Before It’s News – by Mort Amsel

American special forces units overseas have been on alert for the past several days for a mission to attack potential al Qaeda targets if those behind the most recent terror threats against U.S. interests can be identified, a senior Obama administration official told CNN.

The official declined to identify the units or their locations because of the sensitive nature of the information.   Continue reading “US Special Forces Put On High Alert”

Beyond the Mainstream – by orwellwasright

It is perceived wisdom throughout the Western world – particularly America – that the dropping of two nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was “necessary” to end the war with Japan. Printed throughout textbooks in the post-war world, the understanding is that, had these targets not been struck, the war would have waged on indefinitely, with potentially untold American soldier and Japanese civilian deaths.

As the world commemorates the 68th anniversary of the attacks, however, it is important to take a step back and view the catastrophic event not through the prism of propaganda and mythologizing, but instead through the lens of historical scrutiny. For, as if often the case, the disparity between “Official History” and reality is characterized by lies and deceptions bolstered by patriotism and American exceptionalism.   Continue reading “Hiroshima, Nagasaki and the Big Historical Lie”

Reuters / Kim Hong-JiRT News

The United States has accumulated over $70 trillion in unreported debt, an amount nearly six times the declared figure, according to a new study by University of California-San Diego economics Professor James Hamilton.

The unique aspect of Hamilton’s study  is that he examines federal debt that has not been publicly released, specifically the government’s support for “housing, other loan guarantees, deposit insurance, actions taken by the Federal Reserve, and government trust funds.”    Continue reading “US debt six times greater than declared – study”

Spiegel Online

With the NSA spying scandal continuing to make headlines in Europe, the German Justice Minister, Sabine Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger, has raised the possibility of new, tangible measures to punish corporations that participate in American spying activities. In an interview with Die Welt, the liberal Leutheusser-Schnarrenberger called for the creation of EU-wide rules to regulate the protection of information, and said that, once those rules are in place, “United States companies that don’t abide by these standards should be denied doing business in the European market.”   Continue reading “NSA Blowback: German Minister Floats US Company Ban”

Aerial photo taken on 9 July 2013 of the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear power plant in Okuyama, Fukushima prefecture, northern Japan BBC News

Japan’s nuclear watchdog has said the crippled Fukushima nuclear plant is facing a new “emergency” caused by a build-up of radioactive groundwater.

A barrier built to contain the water has already been breached, the Nuclear Regulatory Authority warned.   Continue reading “Fukushima radioactive water leak an ’emergency’”

Stephen Lendman

AIPAC’s a blight on humanity. It’s an unregistered foreign agent. It operates illegally. It does so destructively. It promotes war. It deplores peace. It represents the worst of Israeli interests.

It controls US administrations and Congress. Edward Said called it “the most powerful and feared lobby in Washington.”   Continue reading “AIPAC Promotes War on Iran” – by The Associated Press

UTICA, IND. — Southern Indiana authorities have detonated a “suspicious device” found on an Ohio river barge that tuned out to harmless.

Utica Town Marshal Charles Reven tells the (Louisville, Ky.) Courier-Journal ( ) that members of an Indiana State Police Explosive Ordnance Disposal team blew it up Monday evening and found it wasn’t a pipe bomb as initially suspected.   Continue reading “Suspicious device found on Ohio R. barge blown up”

Before It’s News – by Alton Parish

Army researchers are responding to a request from the U.S. Special Operations Command for technologies to help develop a revolutionary Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit. The Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, or TALOS, is an advanced infantry uniform that promises to provide superhuman strength with greater ballistic protection. Using wide-area networking and on-board computers, operators will have more situational awareness of the action around them and of their own bodies.   Continue reading “TALOS: Military Developing Real Iron Man Suits”

Wake Up America -by Susan Duclos

Three or four dead (conflicting reports)  and two critically injured after a gunman opened fire at a town hall meeting in northeastern Pennsylvania. Reports say the gunman shot through the wall then went inside and opened fire.

