shot down by enemy fire during the war.   Continue reading “Why did cops kill this 95-year-old in walker?”

New York Times – by Ron Nixon

WASHINGTON — As hundreds of commuters emerged from Amtrak and commuter trains at Union Station on a recent morning, an armed squad of men and women dressed in bulletproof vests made their way through the crowds.

The squad was not with the Washington police department or Amtrak’s police force, but was one of the Transportation Security Administration’s Visible Intermodal Prevention and Response squads — VIPR teams for short — assigned to perform random security sweeps to prevent terrorist attacks at transportation hubs across the United States.   Continue reading “T.S.A. Expands Duties Beyond Airport Security”

ovariesNatural News- by Jonathan Benson

A newly-published study has revealed that Merck & Co., the corporate mastermind behind the infamous Gardasil vaccine for human papillomavirus (HPV), conveniently forgot to research the effects of this deadly vaccine on women’s reproductive systems. And at least one young woman, in this case from Australia, bore the brunt of this inexcusable failure after discovering that her own ovaries had been completely destroyed as a result of getting the vaccine.   Continue reading “Young woman’s ovaries destroyed by Gardasil: Merck ‘forgot to research’ effects of vaccine on female reproduction”

A U.S. Air Force MQ-1 Predator UAV assigned to the California Air National Guard's 163rd Reconnaissance Wing flies near the Southern California Logistics Airport in Victorville, California, on January 7, 2012.CNN –  by Elise Labott and Mohammed Tawfeeq

A pair of suspected U.S. drone strikes killed four al Qaeda militants in Yemen as the United States maintained a heightened security alert in the country and urged all Americans to leave immediately.

Security sources told CNN about the strikes but didn’t offer additional details. A Yemeni official said four drone strikes have been carried out in the past 10 days.   Continue reading “Drone strikes kill militants in Yemen; Americans urged to leave”

A man stands in a sea of rubble in Hiroshima on September 8, 1945 Press TV – by Finnian Cunningham

Sixty-eight years ago this week, the United States wiped out more than 200,000 people when it dropped two atomic bombs on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Tens of thousands more victims were to die over the ensuing years due to slow, painful deaths from cancers and birth defects.    Continue reading “US; the real global terror alert”


According to local reports, the New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene headquarters, which cost taxpayers $316 million, is overrun by bed bugs. The building is 21 floors, and five of those are home to a bed bug infestation. That’s no shock, since the city itself has been ranked the worst in the nation when it comes to bed bugs.   Continue reading “NYC Department of Health Building Infested with Bed Bugs”

Sandra Day O'Connor Federal Courthouse in Phoenix, Arizona (Image credit: Florian/Flicker)End the Lie – by Madison Ruppert

A police helicopter and two patrol cars were dispatched in response to Jordan McManus of Phoenix, Arizona photographing a federal courthouse while open carrying a .45 caliber pistol, as seen in a video uploaded on August 6, 2013.

It’s quite surprising that, as McManus wrote, “Nothing dramatic ever really happened,” especially given the some officers’ response to being filmed, as I thoroughly outlined in a recent article.   Continue reading “Helicopter, cruisers dispatched in response to man open carrying, taking pictures of federal courthouse”

beefNatural News – by Mike Adams

The era of robotic, factory-produced test tube hamburger meat is nearly here. Yesterday, the first stem-cell-grown hamburger “meat patty” was grilled up and consumed by taste testers who declared it edible. The burger cost $332,000 to “grow” in test tubes, a project spearheaded by vascular biologist Mark Post of Maastricht University, reports The Guardian.   Continue reading “Skynet factories to churn out test tube beef as ‘Bloomburgernator’ robots force humans to eat artificial protein patties”

The Organic Prepper

It’s really easy to get sucked into purchasing food for the here and now, and to forget about creating a stockpile.  We live in a “just in time” society, where people in metropolitan locations often grocery shop that very day for the evening meal.  Many people are completely reliant on the delivery of foods to the grocery stores, and their subsequent ability to purchase that food and bring it home.   Continue reading “The Pantry Primer: Meal Planning While You’re Building Your Stockpile”

ben bernankeFreeman’s Perspective – by Paul Rosenburg

Every now and then I like to look at government numbers and see what they really mean. I ran into this batch several months ago but hadn’t had time to play with them till now. What I found shocked me so badly that I ran them three times on a calculator and once using exponents. As you’ll see below, these are “Oh my God” numbers.

Here are facts:   Continue reading “Why are your Children Buying Houses for Ben Bernanke?”

Citizens for Legitimate Government

US urges citizens to leave Yemen ‘immediately’ 06 Aug 2013

The US State Department on Tuesday ordered all non-essential staff out of Yemen and told US citizens to leave the country “immediately” over terrorism concerns. The latest warning comes after the closure of some two dozen US missions across the Middle East and Africa and reports of intercepted messages from Al-Qaeda’s top leader ordering its Yemen franchise to carry out an attack.   Continue reading “US urges citizens to leave Yemen ‘immediately’”

Image: Peter King: Terror Intelligence Suggested 'Enormous' Attack, Possibly in United StatesNews Max

The terrorist threat that prompted the closure of 22 U.S. embassies and consulates in predominantly Muslim countries is “very credible” and “specific as to how enormous it was going to be,” lawmakers from both parties said.

“High-level people from al-Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula are talking about a major attack,” U.S. Representative C.A. “Dutch” Ruppersberger of Maryland, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence committee, said on ABC’s “This Week” program. “The good news is that we’ve picked up intelligence.”   Continue reading “Peter King: Terror Intelligence Suggested ‘Enormous’ Attack, Possibly in United States”

Corrupt4closure Fraud

Under civil forfeiture, Americans who haven’t been charged with wrongdoing can be stripped of their cash, cars, and even homes. Is that all we’re losing?

On a bright Thursday afternoon in 2007, Jennifer Boatright, a waitress at a Houston bar-and-grill, drove with her two young sons and her boyfriend, Ron Henderson, on U.S. 59 toward Linden, Henderson’s home town, near the Texas-Louisiana border. They made the trip every April, at the first signs of spring, towalk the local wildflower trails and spend time with Henderson’s father. This year, they’d decided to buy a used car in Linden, which had plenty for sale, and so they bundled their cash savings in their car’s center console. Just after dusk, they passed a sign that read “Welcome to Tenaha: A little town with BIG Potential!”   Continue reading “Taken: Under Civil Forfeiture, Americans Can be Stripped of their Cash, Cars, and Even Homes”