Infowars – by Kit Daniels

Paid actors posed as “potential gun buyers” who were “convinced” by a “gun store clerk” – also an actor – not to buy a firearm as part of an anti-gun group’s “experiment” designed to deceive the public.

It was previously known that the “clerk” in the “hidden camera experiment” produced by States United Against Gun Violence was an anti-gun activist actor, but a journalist recently discovered that all the “gun buyers” in the video were paid actors as well.   Continue reading “Gun Control Group Deceives Public By Hiring Paid Actors For “Hidden Camera Experiment””

Attacked: Deputy Todd Frazier (above) of Long Beach, Mississippi, pulled over last Monday night to check on a car with the driver passed out in the front seat and was suddenly dragged off into the woods to be killedDaily Mail – by Chris Spargo

A police officer who was dragged into the woods by three attackers was saved thanks to his trusty dog.

Deputy Todd Frazier of Long Beach, Mississippi, a K-9 officer, pulled over last Monday night to check on a car when he noticed that the man in the front seat appeared to be passed out and the lights were off.

That is when two men appeared nearby and distracted him as the driver got out and ambushed him. All three men dragged Frazier into the nearby woods.   Continue reading “Police officer Todd Frazier saved by his K-9 from three men trying to kill him”

LiveLeak by smyle

An ultra-conservative one-time Brooklyn city council candidate — whose campaign slogan was “Our children are our future” — has been nabbed for possessing and sharing kiddie porn, prosecutors said Friday.

Joseph Hayon, 37, was arrested Thursday and admitted to police that he traded the sick pics of kids between the ages of 2 and 12 in December 2014 using his email account, according to a criminal complaint.   Continue reading “Tea Party operative busted for child porn”

National Security Agency Director Adm. Mike Rogers (Mark Wilson / Getty Images / AFP)RT

International partners should embrace a sort of “Law of the Sea” for the internet, the head of the United States National Security Agency now says, in order to keep the web open and safe from bad actors, state-sponsored or otherwise.

Speaking at a cyberwar conference in Estonia on Wednesday, NSA Director Mike Rogers told attendees that continuing management of an “open, reliable and safe” internet may be best achieved if global stakeholders look towards other areas, where widespread cooperation is required to keep operations afloat.   Continue reading “NSA director wants ‘maritime’ law for internet”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

The Obama administration has tried to kick in the front door of the rights of gun owners, but was met with a shotgun blast of disappointment in 2013 following the Sandy Hook shooting.  The administration has made illegal and unconstitutional attempts to restrict guns and ammunition from law-abiding Americans.  Now, new legislation put forth by two Democrat representatives are seeking some backdoor methods to gun prohibition.

Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman (D-N.J.) is attempting to restrict sales of ammunition (something that would be unconstitutional).  HR 2283, the Stop Online Ammunition Sales Act of 2015, would seem just to look to restrict online sales of ammunition, but nothing could be further from the truth.   Continue reading “Congresswomen’s Gun Prohibition Exposed in New Bills”

checkpoin1Sent to us by a reader.

Border Community Action

Residents of Arivaca, Arizona and supporters are shutting down the US Border Patrol checkpoint on Arivaca Road, calling on US Congressman Grijalva to deliver on his promise to hold a federal hearing on the issue before DHS officials. Community members are demanding the removal of all internal Border Patrol checkpoints, starting with the one on Arivaca Road, and are calling for an end to the militarization of their community. Today’s protest is part of a day of action being organized by communities throughout the Arizona-Mexico borderlands and on the Tohono O’odham Nation.

TPP protestThe Guardian – by C Robert Gibson and Taylor Channing

A decade in the making, the controversial Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) is reaching its climax and as Congress hotly debates the biggest trade deal in a generation, its backers have turned on the cash spigot in the hopes of getting it passed.

“We’re very much in the endgame,” US trade representative Michael Froman told reporters over the weekend at a meeting of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation forum on the resort island of Boracay. His comments came days after TPP passed another crucial vote in the Senate.   Continue reading “Here’s how much corporations paid US senators to fast-track the TPP bill”

The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

President Obama is surreptitiously using federalism to kill federalism. He will not sit idly by waiting for Congress to act, rather he will actively exert immense influence on state and local governments to carry out his commitment to top-down control of every aspect of human existence.

An article published in USA Today on May 26 highlights the president’s use of the phone portion of his infamous “pen and phone” arsenal to convince local and state governments to bypass congressional inaction by passing ordinances and statutes that implement his policies, obviating the constitutional obstacle of separation of powers.   Continue reading “Obama Leans on Cities, States to Bypass Constitution”

Herman Crisp (KVUE/screen grab)Raw Story – by David Edwards

An 82-year-old Texas man alleged this week that officers in military gear stormed his home, broke his hip and then left him without calling for medical assistance.

