GENEVA (AP) — The civil war in Syria has forced 3 million people out of the country, including more than a million people who fled in the past year, creating a crisis that the U.N. refugee agency said requires the biggest operation in its 64-year history.

The tragic milestone means that about one of every eight Syrians has fled across the borders, and 6.5 million others have been displaced within Syria since the conflict began in March 2011, the Geneva-based agency said. More than half of all those uprooted are children, it said.   Continue reading “UN says Syria refugees top 3 million mark”

NOVOAZOVSK, Ukraine (AP) — Pro-Russia separatists, relaxed and well-equipped, held firm control on Friday of the strategic coastal town of Novoazovsk, a day after Ukraine claimed tanks and armored vehicles had invaded from Russia.

Associated Press reporters saw at least a half-dozen tanks in the town of about 12,000 people, bearing the flags of Novorossiya, the would-be state proclaimed by rebels in two eastern Ukraine regions. None of the tanks bore Russian markings, but ready-made meals seen near one of the tanks carried markings that they were issued by the Russian army.   Continue reading “Pro-Russia separatists in control of coastal town”

NEW YORK (AP) — The Sept. 11 memorial plaza will be open on the night of the attacks’ anniversary this year, the first time the general public will be able to visit ground zero on the commemoration date.

The plaza will be closed to the public during the remembrance ceremony and much of the rest of the day, but it will open from 6 p.m. to midnight for those who want to pay respects and view one of the most evocative observances — the twin beams called the Tribute in Light — from an especially “meaningful vantage point,” memorial President Joe Daniels said in an email Thursday to victims’ families.   Continue reading “In first, memorial will be open on night of 9/11”

DAKAR, Senegal (AP) — A man infected with Ebola traveled to Senegal, bringing to the country the first confirmed case of the dreaded disease that has hit four other West African nations and killed more than 1,500 people, the Ministry of Health said Friday.

The infected person, a university student from Guinea, sought treatment at a hospital in Senegal’s capital, Dakar, on Tuesday but gave no indication he might have Ebola, Health Minister Awa Marie Coll Seck told reporters. The next day, an epidemiological surveillance team in Guinea alerted Senegalese authorities that they had lost track of a person who had had contact with sick people. The team said that the person disappeared three weeks ago and may have come to Senegal.   Continue reading “Ebola arrives in Senegal as outbreak accelerates”

Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

Oh Chris Matthews, when isn’t it the NRA’s fault in your mind?

Everyone’s “favorite” MSNBC host went off on the NRA over the incident in which a 9 year old girl accidentally shot and killed her shooting instructor when she lost control of the fully automatic Uzi she was firing.   Continue reading “Idiot Chris Matthews Goes Off on the NRA Over Uzi Shooting Death”

Guns Save Lives – by Dan Cannon

A Dairy Queen employee in Albuquerque, New Mexico had to use a concealed firearm to defend himself and his co-workers from an armed robber yesterday evening.

According to the Albuquerque Journal,

[BCSO spokesman Sgt. Aaron Williamson] said the man went to the Dairy Queen’s window with a gun and demanded money. The cashier gave him money and ducked behind the counter. The man then asked for more money. That’s when a different restaurant employee, “in fear of his own life,” fired at the robber, he said. Continue reading “Dairy Queen Employee Shoots and Kills Armed Robber”

Chicago Sun Times – by Jordon Owen

A man who had an ISIS flag waving from his vehicle is facing several charges after he threatened police with a bomb Wednesday morning when he was pulled over on the Southwest Side.

Emad Karakrah, 49, was charged with felony counts of disorderly conduct and aggravated fleeing; and a misdemeanor count of driving on a never-issued license, according to Chicago Police. He was also issued three traffic citations.   Continue reading “Man with ISIS flag on vehicle threatens cops with bomb”

More than 20,000 Portlanders take unified stand against water fluoridationThe Sleuth Journal – by Jordan Resnick, Conscious Reporter

New evidence has linked fluoride and other chemicals to brain disorders. What other unknown effects might this industrial by-product added to our water supply have? An examination of water fluoridation’s shadowy history reveals potentially disturbing ramifications for human consciousness.

Recent research has brought the controversial practice of water fluoridation back into the spotlight, revealing links between water fluoridation and brain disorders, particularly in regard to its effect on children.   Continue reading “How Fluoride Affects Consciousness And The Will To Act”

Dead Broke - Hillary's house 2The Black Sphere

Hillary Clinton tested the water, and found out it’s HOT!

Like Barack Obama, Hillary is not presidential material, and she knows it. The difference between her and Obama is she will bow out and not make an ass of herself.

