Russia Insider – by Alexander Mercouris

The economic crisis in Ukraine is increasingly exposing the twisted priorities of its government.

It should be said clearly that the existential crisis the Ukrainian economy now faces is a direct consequence of the country’s political crisis.

Ukraine’s economy was in poor shape in 2013. Decades of corruption and mismanagement had whittled away the economy’s potentially large resources, while Yanukovych’s policy of maintaining the value of the hryvnia had damaged the economy’s competitiveness and denuded its foreign currency reserves. The situation was made worse by constant crippling trade disputes with Russia, Ukraine’s biggest trade partner, which was aggravated in 2013 by Yanukovych’s decision to seek an Association Agreement with the EU.   Continue reading “Yatsenyuk’s Ukrainian Fire Sale”

Barack Obama With His Hand On The Resolute DeskEconomic Collapse – by Michael Snyder

Presidents have always exercised emergency powers, but now thanks to dozens of new laws, regulations, court decisions and executive orders, Barack Obama is the most powerful president in all of U.S. history.  Of course the U.S. Constitution does not actually give the president any special powers during a time of national emergency, but over time presidents have decided that they should be able to exercise such powers and the courts have generally agreed with them.  During World War II and prior to that, these emergency powers were largely uncodified and were primarily used during times of war.  But since World War II things have completely changed, and this has particularly been true since 9/11.  Over the past decade or so, a whole host of extraordinary powers have specifically been given to the office of the president, and all that it takes to exercise them is a major “national emergency”.  So if we do have a full-blown economic collapse, a historic natural disaster, a significant war or a massive pandemic, Barack Obama could use the emergency powers that he has been given to essentially take authority over everything.   Continue reading “Emergency Powers Give Barack Obama Authority Over Just About Everything During A Major National Crisis”

Zero Hedge – by George Washington

Mass surveillance under the Patriot Act is so awful that even its author says that the NSA has gone far beyond what the Act intended (and that the intelligence chiefs who said Americans aren’t being spied on should be prosecuted for perjury).

Specifically, the government is using a “secret interpretation” of the Patriot Act which allows the government to commit mass surveillance on every American.   Continue reading “Even If Patriot Act Expires, Government Will Keep Spying On All Americans”

Hillary Clinton testifying on the Benghazi attackWND – by Jerome R. Corsi

NEW YORK – More than 100 pages of previously classified Department of Defense and Department of State documents implicate the Obama administration in a cover-up to obscure the role Hillary Clinton and the State Department played in the rise of ISIS.

The documents were obtained in a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit filed by the Washington watchdog Judicial Watch.   Continue reading “Declassified docs: Hillary aided rise of ISIS”

Mad in America – by Rob Wipond

The Hoboken Patch and PolitickerNJ reported that the New Jersey State Senate has unanimously passed a bill that would allow children to “consent” to psychiatric or psychological treatment of any kind without the consent — or even the knowledge — of their parents.

“Hopefully by creating a more private means for them to seek treatment we can drastically improve and ultimately save lives,” one of the sponsors of the bill told PolitickerNJ.   Continue reading “New Jersey Bill Cuts Parents Out of Mental Health Treatment Decisions”

California State FlagAmmoLand

Fairfax, VA -( The below listed bills are expected to be heard as early as this Thursday, May 28 in their respective state Assembly or Senate Committee on Appropriations.

Call and email the members of the state Assembly and Senate Committee on Appropriations TODAY and urge them to protect the Second Amendment for California’s law-abiding gun owners and sportsmen.   Continue reading “Several Firearm-Related Bills to be Heard this Week in California”

New YorkAmmoLand

Fairfax, VA -( Lawmakers are entering the final weeks of the 2015 legislative session in Albany, and NRA continues to focus its efforts on the partial and/or complete repeal of the SAFE Act.

We are also actively engaged and working against the hundreds of anti-gun bills that remain in the hopper. Make no mistake, our adversaries are not satisfied with the deeply flawed SAFE Act and continue to push for even more draconian restrictions.   Continue reading “Fight Continues in New York Against SAFE Act and Dozens of Other Anti-Gun Bills”

Image Credit: GettyIJ Review – by Lilia Dashevsky, March, 2015

This Wednesday, the Arizona House of Representatives passed House Bill 2368, sponsored by Representative Bob Thorpe, R-Flagstaff. If signed into law, the bill would prohibit Arizona from funding any executive orders issued by President Obama.

According to the state legislature’s fact sheet, there are only two provisions to the bill:   Continue reading “If This Bill Becomes Law, Arizona Is About To Throw A Major Wrench Into President Obama’s Agenda.”

Sent to us by Koyote.

Filming Cops

PITTSBURGH, PA — A police lieutenant has been charged with three felonies involving child sexual abuse.

Lt. Stites faces a count of lewd molestation as well multiple charges of sexual abuse.

The victim is said to be under 12 yrs old.

In fact, reports say that Lt. Stites assaulted a 3-yr-old girl multiple times.   Continue reading “Cop Charged with Lewd Molestation and Abuse of 3-Yr-Old Girl”

fox-news-set-600WND – by Joe Kovacs

A former aide to Presidents Ronald Reagan and George H.W. Bush says viewers of Fox News and readers of WND are “self-brainwashing,” and now radio host Rush Limbaugh is calling the claim “patently absurd.”

On CNN’s “Reliable Sources” over Memorial Day weekend, historian Bruce Bartlett was discussing his paper published earlier this month, in which he said: “It can almost be called self-brainwashing – many conservatives now refuse to listen to any news or opinion not vetted through Fox, and to believe whatever appears on it as the gospel truth.”   Continue reading “Fans of Fox, Rush, WND accused of ‘self-brainwashing’”

US officials accidentally sent live anthrax spores to labs in nine states.Press TV

The US military says it accidentally sent live anthrax spores to as many as nine laboratories and is investigating how that happened.

There was no public threat from the mishap, a Pentagon official claimed on Wednesday.

The labs were supposed to receive dead anthrax samples for research use.     Continue reading “Pentagon sends live anthrax spores accidentally to nine labs”

Photo - The lawsuit, filed by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, includes a legal request to have the Florida judge seize the private server on which Hillary Clinton and her aides hosted their emails while she served as secretary of state. (AP Photo) Washington Examiner – by Sarah Westwood

Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation have been hit with a racketeering lawsuit in Florida court.

The lawsuit, filed by Larry Klayman of Freedom Watch, includes a legal request to have the Florida judge seize the private server on which Hillary Clinton and her aides hosted their emails while she served as secretary of state.   Continue reading “Clinton Foundation hit with racketeering lawsuit”