9 News Colorado – by Will Ripley

CASTLE ROCK – Retired Marine Art Dorsch says his Second Amendment rights are in danger.

His apartment complex, the Oakwood Apartments in Castle Rock, sent out a notice telling all residents to get rid of their guns.

The 77-year-old retired US Marine Corps veteran sent a news tip to 9Wants to Know saying he’s afraid he’ll be homeless if he doesn’t comply.   Continue reading “Castle Rock apartment tenants told they must get rid of their guns”

Truth Dig -by Robert Scheer

August 6 marks 68 years since the United States committed what is arguably the single gravest act of terrorism that the world has ever known. Terrorism means the deliberate targeting of innocent civilians, and targeted they were, with the cutely named “Little Boy” atomic bomb dropped on Hiroshima at a location and time of day when, as the Strategic Bombing Survey commissioned by President Harry Truman conceded, “nearly all the school children … were at work in the open,” a perfect opportunity for mass incineration.   Continue reading “A Statement of Peace, or an Epitaph”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Constitution Free Zones are what The Department of Homeland Security has established. The federal agency isn’t really securing the borders, but they are extinguishing the Fourth Amendment rights of nearly 197 million American citizens within 100 miles of the border….and the ocean.   Continue reading “DHS Extinguishes 197 Million People’s 4th Amendment Rights In Constitution Free Zones”

Jim Willie: Out of Control Chaos Coming to the United StatesUSA Watchdog – by Greg Hunter

Dr. Jim Willie, Publisher of “The Hat Trick Letter,” says, “We’re leading up to a big event.  We are having breakdowns in numerous structural elements of the financial system.  We’re seeing a chain reaction of breakdown events in progress.”  

Fed Chief Ben Bernanke talked about tapering the money printing to buy bonds two months ago.    Continue reading “Chain Reaction of Breakdowns in Progress-Dr. Jim Willie”

The Last Resistance – by Frank Camp

As society progresses, we lose small pieces of what made us human. We replace these little pieces with dangerous facsimiles of what originally filled us. Above all else, we lose our sense of moral integrity. What comes with a loss of moral integrity is an animus toward others who still hold values which many have left behind. We reach a certain point—which I fear we are quickly approaching—when that animus evolves into hostility, and that hostility into tyranny. Once we have reached tyranny, we cannot go back; we are trapped behind a glass wall, only able to see in our minds what once was possible, and who we once were. We are no longer humans, but animals, fighting for territory and scraps of food.   Continue reading “Military Chaplain’s Assistant Threatened By Superior Over Her Expression Of Christian Beliefs”

An Army of Van Jones Clones: Tax $ Creating Legions of Green Youth ActivistsThe New American – by William F. Jasper

Van Jones is alive and well, and being cloned in hundreds of federally funded programs around the nation. Jones, the Maoist who was forced to resign as President Obama’s “green jobs czar” when his radical communist activities and statements became an issue, has continued his Green/Red activism through his Rebuild The Dream (RTD) organization. RTD, which promotes Jones’ favorite propaganda themes of “environmental justice” and “climate justice,” is generously funded by the usual suspects: tax-exempt foundations, such as the Tides Foundation, the Ben & Jerry’s Foundation, the Ford Foundation, the Surdna Foundation, the Rockefeller Brothers Fund, and George Soros’ Open Society Institute and his Foundation to Promote Open Society.   Continue reading “An Army of Van Jones Clones: Tax $ Creating Legions of Green Youth Activists”

New U.S. Ambassador to UN: U.S. Should Give Up a "Pinch of Sovereignty"The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

The United States Senate has voted to confirm Samantha Power (shown) as the permanent representative of the United States to the United Nations.

On August 1, 87 senators agreed that Power should be the U.S. ambassador to the UN. Only 10 senators opposed her confirmation.   Continue reading “New U.S. Ambassador to UN: U.S. Should Give Up a “Pinch of Sovereignty””

AFP Photo / Mandel NganRT News

The US Department of Justice is investigating the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) for using invasive surveillance techniques, including wiretapping and logging telephone records into a database, to track Americans connected to illegal drug activity.