Clinton admitted to Charlie Rose of PBS that the job of president is too difficult for her; that the president must be head of state and government. She’s wrong. Obama made the presidency more difficult, by usurping the Constitution and Congress.   Continue reading “Hillary Clinton hints at NOT running”

View image on TwitterFrance 24

Billions of locusts swarmed Madagascar’s capital Antananarivo on Thursday, prompting residents and tourists to share photographs of the sudden insect invasion on Twitter, while experts worried about the effect on the country’s food supply.

In the past five years, swarms of giant locusts have regularly swept in over the island nation off Africa’s southeastern coast, devastating crops and other food supplies within just a few hours.   Continue reading “Billions of locusts invade Madagascan capital”

gmo monsanto out farmers 263x165 Monsanto Sues Farmers for 16 Straight Years over GMOs, NEVER LosesNatural Society – by Christina Sarich

Where is the justice? Since 1997, Monsanto has filed 145 lawsuits, or on average about 9 lawsuits every year for 16 straight years, against farmers who have “improperly reused their patented seeds.”

The biotech giant hasn’t lost a single case, either. Not one. This includes when farmers tried to sue Monsanto over cross-pollination of their organic crops with GMO seed. For example, a federal court dismissed one of those cases, saying that it couldn’t protect Monsanto against unfair lawsuits should they side in the farmers’ favor.   Continue reading “Monsanto Sues Farmers for 16 Straight Years over GMOs, NEVER Loses”

The Art of Urban Survival – by Stefan Verstappen

If you’re planning on participating in a peaceful demonstration or protest keep one thing in mind, at any time it could turn into a bloody riot.

In the past it has been a common practice for governments to send agent provocateurs to mingle among the demonstrators until a given time or signal, and then to begin instigating violence as both a way to demonize the peaceful protesters in the media, and as an excuse to send in the riot troops to bust heads. As demonstrations around the world can attest to, this tactic has not gone out of fashion.   Continue reading “Protesting in the Time of Police State: How to stay safe when exercising your rights”

The hat with manufacturing data (page 476)DC Clothesline – by Dean Garrison

Another piece of the puzzle that simply doesn’t fit has surfaced in the Sandy Hook ShootingThe hat that Adam Lanza was allegedly wearing, as documented in the Connecticut State Police Final Report, was not manufactured until 2013.

With the shooting happening on December 14, 2012 this certainly makes no sense.

Wolfgang Halbig has previously reported that the final documentation reads like an 11,000 page script.   Continue reading “Sandy Hook Time Travel? Adam Lanza’s Hat Wasn’t Made Until 2013”

1993-12 Venezeula (19) Sierra Navada Nat'l ParkLeft Hook by Dean Henderson

Just hours before announcing the death of Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez, the country’s then vice-president Nicolas Maduro was holding a press conference announcing the expulsion of two US diplomats accused of spying on the Venezuelan military.

Maduro also used the press conference to accuse the US and other foreign countries of poisoning or infecting Chavez to bring on his terminal cancer. Maduro compared Chavez’ condition to that of former Palestine Liberation Organization leader Yasser Arafat just before he died in France in 2004 less than a month after becoming sick.   Continue reading “Did The CIA Poison Hugo Chavez?”

WKRN TV 2 News – by Bethany Anderson

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – The Tennessee Highway Patrol will conduct a “no refusal” enforcement campaign this Labor Day weekend.

It goes into effect at Midnight Friday, Aug. 29 and concludes at Midnight Monday, Sept. 1.

The “no refusal” campaign means that if a driver is pulled over for suspected drinking and driving they cannot refuse to take a blood test. It allows law enforcement to seek search warrants for blood samples if they suspect someone is driving while impaired.   Continue reading “Tennessee Highway Patrol to conduct ‘no refusal’ enforcement Labor Day weekend”


Maine & Massachusetts residents  may not be able to board a plane using their driver’s licenses starting in 2016 if the state does not start complying with the federal Real ID program.

In 2007, Maine became the first state to reject the federal regulations adopted in response to a study on national security after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks. Federal officials wanted to make driver’s licenses more uniform and secure, but opponents said the federal law was too sweeping and intrusive.   Continue reading “Maine Sec. of State on Real ID: “You might as well just repeal the Fourth Amendment””


The U.S. Bureau of Land Management will resume issuing oil and gas leases next year for federal lands in California after a new study found limited environmental impacts from fracking and other enhanced drilling techniques, the agency said Thursday.

The move will end a halt that has stood since a federal judge ruled in 2013 that the federal agency failed to follow environmental law in allowing an oil extraction method known as fracking on public land in Monterey County.   Continue reading “BLM to Resume Leasing for Fracking in California”