fluNatural News – by Jonathan Benson

With Ebola on everybody’s minds these days, the topic of disease prevention, and particularly how to avoid viral infections — incidentally, the annual rite of “flu season” is also upon us — is surely on every survivalist’s radar. But learning how best to prepare for, well, the worst poses its own set of unique challenges because, quite frankly, real solutions for disease eradication aren’t exactly popular media’s thing.    Continue reading “How to prevent flu season viruses from infecting you”

NYPD patrol car. Image via Agence France-Presse.Raw Story – by ARTURO GARCIA

While a Staten Island grand jury decided on Wednesday not to indict the New York City police officer involved in the death of Eric Garner, prosecutors were able to secure an indictment against the man who filmed the fatal encounter.

As the Staten Island Advance reported, 22-year-old Ramsey Orta was indicted this past August, 13 days after being arrested and charged with charged with felony counts of third-degree criminal weapon possession and criminal firearm possession.   Continue reading “NYPD cop who choked Eric Garner wasn’t indicted — but man who recorded the incident was”

nullCaixin Online – by Ding Feng and Huo Kan

Beijing) – China’s rise has been epitomized recently by its push for two international financial institutions, the New Development Bank, or “BRICS bank,” and the Asia Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB).

What has set the two multilateral financing vehicles apart from established international development banks is that they are spearheaded by emerging economies and have made headway in a short period of time.   Continue reading “China Uses Development Bank Push to Become Banker to Emerging Markets”

Screen Shot 2014-12-02 at 11.14.20 AMLiberty Blitzkrieg – by Michael Krieger

A major theme here at Liberty Blitzkrieg over the past year has been the creative ways in which corrupt Chinese oligarchs and government officials are maneuvering their way into the United States. To be clear, I am not anti-immigration by any stretch of the imagination. My mother was an immigrant. This is about being against corrupt and morally compromised individuals being welcomed here with open arms just because they have cash. We have enough domestic criminal oligarchs as it stands. These people have collectively captured the American political and economic system and control it to their own ends. Do we really need to import more of these types from abroad?   Continue reading “How the Pennsylvania Turnpike Commission is Selling Residency to Chinese “Investors” at $500k a Pop”

officer hit denverMy Fox 28 – by Sadie Gurman

DENVER (AP) — Denver authorities say a driver had a medical emergency when he hit and injured four Denver police officers who were monitoring a student protest of the Ferguson, Missouri, grand jury decision.

Police Chief Robert White says one officer was critically injured and was in surgery. He says two of the other three were released from a hospital.   Continue reading “4 Denver officers hit by car during Ferguson protest”

(Photo: Erich Schlegel/Getty Images)Fox News

Texas Gov.-elect Greg Abbott announced Wednesday that Texas is leading a 17-state coalition suing the Obama administration over the president’s executive actions on immigration.

The lawsuit was filed in U.S. District Court in Texas on Wednesday, and names the heads of the top immigration enforcement agencies as defendants.

Abbott, in a news conference in Austin, said the “broken” immigration system should be fixed by Congress, not by “presidential fiat.”    Continue reading “Texas leads coalition of 17 states in lawsuit against Obama immigration actions”

Hershey'sChicago Tribune

The Hershey Co. may replace corn syrup with sugar in some products, the latest sign of waning demand for the syrup and growing competition in the sweetener market.

“One of the things we are actively exploring is replacing high-fructose corn syrup with sugar in some products,” company spokesman Jeff Beckman said in an e-mailed statement, citing consumer demand.   Continue reading “Hershey may switch to sugar from corn syrup to satisfy consumers”

A St. Louis County police is set on fire along South Florissant Road in Ferguson following the announcement of the grand jury decision on Monday, Nov. 24, 2014. (Wally Skalij/Los Angeles Times/TNS)Personal Liberty – by Brandon Smith

Many times in the past I have discussed the concept of what I call the “non-participation principle,” but often people misinterpret what “non-participation” really entails. Such a strategy does not mean an individual activist or group simply refuses to support the system by not using Federal Reserve notes, or not paying taxes, or not buying Monsanto-generated frankenfoods. That kind of thing is all well and good. But ultimately, non-participation means taking away power from the corrupt political and financial elite. Sometimes, this is done through force of arms — but not always in the way some might believe.   Continue reading “The Ferguson conundrum solved by community security”

The Truth Of Tyranny We Have Already LostMilitia News – by Roger Landry

What follows is a statement of reality, NOT what could be!

Since the turn of the century, and especially in the last six plus years, aided by Congress, there has been an accelerated paradigm shift in America away from a Republic to a soft dictatorship with more power being consolidated into the hands of a single individual than any American patriot would have ever believed! So please read, and I invite one and all to challenge any part of this article they feel is falsely stated!   Continue reading “The Truth Of Tyranny: What We Have Already Lost”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Although the elections and Michael Bloomberg’s original $50 million pledge to beat the NRA are over, the former mayor is still spending money and is considering a push for gun control in 12 more states.

