NATO Exercise in Ukraine Coincided with MH-17 Shoot-downInfowars – by Kurt Nimmo

Rapid Trident was omitted from the flurry of coverage on the shoot-down MH-17.

From the U.S. Army in Europe website:

Rapid Trident supports interoperability among Ukraine, the United States, NATO and Partnership for Peace member nations. Continue reading “NATO Exercise in Ukraine Coincided with MH-17 Shoot-Down”

Freedom Outpost – by Larry Pratt

Pastor and state Representative Dan Fisher(R-OK) has rescued a crucial part of our history from near oblivion – namely, the role that many pastors played in our War for Independence. In his book, Bringing Back the Black Robed Regiment (2013), Fisher examines the “patriot preachers” of the 18th Century, who led their congregations to battle the abusive tyranny of the Redcoats.

I was familiar with the Shenandoah Valley (Virginia) Pastor Peter Muhlenberg because I have a reproduction of him on my office wall. It’s the famous scene where he removed his clerical gown, revealing his Colonel’s uniform of the Continental Army.   Continue reading “It’s Time to Bring Back the Black Robed Regiment”

berwickGuns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

Massachusetts already has very strict gun laws compared to many states, but it seems that one Democratic candidate for governor, Donald Berwick (a former Obama administration healthcare official who strongly supported the Affordable Car Act), wants to make things even worse for law abiding gun owners in Mass.

According to a recent announcement on his website, Berwick wants to do the following,   Continue reading “Former Obama Admin Official Running for MA Governor Wants to Make MA Gun Laws Even Stricter”

Bearing Arms – by Bob Owens

Beretta issued a stunning press release a short time ago confirming the centuries-old truth that “Berettas don’t bluff.”

It seems that Martin O’Malley and his fellow anti-gun Democrats have successfully created hundreds of new jobs… in Tennessee.   Continue reading “GONE: Beretta Sending Entire Manufacturing Operation Out Of Maryland Due To Anti-Liberty “Assault Weapon” Ban”

Yahoo News

Little Rock Air Force Base went on lockdown Wednesday amid reports of a suspicious person, though military officials have offered few details about the incident.

No one is allowed to enter or leave the base during the lockdown, which began at 11:45 a.m. People who live on base were urged to stay indoors, and visitors were asked to not come to the front gate.   Continue reading “Arkansas military base on lockdown, few details”

Moms Demand Action ThugsAmmoLand – by AWR Hawkins

Washington DC – -( On July 21 2014 Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense in America founder Shannon Watts tweeted that Virginia’s congressional candidate Mike Dickinson is her group’s “next target.”

This was in response to a July 20 tweet in which Dickinson, a self-described “left wing liberal,” wrote: “People generally don’t want to die. I own a gun and if I’m touched I’m shooting.”   Continue reading “Founder of Anti-Gun Group Names Virginia Democrat as ‘Next Target’”

Protesting in front of Homrich, a DWSD contractor performing the Detroit Water Shutoffs. Nine persons were arrested.Daily Kos – by Fuzzytec

Nine persons were arrested at the entrance to Homrich, a demolition contractor working on a $5.6 million deal to perform the water shutoffs on residents. The rally outside the gate started at 6:30am and went for seven hours before arrests were made. Police believed the group would disperse and head to the rally downtown at Hart Plaza. The group however showed their commitment holding the gate after that rally had started. This is the second week of arrests at the entrance and the second time in the last 10 years protesters were arrested in Detroit. Last week 10 persons were arrested and released on bail awaiting trial for disorderly conduct.   Continue reading “Military device used on Detroit protest against #WaterShutoffs”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

ROCKPORT, Texas—Texas Governor Rick Perry’s decision to activate the Texas National Guard and deploy them along a relatively small sector of the Texas-Mexico border has brought criticism from one border county’s sheriff’s office and praise from another. While some leaders along the border appear to be concerned about a “militarization” of the border region, others see it as an opportunity to stop the senseless deaths that have been occurring South Texas.

At least one sheriff questioned the wisdom of Perry’s decision to send military people into the area who are not authorized to stop anyone, according to the Dallas Morning News article by Christy Hoppe. “I don’t know what good they can do,” Cameron County Sheriff Omar Lucio said of military personnel. “You just can’t come out here and be a police officer.”   Continue reading “Perry’s National Guard Deployment Order Sparks Debate Between Border Area Sheriffs”

Breitbart – by Kristin Tate

HOUSTON, Texas–Allegations of corruption, drug use, abuse, and rape could soon put the North Texas Job Corps Center (NTJCC) in McKinney at the center of controversy. Several former employees at the center have come forward, telling Breitbart Texas about the alleged horrors they witnessed firsthand during their time at the government-funded training program for troubled youths.

