
Just because a person can see the outside of your home on a public street doesn’t mean you’ve surrendered all your privacy expectations in the home. However, that seemingly obvious concept is being put to the test in a federal criminal case in Washington state, which involves the constitutionality of using a camera mounted on a pole outside a house to allow the police to watch the home for almost a month. Senior District Court Judge Edward Shea invited EFF to submit an amicus brief in the case and Monday we filed our brief, arguing prolonged warrantless video surveillance violates the Fourth Amendment.    Continue reading “Video surveillance of a home for a month without a warrant violates 4th. Amendment”


Federal prosecutors routinely threaten extraordinarily severe prison sentences to coerce drug defendants into waiving their right to trial and pleading guilty, Human Rights Watch said in a report.

In the rare cases in which defendants insist on going to trial, prosecutors make good on their threats. Federal drug offenders convicted after trial receive sentences on average three times as long as those who accept a plea bargain, according to new statistics developed by Human Rights Watch.   Continue reading “Human Rights Watch report: Drug defendants are being ‘forced’ to plead guilty”

oppose120313USA Today – by Erich Pratt

If you like your Second Amendment, you can keep it.

That seems to be the promise being put forward by many politicians on Capitol Hill, even while they are rushing headlong to renew a gun ban that is set to expire next week.

The gun ban supposedly outlaws “plastic guns,” but it’s so poorly drafted, it’s potentially much broader.   Continue reading “A Truly Plastic Gun Ban”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: Imagine if the United States planned to “resettle” a ethnic base of people, the outrage there would be. Israel is planning to forcibly remove these Bedouin people from their homes and confiscate their land. Does this sound like the acts of God’s chosen people? Of course not because they are not God’s chosen people. God’s people go by His name, Christ and believe upon Him. Have you read what God’s Word has to say about those who claim to be of Judah but do lie?   Continue reading “‘Day of rage’: Police, protesters clash in Israel at plans to evict 40,000 Bedouins”

Before It’s News

Today, in the U.S., there are privately owned for-profit prisons that contractually require states to maintain a certain number of prisoners. If prison populations fall below the agreed upon quota, there are fines the states have to pay to these prison corporations.

You can even invest in for-profit prison corporations, or the partnership corrections industry, as they prefer to be called.   Continue reading “World’s Incarceration Capital: There is Something Terribly Wrong With America!”

Before It’s News

Quantum entanglement, the phenomenon of quantum mechanics that Albert Einstein once referred to as “spooky action at a distance,” could be even spookier – hypothetically. Quantum entanglement occurs when a pair or a group of particles interact in ways that dictate that each particle’s behavior is relative to the behavior of the others. In a pair of entangled particles, if one particle is observed to have a specific spin, for example, the other particle observed at the same time will have the opposite spin.   Continue reading “Quantum Entanglement May Link Wormholes In Universe, Physicists Say..”

Video Rebel’s Blog

The following article by Arnold Leese is reprinted from Gothic Ripples, No. 49, dated 28th February, 1949. It shows that the seeds of Bolshevism were planted in China by Jews, who also tended and trained the growth that resulted. The corruption of the regime of Chiang Kai‑Shek caused many of the masses in China to turn to Communism for relief, since Chinese Communism is mixed with Nationalism and discourages the old Chinese curse of official corruption; but Communism in China has the same de­humanising effect on the people as it has elsewhere.   Continue reading “Arnold Leese: THE JEWISH ROTTING OF CHINA.”

Marijuana: Toke Up on Mold, Insects and Manure (ABC News)This is the setup for scaring the public on MJ.


Some may tout marijuana as a safe, recreational drug with valuable medicinal properties, but toke up your joint and it likely contains mold, pesticides, even dead insects, according to researchers at the University of New Haven in Connecticut.   Continue reading “Marijuana: Toke Up on Mold, Insects and Manure”

Lynda Farley and her "Liberty Van", which is emblazoned with Farley's various political views, parked in front of the Kentucky state capitol building, March 8, 2012.' (Photo by flickr user Kentucky Photo File, News – by Mike Krumboltz

A 56-year-old grandmother drove from Kentucky to New Jersey several times in order to fight a $56 traffic ticket over her so-called “Liberty Van.”

Good news for the woman: She won.