The goal in some of the states is the same kind of initiative that Bloomberg and other one-percenters pushed through in Washington, while in others, the goal is to pressure legislators to support gun control expansion under the guise of fighting domestic violence or by following California’s lead with “gun violence restraining orders.”    Continue reading “Michael Bloomberg Targets 12 More States for Gun Control”

Jon Rappoport

Once upon a time, in medieval universities, new students enrolled in the Trivium. It was the foundation curriculum. It was required. Its parts were: grammar, logic, and rhetoric.

Grammar: the interior construction of language.

Logic: the valid and invalid connections in the course of a formal argument; the method of proper reasoning; the deductive links in a chain, at the end of which appears a conclusion.   Continue reading “Education programming 101: destroy logic”

AFP Photo / Timothy A. ClaryRT

A New York City grand jury has decided not to indict the New York Police Department officer accused of killing a Staten Island man by putting him in an illegal chokehold. The NYPD is now preparing for more protests stemming from the decision.

Early Wednesday afternoon, CNN, the Wall Street Journal and the New York Post all reported that a grand jury declined to indict the officer.   Continue reading “Grand jury doesn’t indict NYPD officer accused in chokehold death – reports”

Thanks to Big Dan.

Fox Radio

Tuesday on “The Alan Colmes Show,” former police chief Mark Kessler made one of the most shocking revelations Alan had ever heard, and Kessler said he was exposing it for the first time anywhere.

Kessler, who infamously made online videos insulting liberals and firing his gun, claimed that the federal government put him up to making the videos in order to attract “the worst of the worst” and said the videos even led to arrests of “lone wolf” terrorists. Read some of it below and see if you believe him!   Continue reading “A Government Plot Against 2nd Amendment Supporters?”

Man Gets Instant Justice To His Face After What He Did To Someone's DaughterThe Advocate – by ELLYN COUVILLION

An enraged stranger pulled into a woman’s driveway Sunday night as she unloaded her car from a shopping trip and the two fought, with the woman, screaming for help, managing to fall into her house along with the man.

The incident began about 8 p.m. at 11168 Martin Road in Gonzales, where the woman, unpacking her vehicle, saw a stranger pull in behind her, get out and begin screaming at her, said Lt. Col. Bobby Webre, of the Ascension Parish Sheriff’s Office. “She had no idea who he was,” Webre said.   Continue reading “Gonzales woman’s screams thwart attempted kidnapping”

Zero Hedge

The ink on Barack Obama’s Chuck Hagel termination letter hasn’t dried yet but already the US president’s new, and seemingly far more hawkish advisors, are having their warmongering presence felt. Case in point: the Eastern European theater of (Cold) war, where Military.comreports that the new Army commander in Europe plans to bolster the U.S. armored presence in Poland and the Baltic states and keep rotations of U.S. troops there through next year and possibly beyond tocounter Russia. Lt. Gen. Frederick “Ben” Hodges, who replaced Lt. Gen. Donald M. Campbell  earlier this month as commander of U.S. Army Europe, said the Army was looking to add about 100 Abrams tanks and Bradley Fighting Vehicles to the forces in Eastern Europe.   Continue reading “US Army Sends 100 Tanks To Eastern Europe To “Deter Russian Aggression””

Reuters / Ricardo MoraesRT

The hacktivist group Anonymous is no fan of Fort Lauderdale’s new laws targeting the Florida city’s homeless population, and they took down multiple city websites to prove it.

Using a denial-of-service attack, Anonymous was able to crash two websites and the city’s email service on Monday, the Sun-Sentinel reported. The main city website, fortlauderdale.gov, was taken down for hours, as was the police department website.   Continue reading “Anonymous take down Ft. Lauderdale’s site for anti-homeless laws”

Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul (Screenshot from RT video)RT

The White House is expected to nominate Ashton Carter as the new Defense Secretary to replace outgoing Pentagon chief Chuck Hagel, but Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul said not to expect much as US foreign policy doesn’t make sense.

Ashton Carter is a career Department of Defense man and spent at least five years holding the number two and three positions. Carter also has an academic background as a Rhodes Scholar and a Harvard professor who headed a program called the Preventative Defense Project, but Paul says his appointment would be a sign the Obama administration has no effective foreign policy strategy.   Continue reading “Ron Paul weighs in on Obama’s new Pentagon chief”

Calvin BoydenMail.com

LAS VEGAS (AP) — A man stabbed to death last week on a Las Vegas Strip pedestrian walkway was identified Tuesday as a homeless ex-convict from Pennsylvania dubbed the “pantyhose prankster” and sentenced to prison for making lurid telephone calls to women in several Eastern states.

Rip Alan Swartz, 46, made thousands of random calls to banks, restaurants and other numbers he found in telephone books before he provided his real name to a Virginia woman and was arrested in 2011, said Detective Sgt. Thomas Kauffman, of the Upper Allen Township Police Department in Pennsylvania.   Continue reading “Vegas Strip slaying victim was Pennsylvania ex-con”