Job Corps is a federally-funded program, administered by the U.S. Department of Labor (DOL), that gives at-risk individuals aged 16-24 technical training and academic training. NTJCC provides each of its students with a bi-monthly cash “allowance” and additionally provides housing for 600 students.   Continue reading “Government-Funded Youth Program Allegedly Ridden with Corruption, Rape, Drug Abuse”

Washington Post – by Christopher Ingraham

On Tuesday FiveThirtyEight released the results of a poll of Americans’ opinions on the “Star Wars” universe. Not surprisingly, Jar Jar Binks is the most reviled character in the series. As Walt Hickey notes, the Gungan from Naboo posted lower favorability numbers than Emperor Palpatine, “the actual personification of evil in the galaxy.”On the other hand, with a net favorability of -8, Jar Jar is considerably more popular than the U.S. Congress, which currently enjoys a net favorability rating of -65. In fact, the last time congressional net favorability was above that was February 2005. Incidentally this was just before the release date of “Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith,” which marked Jar Jar’s last appearance on the big screen. Continue reading “Darth Vader is polling higher than all potential 2016 presidential candidates”

Publius Forum – by Warner Todd Huston

A recent interview with the human traffickers known as “coyotes” reveals that they charge from between $5,000 to $10,000 US per individual to be guided from Central America to our border only leave the illegal immigrants to their own devices to stream across the border to take advantage of Obama’s amnesty policies. But, are we expected to believe that the dirt poor–and often pre-teen children–are paying these fees? And if they aren’t, who is?

The interview initially published in Spanish by the Associated Press reports that the coyotes use some of the money to bribe various government officials along the way as well as to payoff members of the vicious drug cartels to allow passage. But the report also notes that most of the price tag is profit. (Here is the same article in English)   Continue reading “Just Who is Paying the $10K Coyote Fees for Illegals to Get Here?”

US CAPITOL BUILDINGHuffington Post – by Alex Lazar

Capitol Police on Wednesday caught a man bringing a firearm into the U.S. Capitol, according to Roll Call.

The man, who Roll Call reports is not a Capitol Hill employee, tried to enter the Cannon House Office Building when a screener detected the weapon on him, prompting Capitol Police to handcuff him and put him in a police van.   Continue reading “Man Caught Attempting To Bring Gun Inside U.S. Capitol”

Infowars – by Adan Salazar

By leaving strategic areas along the southern U.S. border unprotected, and by using children as the face of the illegal immigrant surge to elicit public sympathy, the federal government is engaging in a sophisticated military tactic known as “asymmetrical warfare” against the American people, a former U.S. Border Patrol agent is warning.   Continue reading “Former Border Agent: Gov’t Using Immigrant Children For ‘Asymmetrical Warfare’”

Breitbart – by John Nolte

According to the Detroit News, anti-capitalism “everyman” filmmaker Michael Moore owns 9 homes. On top of a $2 million, 10,000 square foot lakefront mansion in Torch Lake, Michigan, there is a Manhattan condo that was once 3 condos, and 7 other properties. Moore’s secret role as a land baron was revealed in divorce papers:

The filmmaker, 60, who split his time between a home here and one in New York, is leaving his wife of 22 years, Kathy Glynn.   Continue reading “Michael Moore owns 9 homes, but hates money”

Pontiac Tribune

The name, age, sex and location of 132 of the 155 Palestinian children killed have been collected by the Al Mezan Centre for Human Rights.

Over 3300 have been injured, including 822 children and 572 women, with some losing limbs and others disabled for life.  
Continue reading “132 Children Killed by ‘Operation Protective Edge’ Since July 7th”

All Gov – by Noel Brinkerhoff, Danny Biederman

Senate investigators have determined that some of the most powerful investment firms on Wall Street schemed their way into billions of dollars in tax breaks.

report (pdf) by the U.S. Senate’s Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations says more than a dozen hedge funds used “basket options” over a 15-year period to avoid paying hundreds of billions in taxes they would otherwise have owed to the U.S. Treasury.   Continue reading “Hedge Funds Accused of Screwing Americans out of Billions of Dollars in Taxes”

' Young Boy In A Field Looking Through Binoculars' [Shutterstock] Story – by Arturo Garcia

A Border Patrol agent allegedly held a member of an Iowa Boy Scout troop at gunpoint while another threatened another boy with arrest and a 10-year prison term for taking a picture of him, KCCI-TV reported.

The incident reportedly took place while members of Mid-Iowa Boy Scout Troop 111 and volunteers traveling with them were attempting to drive through the border between Canada into Alaska. Troop leader Jim Fox told KCCI that the group was detained and searched after the scout took the picture. The agent allegedly told Fox that the scout had committed a federal offense.   Continue reading “Border Patrol agents hold Iowa Boy Scouts at gunpoint for taking a picture of them”