NAPLES, Italy (AP) — The new U.S. military hub setting up in Iraq’s western desert could be a model for more such train-and-advise operations — and with it likely more U.S. troops — designed to help Iraq defeat the Islamic State, the top-ranking American general said Thursday.

“Sure, we’re looking all the time at whether there might be additional sites necessary,” Gen. Martin Dempsey, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, told reporters traveling with him to Naples, Italy, where he is meeting with U.S. commanders.   Continue reading “General: New US hub in Iraq could be model”

detentionIntellihub – by Alex Thomas

After two months of seemingly nonstop reports about urban military training throughout the United States, many readers of alternative media are rightfully worried about portions of the military being used against the American people

In fact, officials WITHIN the Pentagon have publicly voiced their concerns that President Obama may, “use force within the United States against its citizens.”   Continue reading “New York National Guard conducts training at simulated detainee facility”

Think Progress – by NATASHA GEILING

On Wednesday, both the North Carolina House and Senate voted to override Gov. Pat McCroy’s veto of House Bill 405 — referred to by opponents as North Carolina’s “ag-gag” law. The bill is set to become law January 1, and environmentalists are worried that its impacts won’t be limited to animal rights and potential whistle-blowers.

“It would have an environmental effect,” Gray Jernigan, staff attorney and communications coordinator with Waterkeeper Alliance told ThinkProgress. “If there was a spill of swine waste due to a lagoon failure, or an equipment malfunction on a hog facility, this would really make an employee second-guess whether they call environment or public health officials to come respond to the problem.”   Continue reading “The Unintended Consequences Of North Carolina’s ‘Ag-Gag’ Law”

President ObamaWND – by Bob Unruh

President Obama, whose push for vastly higher levels of immigration was recently halted a federal court in Texas, would gain vast new powers to change immigration law and practice under a looming trade agreement, according to Breitbart News.

Breitbart asked “immigration experts” to review pending trade agreement documents that have been posted online by Wikileaks and Rosemary Jenks, director of government relations for Numbers USA, who reported the dangers.   Continue reading “Secret immigration powers found in Obamatrade”

martin armstrongArmstrong Economics – by Martin Armstrong

Well it has been a long time coming, but all along there have been discussions behind closed doors (never in public) that the Administrative Law Courts established with the New Deal were totally unfounded and unconstitutional. With the anniversary of Magna Carta and the right to a jury trial coming up on June 15 after 800 years, the era of Roosevelt’s big government is quietly unraveling.   Continue reading “Judge Rules Administrative Court System Illegal After 81 Years”

ABC News

Non-Hispanic whites with American Indian ancestry make up a full half of the current population of mixed-race Americans but are among the least likely to say that they are multiracial, according to a study released Thursday.

This population is also the more likely to be Republican-leaning and conservative than the rest of the multiracial population, finds the study by the Pew Research Center. But they may someday be eclipsed by other multiracial Americans, with the majority of mixed-race babies born in 2013 being either biracial white and black or biracial white and Asian.   Continue reading “Pew: White-Native American adults largest multiracial group”

Fox News

Under threat of trade retaliation from Canada and Mexico, the House has voted to to repeal a law requiring country-of-origin labels on packages of beef, pork and poultry.

The World Trade Organization rejected a U.S. appeal last month, ruling the labels that say where animals were born, raised and slaughtered are discriminatory against the two U.S. border countries. Both have said they plan to ask the WTO for permission to impose billions of dollars in tariffs on American goods.   Continue reading “House votes to repeal country of origin label requirement for meat”

Coyote Prime – by James Quinn

“The real hopeless victims of mental illness are to be found among those who appear to be most normal. Many of them are normal because they are so well adjusted to our mode of existence, because their human voice has been silenced so early in their lives that they do not even struggle or suffer or develop symptoms as the neurotic does. They are normal not in what may be called the absolute sense of the word; they are normal only in relation to a profoundly abnormal society. Their perfect adjustment to that abnormal society is a measure of their mental sickness. These millions of abnormally normal people, living without fuss in a society to which, if they were fully human beings, they ought not to be adjusted.” – Aldous Huxley, “Brave New World Revisited”   Continue reading “Loving Your Servitude”

funeralBBC News – by Aleem Maqbool

Nine people died in Waco, Texas, in May after a shootout between warring motorcycle gangs at restaurant car park – but is such violence an aberration or part and parcel of such groups?

“Look at it now, it’s such a tranquil place. It was the same that Sunday afternoon, until all hell broke loose.”   Continue reading “Inside a Texas biker gang funeral”

liesThe Daily Sheeple – by Charles Hugh Smith

Wishing it was true doesn’t make it true–it makes you a chump who fell for the con.

Once upon a time in America, no adult could survive without possessing a finely tuned BS detector. Herman Melville masterfully captured America’s fascination with cons and con artists in his 1857 classic The Confidence-Man, which I discussed in The Con in Confidence (October 4, 2006).   Continue reading “If Your BS Detector Isn’t Shrieking, It’s Broken”

Hindu_residentsRefugee Resettlement Watch – by Ann Cocoran

Update June 9th:  Part III is here.  It is for everyone, not just Texans.

As I said yesterday in Part I of the (hopefully) Texas trilogy, in 2011 Texas moved into the number one spot in the nation for refugee resettlement. Yesterday someone commented to me that that is the year the push was on to begin turning Texas BLUE.  The refugee numbers themselves are not great enough yet, but combined with all of the other immigration to Texas, both legal and illegal, the idea is not so far-fetched.   Continue reading “Texas gets more refugees than any state in the nation”

The Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Little Rock, AR — Eric Wilson was on his way home from his job at Lighthouse for the Blind when he was stopped by two Little Rock Police officers alleging he “fit the description” of a suspect.

The LRPD police department claim they received a call about someone fitting Wilson’s description who was running away from or chasing someone and who appeared to be afraid.   Continue reading “Dashcam Refutes Cops’ Claims of Fearing for their Safety when they Attacked Innocent BLIND Man”

lemonadeThe Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Tyler, TX — Last week, police in Texas heroically saved the town from likes of two young girls who attempted to open a black market lemonade stand. The girls, one 7-year-old and one 8-year-old, dared to try to raise money to buy a Father’s day present for their dad by setting up a lemonade stand in their neighborhood.

Andria and Zoey Green told ABC affiliate KLTV they were trying to raise about $100 for a Father’s Day present. They wanted to take him to Splash Kingdom.   Continue reading “Cops Raid Little Girls’ “Illegal” Lemonade Stand, Shut it Down for Operating Without a Permit”

forced vaccinationThe Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

California is going full totalitarian, but is anyone surprised?

The state’s controversial and tyrannical mandatory vaccine bill has jumped another hurdle on its path to becoming law.

Yesterday, California lawmakers approved the bill, which requires all schoolchildren be vaccinated before being permitted to attend public or PRIVATE schools unless they have a MEDICAL exemption.   Continue reading “CA Vaccine Bill Passes Health Committee, Heads to Full Assembly for Final Vote”

20150609The Hagmann and Hagmann Report – by Douglas Hagmann

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and its agent of tyrannical empowerment, the Trade Promotion Authority (TPA) exists today as the most overt and sinister example of the Communist utopian dream of a one world government. The “conspiracy theory” detailing the establishment of a “New World Order” where national sovereignty, the destruction of the middle class and ultimate enslavement of all people except the global elite remains a conspiracy, but is no longer a theory to be ridiculed. Its final stages are being put into place for all to see, or at least those who have eliminated the corporate media from their daily diet of disinformation, deception and distortion.   Continue reading “The Rising of the Beast: TPP is the planned Communist utopian dream”