Adult VaccinationMercola – by Dr. Mercola

This month, federal health officials are rolling out a national adult immunization plan that contains a new Mandatory Adult Vaccination1,2 and Electronic Tracking Program. The government is urging Americans to fulfill their obligation to support and comply with the anti-choice requirement to relinquish responsibility for personal health and well-being to federally appointed health officials through pharmaceutical enhancements.

Public health officials will be monitoring Twitter and Facebook posts for anti-vaccine chatter that may indicate non-compliance with federal vaccine recommendations and state vaccine mandates. Continue reading “US Government Rolls Out Mandatory Adult Vaccination and Tracking Program”

Common Dreams – by Nadia Prupis

About 40 women being held at the privately-run Karnes Family Detention Center in southern Texas launched a hunger strike this week to demand their release and the release of their families, vowing on Tuesday not to eat, work, or use the services at the facility until they are freed.

Nearly 80 women being held at the center, many of whom are said to be asylum seekers from Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala, signed a letter stating that they have all been refused bond despite having established a credible fear of violence if they are sent back to Central America—a key factor in the U.S. government’s process for screening detained immigrants to allow them amnesty. Continue reading “Dozens of Mothers Stage Hunger Strike at Immigrant Detention Center in Texas”

Two Suicides Rock Missouri PoliticsThe Daily Beast

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. — Last Thursday, on the one-month anniversary of the suicide of his boss, Missouri’s Republican auditor and a candidate for governor, Spence Jackson took the day off.

Tom Schweich’s suicide came amid what had become a brutal campaign for governor and shocked the state’s Republican Party.

The circumstances surrounding his death, including nasty, anti-Semitic rumors, pitted donors and party elites like former U.S. Senator Jack Danforth against Missouri Republicans like former U.S. Attorney General John Ashcroft and former U.S. Senator Kit Bond, who were calling for party unity.   Continue reading “Two Suicides Rock Missouri Politics”

ColoradoHang the Bankers

The upcoming Jade Helm exercise, conducted by the US military across seven states has been attacked as a preparation for martial law, but could in fact be part of a much more sinister project.

In the past several days, leaked plans for seven-state a US Special Operations Command (SOCOM) exercise in which states role-play as countries have made rounds across both news sites and conspiracy theorist circuits, with the latter ringing alarm, calling the drills a preparation for martial law.   Continue reading “Jade Helm: Is the US preparing for martial law or WW3?”

NYC PAPERS OUT. Social media use restricted to low res file max 184 x 128 pixels and 72 dpiNew York Daily News – by JOHN MARZULLI, LARRY MCSHANE

A pair of terrorist wannabes with Al Qaeda ties pondered bombing a police funeral after the massive turnout of 20,000 law enforcement mourners for an executed NYPD cop, authorities said Thursday.

Former Queens roommates Noelle Velentzas, 28, and Asia Siddiqui, 31, were due in Brooklyn Federal Court for conspiring to detonate homemade explosives “and receive Allah’s blessing,” according to a federal criminal complaint.   Continue reading “Would-be terrorists considered attack on NYPD funeral after Rafael Ramos send-off: authorities”

internet-eo-2SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

It should be obvious given the recent hacks against essential infrastructure that America faces a major cyber security threat from foreign governments and rogue organizations. In just the last few years it has been reported that hackers have infiltrated everything from critical physical components that manage water utilities to23 orbiting spacecraft managed by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The problems have been highlighted by major cyber security firms like Symantec and McAfee.

The threat is real and the government knows it. In an open letter to her successor, outgoing Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano warned that a massive attack against the U.S. power grid is imminent.   Continue reading “New Executive Order: Obama Takes Total Control of Internet: Declares ‘National Cyber Security Emergency’”

Demonstrators gather to protest a controversial religious freedom bill in IndianapolisYahoo News – by Tom Davies

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana’s Republican legislative leaders have unveiled changes to the state’s new religious objections law that has faced criticism it could allow discrimination against lesbians and gays.

The amendment to the Religious Freedom Restoration Act released Thursday prohibits service providers from using the law as a legal defense for refusing to provide services, goods, facilities or accommodations. It also bars discrimination based on race, color, religion, ancestry, age, national origin, disability, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or United States military service.   Continue reading “Indiana lawmakers announce proposed religious law changes”

The Hill – by Mark Hensch

A family-owned pizzeria in Indiana closed on Wednesday following backlash over its support of a controversial religious freedom law.

