American Freedom by Barbara

Joe Biden was direct and left no room for hope: children will be deported Central Americans who risked their lives in the dangerous path of “wet” to be with their parents. Moreover, the United States will accelerate the process of repatriation because the exodus continues. Vice President of the United States, yesterday visited Guatemala, described the situation as “unsustainable”. “Children will be humanely and fairly treated in our country before be returned, “Biden said through a translator in a statement with Guatemalan President Otto Perez at the National Palace of Culture in the capital.
Continue reading “Biden Promises 3 Central American countries $ 9.6 million to reintegrate deportees”

20-11s13175-NYPD 9-11 FALLEN BROTHERSFront Page News – by Daniel Greenfield

Bill Bratton has destroyed his reputation in a short amount of time by becoming a mouthpiece for Bill de Blasio. Taking the job was a poor idea since crime rates had dropped so low that they were bound to rebound, especially under a pro-criminal mayor like De Blasio. All that Bratton had done is set himself up to take the blame and join the ranks of failed NYPD commissioners like Lee Brown who did what a liberal mayor wanted instead of fighting crime.   Continue reading “Bill de Blasio’s Police Commish to Teach NYPD About 5 Pillars of Islam”

cross_911.jpgFox News

A federal appeals court said Thursday an atheist group trying to keep the so-called Ground Zero Cross out of the National September 11 Memorial Museum must better explain how displaying the artifact is “offensive” and violates members’ constitutional rights.

The 17-foot-tall, steel beam “cross” was found in the rubble of the World Trade Center twin towers in New York that fell during the Sept. 11 terror attacks.   Continue reading “Ground Zero Cross: Court presses atheist group to explain why artifact is ‘offensive’”

IsisThe Guardian – by Jon Swaine

New York City’s counter-terrorism chief has claimed that Muslim Americans from the city have travelled to Syria and Iraq to join jihadist groups such as Isis, and could return to attack the US.

John Miller, the deputy commissioner of intelligence for the New York Police Department, said New Yorkers were among more than 100 American Muslims fighting with Islamists in the Middle East.   Continue reading “NYPD terror chief: New Yorkers among American Islamists in Middle East”

AmmoLand – by Dean Weingarten

Arizona – -( Mass shooting situations trigger a tsunami of public emotion, so there are enormous incentives for politically correct reporters to “interpret” them in certain ways for political purposes.  They are often complex events that take time and careful investigation to unravel.   In the recent shooting in Las Vegas, two police officers and a concealed carry permit holder were killed by the two attackers, who also died.

The last three deaths occurred in a Wal-Mart, which, I am told, has some of the most complete surveillance camera systems of U.S. retail establishments.   Continue reading “Change in Las Vegas Shooting Story Prompts Alternate Theory”

Joe BidenAmmoLand – by Alan Korwin

PHOENIX, AZ –-( The lamestream media told you:


The Uninvited Ombudsman notes however that:

I finally got the answer! After months of wondering and asking–

The man currently in the White House has flagrantly broken so many laws, and violated the oath of office so many times — with 535 members of Congress, why hasn’t one, not one, stood up on the floor of Congress, called him out on any of it, and sought his impeachment? Why?    Continue reading “Why Hasn’t Obama Been Impeached Already? The answer – Joe Biden”

Syria in the Crosshairs - Obama Confirms Airstrikes Will Not Be Limited to IraqSCG News

One year ago the Obama administration was doing their very best to build up public support for U.S. military intervention in Syria. Even though that attempt failed, no one who has been following this crisis closely believed for a moment that this was the end. They would regroup and try again from another angle.

The angle they chose was surprising. Iraq has been off the media radar for so long that almost no one was factoring it in as an important geopolitical variable. ISIS (or ISIL) changed that.   Continue reading “Syria in the Crosshairs – Obama Confirms Airstrikes Will Not Be Limited to Iraq”

False alarm? Agents went to the Valrico property of Martin Winters looking for as many as 50 high-powered AR-15 rifles and several explosive devices, but found only buried barrels of foodDaily Mail – by Joel Christie

Federal agents this week searched the Florida home of a ‘doomsday prepper’ they alleged had stockpiled over 50 high-powered assault rifles and several explosive devices buried around his property as ‘booby traps’.

However the warrant showed up little more than barrels of food.

