Bullion Bulls Canada – by Jeff Nielson

As regular readers are well aware; the bubble-and-crash cycles manufactured by the Western banking cartel and its central banks are nothing but organized crime. What makes this scripted, financial theater so absurd (and infuriating) is that there are very rigid and obvious patterns as these systemic crimes are perpetrated.

The most obvious (and rigid) pattern to this organized crime is timing. The bubble-and-crash cycles are almost precisely eight years long, reflecting the U.S. presidential cycle. For administrative convenience; each U.S. puppet-president now serves two terms apiece. The Corporate media (another tentacle of the One Bank) “blames” the outgoing regime as the villain/scapegoat for the crash, and hails the incoming regime as the White Knight who will “fix everything”.   Continue reading “The Pre-Crash Warnings Begin”


Each year the Florida Escambia County Sheriff’s Office training division, domestic security division, resource officers, Explorers program, Escambia County fire and EMS, along with the school district run active shooter training scenario’s.

“Law Enforcement Exploring is the preeminent career orientation and experience program for young people contemplating a career in law enforcement or a related field in the criminal justice system. Its mission is to offer young adults, 14 and have completed the eighth grade and not yet 21 years old, Continue reading “Police shoot middle school kids during ‘TEMS’ active shooter drills with EMS and firefighters”

VotingWND – by Cheryl Chumley

Just in time for the 2016 campaign season, cybersecurity experts have sent out this dire warning, based on analysis of Virginia polls: Watch out for hackers – voting machines are easy to compromise.

The Virginia Information Technologies Agency’s Commonwealth Security and Risk Management agency issued a new report finding the machines that have been in use by the state since 2002 have weak security – so weak, in fact, that even the most amateur of hackers could break into the system, Fox News reported. The report came after one precinct in the state reported “unusual activity with some of the devices used to capture votes” in last November’s elections.   Continue reading “Cyber Experts Warn of Voting-Machine Hacks”

"Green Tip" ammo, a recent target of the ATF. Guns America

The following is a press release from the National Shooting Sports Foundation:

The National Shooting Sports Foundation, trade association for the firearms and ammunition industry, applauds the introduction yesterday of H.R. 2710, the Lawful Purpose and Self Defense Act of 2015, by Congressman Rob Bishop (R-UT), chairman of the House Committee on Natural Resources.   Continue reading “A Game-Changing Bill to Revise the Gun Control Act of 1968”

Community Kitchen in the Harlem section of New York City (Reuters / Mike Segar)RT

More than a third of New York State’s food pantries have had to turn away people in need because they have run out of supplies. Food banks have been demanding an additional $16 million to replenish their stock.

An estimated 1.4 million NY state citizens rely on food banks. According to the Food Bank for New York City, about 2.6 million people (out of a total population of 8.5 million), have trouble affording food throughout NYC.   Continue reading “The cupboard is bare: NYC food banks running out of stock”

Warner BrothersReason – by Jacob Sullum

Late one night in June 2013, the police department in Waterloo, Iowa, received a 911 call from Patience Pye, who reported that she had been a victim of domestic violence. Upon arriving at Pye’s house and conferring with her boyfriend, Kendrall Murray, two officers concluded that Pye had been the aggressor in the altercation. Murray reported that she had become enraged and punched him the eye when he refused to give her the car keys because she was drunk (and in any case did not have a driver’s license). He claimed Pye often became belligerent when she was drinking. The cops arrested Pye—not for assault but for public intoxication, even though she ventured no further than the front steps of her own house.   Continue reading “Iowa Supreme Court Says Porch Drinking Is Not a Crime”

Image source: wikimediaOff the Grid News – by Zach Dunn

I remember the day I first saw her. There I was in a large crowd amongst merchants peddling me the latest and greatest inventions and innovations, and that’s when I saw her. She was rather plain, almost homely in appearance, but I had fallen head over heels. And I left that day with her in my arms. Truth be told, I had arrived at the gun show in pursuit of a Colt AR-15, and left with my Ugly Duckling. A Romanian parts kit built AK-47.   Continue reading “The Most Reliable Semi-Automatic Rifle You Can Buy?”