[Update] A fourth person, a woman, was flown to Lehigh Valley Hospital near Allentown. Police initially said she had died, but then said later that she was still in surgery. [End Update]    Continue reading “Gunman Opens Fire at Town Hall Meeting In Pennsylvania”

Before It’s News

Conspiracy theorists expose what the government or corporations want you to believe is ‘”just the way it is,” like paying the banks a ‘deposit charge’ to lend them your money, which is actually legal theft.

Before it became necessary to do this, for instance the legitimate government would ask, ‘Will anyone who witnessed this crime please step forward and help us in our investigations?”   Continue reading “Snowden’s Own Words: “Nothing Will Change in America””

AFP Photo / Scott Olson RT News

Gun control advocates may now face tougher opposition online than at the free-market gun shows they have struggled against for years after researchers found thousands of firearms of all sorts advertised for sale on Internet classified pages.

A new study conducted in 10 states over the past two months has found that, at any given time, 15,000 guns were for sale online without requiring a background check. Approximately one-third of the weapons were semi-automatic, according to researchers at Third Way, which bills itself as the “vital center” of politics but reportedly has close ties to the Obama administration.    Continue reading “Propaganda Alert: Online guns sales pose larger threat than gun shows – study”

PeriodicTableArmstrong Economics – by Martin Armstrong

Scientists at CERN in Geneva have announced the discovery of the heaviest element yet known to science. The new element Governmentium (Gv). It has one neutron, 25 assistant neutrons, 88 deputy neutrons and 198 assistant deputy neutrons giving it an atomic mass of 312. These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons which are surrounded by vast quantities of right-on-like particles called peons.   Continue reading “The Discovery of a New Element”

Eric HolderBen Swann – by Kristin Tate

Attorney General Eric Holder has asked a federal judge to give his Department of Justice (DOJ) supervision of the Apple App Store and iTunes.

The DOJ’s demand is a disgusting attempted government power-grab into private business.

Holder’s request follows a decision by Denise Cote, a New York Federal District Judge. Cote ruled that Apple violates the US Anti-Trust Laws, which are designed to prevent monopolies and fixed prices.   Continue reading “Eric Holder Demands Government Supervision Of Apple’s iTunes & App Stores”

Before It’s News

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel is reported by CNN to be considering a special deployment of US forces in the Middle East ready for action if a terrorist attack makes it necessary. US warships have been ordered to sail into waters opposite Yemen, which is reported to be the source of the terrorist threat which has closed 19 US embassies and consulates in the Muslim world since Sunday. Marine units in southern Italy and Spain were also told to stand ready for intervention.  Source   Continue reading “US Warships Sent To Waters Off Yemen, US Marines Put On Standby”

IntelliHub – by RT

Ticking away the moments that make up a dull day? The government is likely logging even the most mundane day-to-day computer habits of millions of Americans, but there’s a way to stand up against surveillance while also rocking out.

According to leaked NSA documents published by The Guardian last week, the United States National Security Agency is conducting dragnet surveillance of the communications of Americans, regularly receiving phone records for millions of Verizon customers while also being capable of accessing the conversations that occur over Facebook, Google and several other major Internet names through a program called PRISM. Now a 28-year-old artist and developer from Brooklyn, New York has found a fun way of warning computer users about potential government surveillance, and he’s incorporated one of the best-selling rock albums ever in the process. Continue reading “Firefox Plug-In Warns Users of NSA Surveillance”

Tea Party Tribune – by –


That Russia under the dictatorship Of the underdog is not exactly a land of liberty is one of the first discoveries of the foreigner visiting Moscow.

The Bolsheviks like to call Russia the “free communistic republic.” As a mater of fact, there are no laws, as they are known in other lands. But in their place there are several million manifestos, or proclamations, that have been issued by various Soviets.   Continue reading ““You cannot be at large without a permit to live….””