The New American – by Thomas R. Eddlem

President Obama derided the Second Amendment as obsolete in his second inaugural address, claiming that “when times change, so must we” on issues like citizen gun ownership.

We have always understood that when times change, so must we; that fidelity to our founding principles requires new responses to new challenges; that preserving our individual freedoms ultimately requires collective action. For the American people can no more meet the demands of today’s world by acting alone than American soldiers could have met the forces of fascism or communism with muskets and militias.
Continue reading “Obama’s Inaugural Address: Second Amendment Obsolete”

Chron – by MICHAEL HILL, Associated Press

ILION, N.Y. (AP) — The big brick Remington gun factory pieces together military-style rifles in a state that has just banned their sale after a string of mass shootings led to a national outcry over civilian ownership of them.

Residents of Ilion see the issue far differently: The gun factory is a major local employer and a source of pride for almost two centuries.
Continue reading “NY town defends Remington factory amid new gun ban”


Hollywood films often show alien ships or giant monsters rising from the ocean depths to threaten humanity’s existence. The U.S. military envisions a more realistic scenario of hiding robotic drones, sensors or decoys on the ocean floor so that they can rise to the occasion when needed.
Continue reading “U.S. military wants to hide drones under the sea”

By the end of this day, Barack Hussein Obama AKA Barry Soetoro AKA Barry the Rat the south side of Chicago back alley treasonous insurgent pimp will have placed his hand upon the Bible and sworn to protect and defend the Constitution for the United States, not once, not twice, but three times.  Obama should be in a federal prison, awaiting trial on charges of insurgency and espionage.  The oath of office has become a running joke and the fact that the Bible has not been removed from the ceremony is only due to the communists’ desire to blaspheme it via swearing lies upon it.

This creature who again took the oath today is one of the greatest enemies the people’s Bill of Rights has ever known.  He is a puppet dictator for the new world order, nothing more, nothing less.
Continue reading “Obama Swears to Yet Another Lie Threefold”

Today is Martin Luther King Day, which, if looked upon through earnest eyes, should induce a feeling of pride in that it marks a time when our people came together across the board to enforce constitutionally guaranteed rights for a segment of our society that was being denied these fundamental protections.  Of course like everything else, the occasion will be used in an attempt to divide, as our enemies will not show the progress we have made, but rather an emphasis will be put on any and all differences that remain.

How convenient that Obama’s inauguration will be on Martin Luther King Day, a great way to work amnesty for his southern insurgency into the message, and woe be it to the dissenters who will be marked as racist as par for the course.
Continue reading “Martin Luther King Day – Holiday Hypocrisy”

The DC Caller – by Taylor Bigler

Rapper Lupe Fiasco was thrown offstage and escorted off the premises of a Washington, D.C. concert hall during a pre-inauguration concert Sunday night, after going on an anti-war, anti-Obama rant, according to concertgoers.

Josh Rogin, a reporter with Foreign Policy magazine, tweeted late Sunday, “Lupe Fiasco just got thrown off stage here at the Hamilton Live after he went on an anti-Obama diatribe mid set.”
Continue reading “Rapper Lupe Fiasco thrown offstage during pre-inauguration event after anti-Obama rant”

American Thinker – by Edward Paltzik

The tragedy at Newtown’s Sandy Hook school has ignited a blistering attack on gun rights that could become the most successful campaign against the Second Amendment in the history of the United States.  In just over one month, emboldened opponents of our inalienable right to bear arms have seized commanding emotional, informational, and political advantages amidst the chaos of the national gun debate.  They have spread the contagion of gun control sentiment with alarming quickness and devastating effectiveness.
Continue reading “Shredding the Constitution: The Port Arthur Phenomenon”

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

This morning, as the New York Police Department monitors our article about their Commissioner Raymond Kelly lying about past NY gun confiscations on national radio, a startling new document has been revealed. Continue reading “Official NY Govt ‘SAFE ACT’ Fact Sheet dictates: “surrender it to law enforcement officials” within a year”

AYUTLA, Mexico (AP) — The young man at the roadside checkpoint wept softly behind the red bandanna that masked his face. At his side was a relic revolver, and his feet were shod in the muddy, broken boots of a farmer.