Ripsa-EV2-luxury-tank2Oddity Central – by Sumitra

If you happen to be a motor enthusiast with a soft-spot for ‘extreme off road recreation’, we have great news for you. The world’s first luxury tank – the Ripsaw EV2 Extreme Luxury Tank – is now available for purchase!

According maker Howe and Howe Tech, the platform ‘Ripsaw’ platform was originally designed and built as a high speed super tank for military use. It quickly proved to be the “fastest dual tracked vehicle ever developed” and ended up on the cover of Popular Science magazine. In 2013, Howe and Howe decided to introduce the cutting edge technology to the high end, luxury market. They spent “thousands of man hours” working on the project, and finally unveiled the ‘Ripsaw EV2’, a “handcrafted, limited run, high end luxury super tank, developed for the public.”   Continue reading “Company Unveils World’s First Commercially Available Luxury Tank”

Jon Rappoport

“Psychiatry does more than define mental disorders. It purports to describe actual states of mind, and it coalesces and freezes those descriptions in such a way that people believe these states of mind exist. They don’t. They’re fictions. Fantasies. This is an enormous landscape of consciousness-programming. It’s actually reduction. Like many systems before it, psychiatry tries to reduce the possibilities of wide-ranging free consciousness. Throughout history, people have always been afraid of mind freedom. ‘What will people with free minds do?’ ‘What will society become if people’s minds are free?’ I can tell you: society would change radically, right down to its foundations.” (The Underground, Jon Rappoport)     Continue reading “The Devious Matrix Called Psychiatry”

A-Chronicle-of-England-Page-226-John-Signs-the-Great-CharterGlobal Research – by Dr. Paul Craig Roberts

Monday, June 15, 2015, is the 800th anniversary of Magna Carta.  In his book, Magna Carta, J.C. Holt, professor of medieval history, University of Cambridge, notes that three of the chapters of this ancient document still stand on the English Stature Book and that so much of what survives of the Great Charter is “concerned with individual liberty,” which “is a reflexion of the quality of the original act of 1215.”

In the 17th century Sir Edward Coke used the Great Charter of the Liberties to establish the supremacy of Parliament, the representative of the people, as the origin of law.   Continue reading “Happy Birthday Magna Carta”

NSA-us-secret-police.jpgBATR, June 16, 2013

Signals collection has a long secretive and enigmatic history. The very definition of espionage implies spying, most closely associated with foreign sources. Since the Echelon network, the unified function of data retrieval became a given during the cold war. With the revelation of Prism, advances in sophisticated electronic devices and software algorithms provide a major leap. The article, Is PRISM the US version of Echelon?, sums up the evolution. “With this kind of setup and ambition to capture and evaluate private conversations (well, not so private now), makes Echelon that much more believable, and that PRISM is a reflection of the infamous project, but focused solely on the US.”   Continue reading “United Stasi of America through the Echelon Prism”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Two months ago we went inside the Fed’s “doomsday” bunker: a 135,000 square foot facility built in 1969, and nestled inside Mount Pony, east of Culpeper, Virginia that housed some $4 billion in hard currency as well as the central hub of FedWire, the computer network which allows the nation’s banks to communicate and transfer funds.

It was meant to ensure that the US banking system could still function in the event there were still any banks left in the post-apocalyptic world, Culpeper Switch (officially the Federal Reserve System’s Communications and Records Center) was equipped with everything a Fed official would need to survive in the wake of a nuclear holocaust.   Continue reading “The Doomsday Bunker For Billionaires”

Fox News – by Barnini Chakraborty

Federal prosecutors are demanding libertarian news outlet Reason help track down six readers who made threatening comments about a judge in response to an online article, touching off a fierce debate over whether such comments are protected free speech.

The readers posted on Reason.com about wanting to kill the federal judge who sentenced Ross Ulbricht, founder of online black market Silk Road, to life in prison.   Continue reading “DOJ stirs free-speech fight after demanding libertarian site turn over info on commenters”

Crain’s New York

New York City police officials are working to recruit more Muslims.

Right now, there are about 800 Muslim uniformed police officers out of about 35,000. Of those, only about 20 are higher ranked officials.

The commanding officer of the community affairs immigration outreach unit, Lt. Adeel Rana, said Monday there’s been a slow increase over the past decade.   Continue reading “NYPD looks to recruit more Muslim officers”