TMZ reported that Memories Pizza is suspending its business operations amid uproar over the state’s new Religious Freedom Restoration Act.   Continue reading “Indiana pizzeria closes after threats”

Freedom School

Your straw man (Strawman) is an artificial person created by law at the of your birth, the inscription of an ALL-CAPITAL LETTERS NAME on your birth certificate/document, which is a document of title and a negotiable instrument. Your lawful, Christian name of birthright was replaced with a legal, corporate name of deceit and fraud. Your name in upper and lower case letters (Jane Mary Doe) has been answering when the legal person, your name in ALL-CAPTIAL LETTERS (JANE MARY DOE), is addressed, and therefore the two have been recognized as being one and the same. When, you Jane Mary Doe, the lawful being distinguish yourself as another party than the legal person, the two will be separated.   Continue reading “Your straw man (Strawman) is an artificial person”

ABC News – by Justin Fishel

After eight straight days of high-level diplomatic negotiations between the six world powers and Iran, negotiators in Lausanne, Switzerland, announced an interim agreement has been reached on the principles for dismantling Iran’s nuclear program in exchange for lifting heavy economic sanctions.

Iranian leaders, including President Hassan Rouhani and Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif, have released short statements via Twitter today that “solutions on key parameters” have been “reached” and that negotiators are ready to begin drafting an agreement.   Continue reading “Iran Nuclear Deal: Tentative Agreement Reached”


BALTIMORE (AP) — The driver killed in a violent confrontation at a National Security Agency gate was a transgender sex worker in Baltimore, according to those who knew her, and she was remembered Wednesday as a friendly but troubled loner.

Ricky Shawatza Hall, 27, was killed Monday when NSA police opened fire on a stolen car that then crashed into a police vehicle. A passenger and an officer were wounded.   Continue reading “Driver Killed at NSA Gate Was Transgender Sex Worker”


JACKSONVILLE, Florida – Tito and Amanda Watts were arrested over the weekend for selling “golden tickets to heaven” to hundreds of people. The couple, who sold the tickets on the street for $99.99 per ticket, told buyers the tickets were made from solid gold and each ticket reserved the buyer a spot in heaven — simply present the ticket at the pearly gates and you’re in.

“People can sell tickets to heaven,” a Jacksonville police spokesman said. “But the Watts misrepresented their product. The tickets were just wood spray painted gold with ‘Ticket To Heaven – Admit One’ written in marker. You can’t sell something as gold when it’s not. That’s where the Watts crossed the line into doing something illegal.”   Continue reading “Couple Arrested For Selling “Golden Tickets To Heaven””

Telegraph – by Mehreen Khan

The Israeli government has submitted its application to become a founding member of a controversial Chinese-led development bank, in a move that is likely to cause consternation in Washington.

Newly re-elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu signed a letter to join the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) by the March 31 deadline, according to the country’s foreign ministry.

Continue reading “Israel applies to become founding member of China development bank”

The Free Thought Project – by Cassandra Fairbanks

Knox County, TN– Sgt. Paul Story of the Knock County Sheriff’s Office will reportedly not be disciplined after pulling his gun and threatening a man while off-duty and in line at a RedBox kiosk.  Audio of the incident was captured when he called 9-1-1 to request an on-duty officer’s assistance.

The obscenity-laced exchange began when Sgt. Story accused Timothy Nelson of cutting in line.   Continue reading “Cop Pulls Gun, Threatens to Arrest Man After Accusing Him Of Cutting In Line At RedBox Kiosk”

Economist – by MSLJ

CONVICTED of racketeering, 11 educators were handcuffed on April 1st for their roles in a cheating scandal within Atlanta’s public schools (APS) that stretches back to 2001. The criminal investigation that led to the beginning of the trial last August involved more than 50 schools and hundreds of interviews with pupils, parents and staff. One teacher was acquitted.

And how did it all begin? Suspiciously high scores on the Criterion-Reference Competency Test, standardised exams that assess competency in maths, English and other skills, prompted first a local newspaper, and then Georgia’s former governor Sonny Perdue, to start asking questions.    Continue reading “Performance anxiety”

KRQE News 13 – by Matt Grubs, Emily Younger and Tina Jensen

ALBUQUERQUE (KRQE) – The Bernalillo County District Attorney says APD officer Pablo Padilla committed a felony when he kneed a UNM law student in the groin last April.

The district attorney filed charges in state District Court on Tuesday, alleging Padilla committed aggravated battery with great bodily harm when he kicked Jeremy Martin hard enough to rupture one of his testicles. The DA also charged Padilla with another felony, tampering with evidence, for allegedly deleting video of the incident from a cellphone.   Continue reading “District Attorney charges Albuquerque police officer who kneed man in groin”