Haltingly, he told how his cousin’s body was found in a mass grave with about 40 other victims of a drug gang. Apparently, the cousin had caught a ride with an off-duty soldier and when gunmen stopped the vehicle, they killed everyone on the car.
Continue reading “In Mexico, self-defense squads battle violence”

AOL – by Matt Brownwell

A Texas gun shop proprietor is calling for a boycott of Groupon (GRPN) after the coupon site canceled his deal for a concealed-handgun training course.

Michael Cargill, the owner of Austin’s Central Texas Gun Works, told us that he kicked off the deal on Tuesday and that it was intended to terminate Saturday night or when 600 people purchased it, whichever came first. He adds that due to runaway demand, his Groupon representative called the next day to increase the purchase limit to 1,500 buyers. But on Friday morning, the rep called again with bad news.
Continue reading “Gun Shop Owner Calls for Groupon Boycott After It Cancels His Deal”

WND- by Aaron Klein

Will the U.S. soon face a critical situation in which the federal government– primarily the Department of Homeland Security – possesses an ammunition surplus while local and state authorities face ammunition shortages and backlogs in purchasing more rounds?

Current trends could find the federal government with a strong ammunition advantage over local police and sheriff departments.
Continue reading “Homeland Security Hoarding Ammo, Depriving Police”

Before It’s News – by Josey Wales

Beginning this year, a conspiracy long at work behind the scenes of our government, will make its first overt move. These conspirators plan to create a dictatorship in the United States, suspend our Constitution and attempt to confiscate all guns and firearms in American homes.

The recent executive actions of Obama are signs of this being implemented.
Continue reading “Attention: The 6 Stages Of The NWO, To Start The Civil War In The United States”

Texas GOP Vote – by David Bellow

Call your Congressmen and Senators immediately and demand that the recent budget cuts do not affect the security of America’s borders. The Federal Government wastes billions of dollars on things they should not even be involved in, but securing our country’s borders is one of the jobs that the federal government is actually supposed to do!

Obama has always pushed massive cuts in the military as part of any budget cuts he will accept in fiscal deals. Obama seems to be getting what he wants, and it will leave America’s borders vulnerable to attacks and other infiltrations.
Continue reading “Obama Closing Air Defense System on U.S./Mexico Border: Texas & America Vulnerable to Attack from Low Altitude Missiles and Aircraft”

The Lone Star Watchdog – by The Watchdog

The debate of gun control is a psi-op because they want to trick us into voluntarily disarming ourselves over the reason of dead children in Newtown Ct. They will call gun owners racist, members of the Klu Klux Klan. They are trying to designate people who want guns for self-protection mentally ill. They try to pull out of thin air new mental illnesses of people questioning illegal authority being mentally ill, unfit to own a gun with no due process. They are pulling out all stops to disarm us by deception and propaganda.
Continue reading “The Reason Why the Gun Control Crowd are Very Loud is Because They are Very Weak”

Voice of Russia – by Yulia Zamanskaya

Lighting the fire during a cold winter evening a resident of Vladivostok found a rail-shaped metal detail which was pressed in one of the pieces of coal that the man used to heat his home. Mesmerized by his discovery, the responsible citizen decided to seek help from the scientists of Primorye region. After the metal object was studied by the leading experts the man was shocked to learn about the assumed age of his discovery. The metal detail was supposedly 300 million years old and yet the scientists suggest that it was not created by nature but was rather manufactured by someone. The question of who might have made an aluminum gear in the dawn of time remains unanswered.
Continue reading “300-million-year-old UFO tooth-wheel found in Russian city of Vladivostok”

Herald and News – by SHELBY KING H&N Staff Reporter

Chiloquin believes in gun control — every resident needs to control their own gun.

According to City Ordinance No. 428, every head of household in the city of Chiloquin “is required to maintain a firearm, together with ammunition.”

The law is not enforced and there’s no penalty for not owning one, said City Recorder Teresa Forman. It also provides exemptions for those who are unable to own a gun for legal, physical or mental health reasons.
Continue reading “Chiloquin, Oregon Gun Code Mandates Ownership”