Lynda Farley, whose van is emblazoned with flags, flowers, bumper stickers and political signs that say things like “Outdoor smoke bans are idiotic” and “Vote Marxists Out,” was cited in New Jersey in September 2012 for driving a vehicle with an obstructed view. Specifically, the trooper told her the string of flowers bordering the front windshield of her 2004 Nissan Quest minivan obstructed her view of the road, according to the Express-Times.   Continue reading “Woman drives ‘Liberty Van’ 5,000 miles to fight ticket, wins”

Officials said the train was carrying a noxious, flammable material.New York Daily News – by Joe Kemp

A train carrying hazardous materials derailed near New Jersey highway early Thursday, officials said.

The train was backing into a facility near Exit 12 of the New Jersey Turnpike in Carteret — across the border from Staten Island — when one car of the train flipped on its side about 1 a.m., authorities said.   Continue reading “Freight train derails, triggers hazmat spill next to New Jersey Turnpike”

Help Indiana Vets – by Dean Graham

We have personally investigated Wounded Warriors and what we have learned is very disturbing.

They advertise heavily on T.V. and if you pay close attention they do not show one actual thing they have done to help a Wounded Warrior.

They show pictures and stories of Wounded Warriors and use them as a heart tugging way to solicit donations.   Continue reading “Wounded Warrior Project is a Fraud”

Michelle Aldrich says her life was saved by cannabis oil, which she credits for her swift recovery from lung cancer. “I always knew it was medicine,” the lifelong marijuana advocate says, “and now I’ve proved it. I’m living proof.”SF Weekly – by Chris Roberts

First it was a cough. Then it was bronchitis. Then it was time to say goodbye to Michelle Aldrich.

The year 2011 was supposed to be a good one for the 66-year-old. That June, she and her husband, Michael, were feted with a lifetime achievement award by High Times magazine for their four decades of work on marijuana legalization. Yet something was off. She was smoking a lot, maybe more than ever.

And she couldn’t get high.   Continue reading ““Miracle” Cannabis Oil: May Treat Cancer, But Money and the Law Stand in the Way of Finding Out”

dandelionNatural News – by P. Simard

So many people can’t wait to get rid of them once they start growing on their lawn, since dandelions are often seen as unwelcome weeds. Some of you may also recall the Rolling Stones song named “Dandelion” that came out during the summer of 1967. It was possibly the last time that dandelion was truly put into the spotlight, but new hope has now emerged that could very well make it the most wanted weed around.  Continue reading “Dandelion has unsuspected health benefits such as inhibiting cancer cell growth”

COLB1The Hagmann & Hagmann Report 

“The government that has developed since F.D.R. and his New Deal is Government by the bureaucracy and for the bureaucracy. We the little people have become nothing more than serfs to the State.” —Douglas Vogt

Wednesday, 4 December 2013:  Americans have been victimized by one of the worst and most insidious crimes in American history – a forgery that involves Barack Hussein Obama, a/k/a Barry Soetoro. It is a conspiracy of Marxists and Islamists that has put one of their own in as President of the United States to destroy the country from within and convert our Constitutional Republic into a socialist police state.   Continue reading “Exposing the Obama forgery”

FlagStory Leak – by Mikael Thalen

A Northwood, Iowa man charged with violating a city ordinance that bans raising chickens within city limits is set to face trial late next week.

Leo Hendrick, war veteran, father and owner of Spartan Arms, moved his family to Northwood five years ago in hopes to live a more healthy and self-sufficient life. Through hunting, gardening and raising small animals like chickens and rabbits, Hendrick has become almost completely food independent.   Continue reading “City Takes Veteran To Trial For Raising Backyard Chickens”

CenturyLink – by FRAZIER MOORE

NEW YORK (AP) — MSNBC host Martin Bashir resigned from the network Wednesday, nearly three weeks after making graphic remarks on his show about former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

“I deeply regret” the comments, Bashir said in a statement. “It is my sincere hope that all of my colleagues, at this special network, will be allowed to focus on the issues that matter without the distraction of myself or my ill-judged comments.”   Continue reading “Bashir leaves MSNBC over inflammatory remarks”

New Obamacare tax will raise premiums for families and hurt small businessesFree Beacon – by Elizabeth Harrington

The Obama administration quietly finalized the Health Insurance Tax (HIT) over the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, a provision in Obamacare that will cost nearly $60 billion over the next five years and raise health care premiums by 3 percent.

The final rule, published on Nov. 27, imposes a fee beginning in 2014 for health insurers with premium revenues over $25 million per year. The annual tax is levied for “United States health risks,” and is hidden from consumers since it is directly assessed on health insurance companies.   Continue reading “Administration Finalizes Obamacare Tax Over Holiday Weekend”