Wade called in from Bunkerville and reported that Stewart Rhodes and his Oath Keepers received a tip suggesting an imminent drone strike on the Bundy Ranch. Oath Keepers ran from the scene like frightened children. Continue reading “Rumor of Drone Strike at Bundy Ranch Sends Oath Keepers Packing”
Month: April 2014
Capitalist Preservation – by Elizabeth Nelson
Rebecca Steinitz, a literacy consultant in urban high schools, a writer and an editor, who also has a PhD, allowed her daughter, who was known to ” do well in school and test high,” to be a Common Core experiment, and she was unpleasantly shocked by her daughters test scores. However, instead of just instantly blaming the curriculum she did something interesting, and then she wrote a letter to Obama about her experience and his “wonderful” Core program, a curriculum she once whole-hardheartedly supported. A curriculum, I might add, that is supposed to “prepare our children for college and their future.” Continue reading “A Mom’s Letter to Obama About Common Core Test that His Girls Are Exempt From”
Liberty’s Torch – by Francis W. Porretto
It seems that no matter who you are, how innocent your deeds, or how ethically you treat your fellow man, you are absolutely forbidden to speak on certain subjects, on pain of ostracism, being abandoned to the mercies of the State, or worse. The premier such subject, eclipsing all others, is the correlation between certain socioeconomic conditions and race.
Cliven Bundy, the rancher whose cause animated hundreds of freedom lovers to rally personally, bearing arms, to his defense against an overbearing federal government, has dared to touch on that forbidden subject: Continue reading “The Forbidden Subject”
Maybe this is part of the Common Core curriculum??
Prosecutors in Houston, Texas charged a middle school teacher because she gave a full-on lap dance to a boy for his birthday in front of an entire class of no-doubt impressed preteens.
The teacher, Felicia Smith, staged the lap dance in her classroom at Stovall Middle School on February 26, reports local CBS affiliate KHOU. Continue reading “Middle school teacher provides ‘full-contact’ lap dance in front of class for birthday boy”
Back in 1990 GWH Bush proposed the universal adoption of
The New World Order.
Few if any then, took him seriously.
The image above depicts some of the problems inherent in trying to use just one hugely perverse global-policy, to try to control every aspect of the disintegrating planet that we were already living in, in 1973. That was the same year that the Trilateral Commission met for the first time to enslave and occupy the population of the world. Continue reading “What’s Going On?”
An off-duty Chicago Police officer allegedly shot and killed an elderly neighbor Friday after the man shot the officer’s wife, authorities said.
The shootings came after an argument between the police officer’s wife and the dead man’s wife, police said in a statement. Continue reading “Off-duty Chicago cop’s dispute with neighbor turns deadly”
Daily Mail – by Ashley Collman
Chicago is no stranger to corruption so perhaps it’s unsurprising that recently released emails show how CNN worked with city officials to portray Mayor Rahm Emanuel in a positive light for ‘unscripted’ documentary series ‘Chicagoland’.
The Chicago Tribune obtained more than 700 emails that reveal how the CNN production team filming the eight-hour series worked with the mayor’s office to develop storylines – getting their input on details like camera angles and the wording of press releases for the show.
Continue reading “‘Rahm will look good’: Emails show how CNN producers worked with Chicago mayor’s office to portray him as a ‘star’ of documentary series”
The Daily Caller – by Michael Bastasch
Former Vice President Al Gore made some amazing claims about global warming. The failed presidential candidate told Politico Magazine that “extreme weather events” are 100 times more common today than they were 30 years ago due to global warming.
But Gore’s claims actually run counter to mounting scientific evidence that global warming is not making the weather more “extreme.” Continue reading “Al Gore makes ‘extreme’ claims about global warming and weather”
Before It’s News – by Live Free or Die
While Pope Francis will become the first pontiff to be seen globally in 3D on April 27th, talk of this event being conditioning to launch Project Blue Beam and a false-flag alien invasion run rampant. The outstanding new video below from ThreeBaruchs offers an excellent look at why this event will be used to launch Project Blue Beam via the psychological conditioning we’re watching unfold so soon after former President Bill Clinton shared with us his warped vision of attaining ‘world peace’.: Continue reading “April 27th Project Blue Beam Test Goes Worldwide – False Flag Alien Invasion Next?”
Think Progress – by Aviva Shen
The worst drought Brazil has seen in fifty years is pushing coffee bean prices to new heights. As a result, Starbucks, the largest coffee company in the world, has halted coffee purchases over the past few weeks, the Wall Street Journal reports.
Brazil is the world’s largest producer of coffee. Arabica coffee futures, the most common bean variety sold in the US, have soared nearly 90 percent over the past year, and reached the highest price in two years on Tuesday. The surge was prompted by estimates that Brazil’s arabica crop, which was decimated by this year’s drought, will miss expectations by 18 percent. Overall, the world’s harvest is expected to fall short of demand by 11 million bags, — meaning coffee lovers may be forced to pay more for their morning cup. Continue reading “The Coffee Apocalypse Is Nigh: Brutal Brazilian Drought Forces Starbucks To Pause Purchases”
In an shameful act of cowardice, the Attorney General, the top law enforcer in the nation’s Justice Department, has cancelled a speech he intended to give at a police academy graduation in Oklahoma City after protest organizers called for the new law enforcement officers to place the Attorney General in handcuffs for his wanton disregard for law and order in the U.S
Holder was expected to address 42 new police officers in Oklahoma City on Thursday. Protesters have demanded that the Attorney General be arrested and while Holder will still be in Oklahoma City, he will not be giving a speech at the police academy graduation. Continue reading “Eric Holder Cancels Police Academy Speech After Protesters Demand New Officers Arrest Him”
The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.
In the pre-dawn hours Saturday, the Senate approved a measure “to uphold Second Amendment rights and prevent the United States from entering into the United Nations Arms Trade Treaty.”
By a vote of 53-46, the Senate passed the amendment to the budget bill sponsored by Senator Jim Inhofe (R-Okla.). Continue reading “Senate Votes to Keep U.S. Out of UN Arms Trade Treaty”
As the price of the Pentagon’s most expensive weapons endeavor ever soars even further, critics are calling into question the cost and capabilities of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter program.
When all is said and done, the United States Department of Defense is expected to spend over $1 trillion on acquiring a fleet of the fancy stealth jets. But while concerns have been raised repeatedly regarding the program for years now, some new reports suggest that the military might soon sign-on to buy other state-of-the-art aircraft. Continue reading “Money for nothing? Boeing says F-35 isn’t so stealth after all”
A US federal judge in New York has ordered Microsoft to turn over their customers’ emails and other digital content to law enforcement agencies, even in case the data is being stored on servers physically overseas.
New York Magistrate Judge James Francis does not question the cosmopolitan power of a valid search warrant issued by a US law enforcement agency. In a first-of-a-kind court ruling Friday, the judge created a precedent that no US internet provider, be it Microsoft or Google or another company, can refuse an official demand to share foreign clients’ private data, Reuters reported. Continue reading “NYC judge obliges internet providers to disclose foreign emails to US govt”
SLOVYANSK, Ukraine (AP) — A pro-Russian insurgency leader in eastern Ukraine said Saturday that foreign military observers detained as suspected NATO spies could be released in exchange for jailed pro-Russian activists.
Outside Slovyansk, a city some 150 kilometers (90 miles) west of Russia, Ukraine government forces continued operations to form a security cordon as it attempts to quell unrest threatening to derail planned elections on May 25. Continue reading “Foreign military observers held in east Ukraine”