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Month: June 2015
Now the End Begins – by Geoffrey Grider
First there was Ferguson, then Baltimore, now the race baiters have chosen McKinney, Texas, as the next location for what is shaping up to be an endless summer of racial tension across America.
McKinney, Texas, the latest hotbed of racially motivated civil unrest, is now the scene of increasingly intimidating protests after the reported arrival of New Black Panther Party members. The city’s police department has been under nationwide scrutiny after video surfaced of one officer handling a teenage suspect at the scene of a public disturbance. Continue reading “Nation Of Islam And Black Panthers Arrive In Mckinney, Texas To Start Race Riots”
SELLERSBURG, Ind. (AP) — Nearly 50 southern Indiana students exposed to a classmate with a confirmed case of tuberculosis have tested positive for the disease in preliminary tests.
Clark County Health Department administrator Mike Meyer said Friday the 48 positive skin tests for the bacterial disease don’t mean those students have diagnosed TB cases. Continue reading “Nearly 50 Indiana students test positive for tuberculosis”
New York authorities say they have been questioning a civilian employee at the prison where two inmates escaped over the weekend, but aren’t revealing any of the information she has provided.
State Police Superintendent Joseph D’Amico says at a briefing Wednesday that the woman befriended “the inmates and may have had some role in assisting them.” Continue reading “The Latest on prison escape: Civilian worker questioned”
Sovereign Man – by Simon Black
My general rule of thumb when it comes to legislation is that the more high-sounding the name, the more insidious the law.
Exhibit A: the just-passed USA FREEDOM Act.
“Freedom”. It sounds great.
So great, in fact, that they stuck it in the title and built an absurd acronym around it– the real name of the law is “Uniting and Strengthening America by Fulfilling Rights and Ensuring Effective Discipline Over Monitoring Act of 2015″. Continue reading “It’s official: the USA FREEDOM Act is just a destructive as the USA PATRIOT Act” – by Christopher Baxter
TRENTON — The mayor of West New York, Felix Roque, was indicted Tuesday for accepting approximately $250,000 in bribes in return for referring patients to a medical imaging company whose owner has admitted running a massive kickback scheme, state authorities said.
From 2007 to 2012, Roque, 59, a Democrat who runs the Pain Relief Center in the town, agreed to refer patients needing MRI and CT scans to the centers in exchange for cash and campaign contributions, the state Attorney General’s Office said. Continue reading “West New York mayor accepted $250K in bribes in medical kickback scheme, cops say”
President Obama is famous for punishing his political enemies – it’s the Chicago Way of doing things in politics. But now, he has taken things a step further and is punishing children in a school to make his point.
Why would he do this? Because the school decided to end the Michelle Obama school lunch program. Continue reading “Obama Cuts Off Aid to School That Rejected Michelle’s School Lunches”
I’ve never seen so many sophisticated Wall Street’ers this scared in my entire career. – This comment comes from a very well-connected Wall Street/DC insider and is in reference to how illiquid the bond markets have become
Something deep and dark has transpired behind the Orwellian “curtain” used by the elitists to hide the inner workings of the financial markets, especially with regard to big bank balance sheets and OTC derivatives. What’s happening right now reminds of the movie “Jurassic Park.” You can hear and feel the monster coming but you can’t see it yet and you don’t know it will pop up in your face or how big it is. Continue reading “A Derivatives Bomb Exploded Within The Last Two Weeks”
The Daily Caller – by Rachel Stoltzfoos
The American tech workers Disney laid off in January after forcing them to train their foreign replacements were put on a “black list” that disqualified them from hire by any contractor that works with Disney, emails obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation between one of the laid off workers and a recruiting firm show.
The worker, who asked to remain anonymous because he is waiting on legal advice, learned of the black list when he sent his resume and performance review to a local IT recruiting firm that wanted to place him with a company contracting with Disney. Continue reading “Disney Blacklisted Displaced American Workers”
Washington (CNN) House leaders have scheduled a final vote Friday on the trade bill, which has pitted many Democrats against their own president.