Martin Winters, a father-of-three from Valrico, surrendered to police on Wednesday following a widespread two-day hunt.   Continue reading “FBI raid the home of ‘doomsday prepper’”

Mexican ThugsWestern Journalism – by B. Christopher Agee

The recent rise in unaccompanied minors illegally crossing America’s southern border in recent weeks has led to serious criticism of existing immigration laws and lax border security. While the influx is seen by many as a symbol of a broken system, however, a large number of Americans still believe officials should allow these children to stay in this country and reunite with family members already here.

A recent revelation by authorities might just change some minds.   Continue reading “Support Amnesty? Wait Until You Learn What Happens To Mexican Gangbangers On U.S. Soil”

mccain-rebelsDeadline Live – by Mario Andrade, June 19, 2014

Yesterday, the FBI arrested two more dupes in Texas for trying to join Islamist rebel groups in Syria and Somalia ,and telling an informer about it. They were stopped at the airport and were charged with ‘providing material support to terrorists,’ which was probably a crime they hadn’t actually committed yet – as it is the case with most of these FBI entrapment scenarios.

By the same standards, one could say that Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham have engaged in similar criminal activity. As members of the Senate Armed Services Committee, they have repeatedly called for arming the so-called ‘Syrian rebels,’ who are now in Iraq, taking over the northwestern cities and ready to take over Baghdad.   Continue reading “Arrest John McCain and Lindsey Graham for providing material support to terrorists”

New Haven Register – by Mercy A. Hayle

NEW HAVEN >> State police Maj. William Podgorski, a 24-year veteran of the department, has died after suffering from a brief illness.

Trooper Kelly Grant said Podgorski, 49, the Western District commander, died Monday after surgery. The illness was not disclosed.

Sometime after surgery on Friday, Podgorski was transferred to Yale-New Haven Hospital from another hospital, Grant said. He died there Monday morning surrounded by his family.    Continue reading “Connecticut State Police Major William Podgorski dies after brief illness”

John Moore / Getty Images / AFP RT News

The Presbyterian Church has narrowly voted to move forward with divestment in various companies in protest of Israeli policies toward Palestinians. The group has now become the most prominent in the US to endorse some form of divestment.

The top US policymaking body for the Presbyterian denomination has opted to sell its stock in Caterpillar, Hewlett-Packard and Motorola Solutions by a vote of 310 to 303, ratifying a move that had failed two years prior. All three companies have been identified as making products used by Israel in the occupied Palestinian territories.   Continue reading “Presbyterian Church votes to divest in protest of Israeli policies”

FILE PHOTO: Reuters/Akintunde AkinleyeRT News

A 7,500-gallon storage tank of crude oil has completely drained into the scenic Cache La Poudre, Colorado’s only designated National Wild and Scenic River, southeast of Fort Collins.

Vegetation was covered by an oil slick a quarter-mile downstream, but authorities claim “no drinking water intakes have been affected.”

The environmental disaster occurred at Noble Energy facility near Windsor in northern Colorado, in imminent proximity to the popular Poudre River Trail, the Colorado Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (COGCC) reported late Friday afternoon.   Continue reading “178 barrels of oil spill into Colorado’s only designated wild and scenic river”

University of Indianapolis / Guy Housewright RT News

Anthropologists uncovered a series of mass graves filled with the human remains of immigrants stuffed into shopping and garbage bags in a county-owned section of a cemetery in South Texas. Now, a local politician is calling for an inquiry.

The group of anthropology researchers is made of professors and students from the University of Indianapolis and Baylor University, who are working on the Reuniting Families project. The multi-year project seeks to identify the bodies of the hundreds of undocumented immigrants who died (usually from exposure in the 100-degree-plus heat) while crossing the Texas-Mexico border over the last few years. They resumed work two weeks ago, exhuming 52 plots in a Brooks County-owned section of the Sacred Heart Burial Park in Falfurrias.   Continue reading “Mass graves filled with remains of immigrants discovered in Texas”

View image on TwitterRT News

A “no more austerity” march is gearing up in the British capital and RT’s Sara Firth says tens of thousands have already come to demand an alternative to the “greed and selfishness” of the Con-Dem coalition.

The rally, which also includes a festival, was called by The People’s Assembly Against Austerity, an broad coalition of anti-government groups that embraces trade unions and other campaigners. Continue reading “Irate monks & angry unions: 1,000s rally in London against govt austerity”