It comes after Reuters published a Monday report revealing that a shadowy DEA unit known as the Special Operative Division (SOD) – made up of officials from the FBI, CIA, NSA, IRS, and Department of Homeland Security – funnels information gathered by the DEA to those and other police agencies. Information from DEA wiretaps, informants, and the database of telephone records is passed on, often to investigations bearing no relevance to national security.    Continue reading “US drug agency unit to be investigated for wiretapping, lying about evidence sources”

Judicial Watch

After mocking U.S. law, a group of illegal immigrants who self-deported in a publicity stunt will get a crack at asylum because the Obama administration has determined they have a “credible fear of persecution or torture” in their native Mexico.

It would be laughable if it wasn’t so enraging. This new fear of persecution and torture was notably absent a few weeks ago when the group of illegal immigrants, known as the “Dream 9,” voluntarily flew across the border into Mexico to protest the deportations of thousands of their comrades. A group known as National Immigrant Youth Alliance organized and promoted the event and the mainstream media quickly labeled it a “brazen protest.”   Continue reading “U.S. May Give Self-Deported “Dreamers” Asylum”

World Events and the Bible

(Weekly Standard) – President Obama tells comedian Jay Leno that “We don’t have a domestic spying program.” He made the comment during a taping of Leno’s TV show.

Obama also says the U.S. is not overreacting by closing some U.S. embassies for a week. The president tells Leno, “The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately.”   Continue reading “Obama: ‘We Don’t Have a Domestic Spying Program’”

(afagen)Consumerist – by Chris Morran

Even though Bank of America execs appear to have avoided criminal prosecution for their part in the recent economic collapse, BofA continues to be slapped upside its head with civil suits for its bad behavior. The latest comes from the U.S. Dept. of Justice, which sued BofA and a number of its affiliates, alleging the defendants misled investors by telling them that mortgage-backed securities were A-OK, when in fact they were more toxic than a house full of lead paint and asbestos.   Continue reading “DOJ Sues Bank of America For Lying About Sketchy Mortgage-Backed Securities”

Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die

Since it’s not bad enough that the TSA already has their hands down your pants, inside your shirts and are ogling images of your naked bodies, imagine what they must be thinking now that they’ve ‘discovered’ that Al-Qaeda has developed an ingenious liquid that turns ordinary clothing into bombs.   Continue reading “Forced To Fly In The Nude? Al-Qaeda Develops Ingenious New Liquid That Turns Ordinary Clothing Into Bombs”

super-entityReal Currencies – by Anthony Migchels

In the autumn of  2011 an already legendary study by a number of Swiss scientists revealed that a small number of banks controlled a decisive stake in the globe’s economy. The idea that the banks are a cartel and that this cartel controls the economy is now a scientifically quantified matter of record.     Continue reading “The Few Banks that Own All”

Security Flaw Makes Smart Toilets Vulnerable to HackersVirtual Threat – by Chris Dougherty

When it comes to online privacy we generally think of things like our favorite social networking sites,mobile phones, chat records, email, etc. Now, experts have uncovered a new security flaw that makes toilets vulnerable to hackers.

Trustwave, an information security company, recently published a security advisory reporting a vulnerability in the Satis  ”smart” toilet, manufactured by LIXIL Corporation.  The Satis toilets are controlled with an Android app called “My Satis”, which communicates with the toilets over Bluetooth. The vulnerability lies in the fact that the Bluetooth PIN is hard-coded to “0000.” With that information, a hacker would only need to download the “My Satis” app, then pair his mobile device to the toilet using the default code of “0000″ and he would have full control of the toilet’s functionality.   Continue reading “Security Flaw Makes Smart Toilets Vulnerable to Hackers”

A Lightening War for Liberty – by Mike

Some analysts and Congressional officials suggested Friday that emphasizing a terrorist threat now was a good way to divert attention from the uproar over the N.S.A.’s data-collection programs, and that if it showed the intercepts had uncovered a possible plot, even better.

– NY Times article from August 2, 2013: Qaeda Messages Prompt U.S. Terror Warning   Continue reading “NY Times Admits: Al-Qaeda Terror Threat Used to “Divert Attention” from NSA Uproar”