Herman Crisp told KTBC that Georgetown deputies wearing SWAT uniforms gave no warning before throwing a flash-bang device outside his home last September as he was sitting in a chair and smoking a cigarette.   Continue reading “Texas SWAT breaks 81-year-old man’s hip, family finds him lying in his own feces: lawsuit”

The Hill – by Julian Hattem

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) is running out of time to save sections of the Patriot Act that the White House deems crucial to national security.

Top lawmakers and their aides are scrambling to find a last-minute deal to save the law, which is speeding toward expiration — at midnight Sunday — after a series of Senate votes failed to resolve an impasse over the National Security Agency (NSA).   Continue reading “Scramble begins as Patriot Act teeters”

Mayor Frank Jackson and U.S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach hold a press conference announcing reforms to the Cleveland police department May 26, 2015. (Gus Chan / The Plain Dealer)The Real Revo – by Jim22

Really? Really. It took action from the Department of Justice to make this happen.

It’s stories like this that show us why respect for police is as low as it is.

CLEVELAND, Ohio — Cleveland police will stop hitting people on the head with their guns and document any time they unholster them, according to a consent decree between the U.S. Justice Department and Cleveland police released today. Continue reading ““Cleveland Police Agree To Stop Hitting People On The Head With Guns””

us-israelGlobal Research – by Stephen Lendman

Israel already gets at least $3 billion annually from Washington – plus a whole lot more. US taxpayers fund its killing machine.

It wants a 50% increase for more wars and ruthless daily persecution of millions of Palestinians – plus terror-bombing Syria, Yemen and southern Lebanon at its discretion as well as regional destabilizing activities.   Continue reading “Israel Wants 50% Increase in US Provided Military Aid. “U.S. Tax Payers Fund Netanyahu’s Killing Machine””

WhiteHouse press photo Photo Pete SouzaNews Voice

The present Swedish debate about war refugees from the Middle East is an example of peer restricted expression. In the name of political correctness or perceived decency, any questioning of maximum generosity in opening Swedish borders for the refugees is indignantly rejected by the official mainstream. We have a humanitarian duty towards those who are forced to flee from areas ravaged by war, and there is no excuse for not opening our borders to them. – Sure.   Continue reading “Swedish politician: US is the true cause of the masses of refugees from the Middle East”

Flood waters cover Memorial Drive along Buffalo Bayou in Houston, Texas May 26, 2015 (Reuters / Harris County Flood Control District/  handout via Reuters)RT

A Texas dam on Padera Lake has fractured as a result of unprecedented flooding, local media report. Authorities are issuing warnings, as the dam may break in the coming hours, placing anyone in its path in peril.

Local media has been sounding the alarm, with CBS affiliate KRLD reporting the dam had been breached at around 12pm GMT. However, no immediate danger was reported.   Continue reading “Texas dam on Padera Lake ‘breaches’ following massive floods”

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — An autopsy will determine if a man had drugs or alcohol in his system when he fatally shot one worker and injured a second before killing himself at a North Dakota Wal-Mart store, police said Wednesday.

“It’s probably the next significant development in this case,” Grand Forks Police Lt. Derik Zimmel said. He did not know when autopsy results would be available. Police said the shooting at the store in Grand Forks a few minutes after 1 a.m. Tuesday may have been random. Investigators have found no link between the gunman, 21-year-old Marcell Willis, and the store or the employees whom he shot.   Continue reading “Police search for motive in deadly Wal-Mart shooting”

The CIA had been sent to Jordan to train Syrian rebels who turned out to be members of ISIS, according to a government watchdog.Examiner – by Jim Kouri

U.S. intelligence documents released to a government watchdog confirms the suspicions that the United States and some of its so-called coalition partners had actually facilitated the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) as an effective adversary against the government of the Syrian dictator President Bashar al-Assad. In addition, ISIS members were initially trained by members and contractors of the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) at facilities in Jordan in 2012. The original goal was to weaken the Syrian government which had engaged in war crimes against their own people, according to a number of reports on Sunday.   Continue reading “Obama ordered CIA to train ISIS jihadists: Declassified documents”

saudi arabiaThe Sleuth Journal – by Stephen Lendman

Saudi Arabia is a radicalized Islamist police state threatening the entire region with terrorism and belligerence.

Reports indicate Riyadh wants or intends becoming nuclear armed – on the bogus pretext of countering Iran’s known peaceful nuclear program.   Continue reading “Saudi Arabia: Headed Toward Becoming Nuclear Armed And Dangerous?”