House Republicans told CNN that GOP leaders announced the vote in a closed door meeting Wednesday. House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and House Speaker John Boehner spent the week hashing out final details about how to pay to retrain workers who lose their jobs in the process. Continue reading “House leaders say trade fight end in sight, schedule Friday vote”
The Guardian – by Spencer Ackerman
The Obama administration has asked a secret surveillance court to ignore a federal court that found bulk surveillance illegal and to once again grant the National Security Agency the power to collect the phone records of millions of Americans for six months.
The legal request, filed nearly four hours after Barack Obama vowed to sign a new law banning precisely the bulk collection he asks the secret court to approve, also suggests that the administration may not necessarily comply with any potential court order demanding that the collection stop. Continue reading “Obama lawyers asked secret court to ignore public court’s decision on spying”
Sacramento Bee – by Jeremy B White
During a rally against a California bill making vaccines mandatory for school children, a Republican lawmaker from Fresno galvanized the crowd by invoking forced interment camps.
Senate Bill 277 would make vaccination a condition of enrolling in private and public schools, which opponents have castigated for depriving children of an education. That argument temporarily derailed the bill in the Senate Education Committee and was featured prominently in Tuesday’s rally. Continue reading “Fresno lawmaker invokes concentration and internment camps at vaccine bill rally”
Israel’s talks on migrant workers with China are deadlocked due to Beijing refusing to allow its citizens to participate in the construction of settlements in the occupied West Bank, a high-ranked Israeli official told AFP.
“We are negotiating with China for an agreement on the arrival of thousands of additional workers,” an unnamed government official said. Continue reading “China forbids its construction workers from building Israeli settlements – report”
A professor from Japan’s Fukushima University Institute of Environmental Radioactivity (Michio Aoyama) told Kyodo in April that the West Coast of North America will be hit with around 800 terabecquerels of Cesium- 137 by 2016.
EneNews notes that this is 80% of the cesium-137 deposited in Japan by Fukushima, according to the company which runs Fukushima, Tepco: Continue reading “West Coast of North America to be Slammed by 2016 with 80% As Much Fukushima Radiation As Japan”
The Weekly Standard – by Daniel Harper
Hillary Clinton will be fundraising later this month with Dorothea and Jon Bon Jovi, according to an announcement on the candidate’s website. The event will be held in New Jersey.
Tickets to the June 29 event cost $1,000 for the cheapest ticket and $2,700 for premium seating. Here’s a copy of the flyer posted to Clinton’s website: Continue reading “Livin’ on a Prayer: Hillary to Fundraise With Bon Jovi”
All fresh water fish found in the United States is considered edible, which means there are no known species with poisonous flesh. With that being said however, certain toxins in the water such as mercury can be present in the flesh, which of course, can pose a health risk.
Others things to be concerned with are the needle like barbs on the dorsal fins of catfish/bullhead species. The wound created by the barbs is likened to a bee sting or other insect bites, and they can become infected if not treated. Continue reading “Survival Fishing: Various Techniques”
White House Dossier – by Keith Koffler
As people increasingly wondered about the silence, Secretary of State kerry finally tweeted out a photo of himself in the hospital, saying:
“Feeling good a week after surgery. Good chats today w/@AmbassadorRice & @StateDept senior team. The work continues!” Continue reading “Kerry Tweets Out Photo of Himself in Hospital”
New York Times – by SYDNEY GRUSON, June 10, 1967
Tel Aviv, June 10–Israeli sources said today that after less than 30 hours of fierce fighting Israel’s armed forces had won a major victory over Syria.
It has been a bloody and bitter fight in the north up onto high ground unlike the rolling terrain that the Israelis faced in their lightning advance earlier in the week against the forces of the United Arab Republic and Jordan.
The fighting ended at 6:30 P.M. Israeli time with the acceptance by both sides of the cease-fire demanded by the United Nations Security Council. Continue reading “On this day 1967: Cease-Fire in Syria Accepted; Israelis Hold Border Heights; Soviet Breaks Ties to Israel”