Newsday – by Nicole Fuller

A Brooklyn man says a Suffolk police officer threatened to take him to a wooded area and beat him after a traffic stop, according to a lawsuit filed last Friday in U.S. District Court.

The lawsuit alleges Sandino Hazzard’s civil rights were violated after an officer pulled him over in North Babylon a couple of years ago and falsely arrested him. In addition, police used excessive force when an unidentified officer allegedly “pushed, assaulted and strip searched” Hazzard, the suit states.   Continue reading “Brooklyn man alleges in lawsuit he was threatened by Suffolk cop”

Investigators study the damaged car at the intersection of 51st and Willows Streets, where officers shot the driver, Philippe – by Aubrey Whelan and Mike Newall

Philippe Holland’s last delivery of the night Tuesday, a cheeseburger deluxe to a West Philadelphia rowhouse, was an order so small he didn’t bother to carry his pizza delivery bag.

His hoodie was up, his hands in his pockets, police say, as he walked back to his gold Ford Taurus, parked on 51st Street near Willows Avenue.

The 20-year-old from Upper Darby had been running orders two nights a week for Slices & More for a few weeks. That was on top of another job at an airport restaurant.

Continue reading “Questions in police shooting of pizza delivery driver”

Former Detective Eric Houston has worked on some of Tampa’s most high-profile cases.  Tampa Bay Times – by Dan Sullivan

TAMPA — A Tampa police detective was fired Thursday amid a federal grand jury investigation into potential criminal conduct, police Chief Jane Castor said.

Detective Eric Houston, who worked on some of the department’s highest profile cases, was dismissed several weeks after a department investigator found Houston was involved in suspected criminal activity, Castor said. She refused to give specifics about the accusations but said the information was turned over to the U.S. Attorney’s Office.    Continue reading “Tampa police detective fired amid accusations of criminal conduct”

Kennesaw State University on lockdownAtlanta Journal-Constitution – by Rodney Thrash

The person of interest who prompted a lockdown of the state’s third largest university posed no threat to the campus community, officials said this afternoon.

About 2 p.m., Kennesaw State officials received a call about a suspicious man on campus with a possible weapon and put the school on lockdown as a precaution, university spokeswoman Tammy DeMel told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution in an emailed statement.   Continue reading “Univ. goes into lock-down over student with a cell phone in front pocket”

Canada Free Press – by Timothy Birdnow

The internet has been buzzing for the last few days with hysterical hypocrisy from the Left over some remarks made by Clive Bundy, the Nevada Rancher who recently staved off a paramilitary assault by the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Bundy made a comment that perhaps black people were better off slaves (as opposed to the neo-slavery of benevolent government.) He was roundly thrashed for his remarks.   Continue reading “Saul Alinsky Tactics and the BLM War”

WND – by Patrice Lewis

The horrifying headlines were coming so thick and fast this month it was hard to keep up:

Continue reading “So When’s the Revolution?”

Christian Mercenary – by T.L. Davis

Liberty is not about Cliven Bundy, it never was. The support Bundy received was in direct proportion to his request for such help. I have nowhere else seen a rancher or land owner asking for the help of the patriot/liberty community. Nowhere else have I seen an aggrieved individual requesting the help of militias to defend their liberties. We are here, we are available.

This is a necessary step in the process.
Continue reading “Blood of Patriots”

tracking-chipSHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

And he causes all, the small and the great, and the rich and the poor, and the free men and the slaves, to be given a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, and he provides that no one will be able to buy or to sell, except the one who has the mark, either the name of the beast or the number of his name.…

Revelations 13:16-17

Technologies designed specifically to track and monitor human beings have been in development for at least two decades.   Continue reading “The Mark: Scientist Claims Human Microchip Implants Will Become “Not Optional””


South Korea’s prime minister has announced his resignation over the widespread criticism over the government’s response to the April 16 ferry disaster.

Prime Minister Chung Hong-won announced his resignation early on Sunday at an emergency news conference in Seoul, the capital.   Continue reading “South Korea’s PM resigns over ferry disaster”

Wake up America- by Susan Duclos

It begins.  Just as some members of the US Military started a campign of holding up signs saying they refused to fight for al-Qaeda Syrian rebels and/or in a Syrian civil war, when Barack Obama was beating the drums of war and planned to attack Syria under false pretenses to oust Syria’s President Bashar Assad, now the first shot across the bow has been fired as shown in the sign below, making it clear that this soldier wants no war with Russia and utterly refuses to kill or die for this.  The sign reads:   Continue reading “It Begins… ‘I Won’t Kill Or Die For This’”

CenturyLink – by STACEY PLAISANCE 

ANGOLA, La. (AP) — They’re often thrown like rag dolls and risk being stepped on or gored by bucking bulls and broncos. But in those few seconds in the spotlight of the Angola Prison Rodeo, the inmates feel like they are part of the world again.

Louisiana’s most violent criminals, many serving life sentences for murder, are the stars of the nation’s longest-running prison rodeo that is celebrating its 50th year.   Continue reading “Louisiana’s Angola Prison Rodeo marks 50 years”

download (1)Video Rebel’s Blog

Aristotle told us to observe behavior and draw conclusions. That works great for watching a rational man’s decisions. But what use is logic if the politician under our careful gaze is a blooming idiot?

Mr Obama said in 2008 that he was going to attack coal fired electrical generation. We concluded that he wanted to raise electric utility bills. What we have since observed is that coal fired plants owned by J P Morgan and General Electric were not run out of business. Therefore his plan was to raise utility bills and to enrich two Mega Corporations. On March 12, 2014 the American Teleprompter Reader said he releasing 5 million barrels of oil from our strategic reserves to teach those darn Ruskies a lesson. Continue reading “Is The American Teleprompter Reader Trying To Crash The Dollar?”

IMG_1353We went to a local festival here in Lafayette today and look what we found. Notice the multiple cameras and the wording that reads, “We are watching” on the side.

What is bad is the sheep walked by it like it was no big deal. But we had to stop and take several pictures to let them know that we are watching to. I think I might call that 232-tips number and report a suspicious vehicle recording American National against their will.   Continue reading “Crime suppression and survaillence Vehicle”

1393008093000-159974940The Right Scoop

McCain is such a tool. I’ll be so glad when Arizona finally kicks his butt out of the Senate:

WAPO – Since leaving the State Department last year, Hillary Rodham Clinton has racked up scores of accolades and appeared on many a big stage. Still, it might come as a surprise that a past Republican presidential nominee — specifically, the one who is among the loudest critics of Clinton’s handling of the Benghazi terrorist attacks — would invite her to his desert retreat for a lofty conversation about leadership values.   Continue reading “McCain: “One would be hard-pressed to find a leader with Secretary Clinton’s informed perspective…””