Activist Post – by Tony Cartalucci

The US Treasury has recently opened an inquiry about the so-called “Islamic State’s” (ISIS/ISIL) use of large numbers of brand-new Toyota trucks. The issue has arisen in the wake of Russia’s air operations over Syria and growing global suspicion that the US itself has played a key role in arming, funding, and intentionally perpetuating the terrorist army across Syria and Iraq.

ABC News in their article, “US Officials Ask How ISIS Got So Many Toyota Trucks,” reports:   Continue reading “The Mystery Of ISIS’ Toyota Army Solved”

The Intercept – by Jon Schwarz

On October 3, a U.S. AC-130 gunship attacked a hospital run by Médecins Sans Frontières in Kunduz, Afghanistan, partially destroying it. Twelve staff members and 10 patients, including three children, were killed, and 37 people were injured. According to MSF, the U.S. had previously been informed of the hospital’s precise location, and the attack continued for 30 minutes after staff members desperately called the U.S. military.   Continue reading “A Short History of U.S. Bombing of Civilian Facilities”


October 2015WASHINGTON – Are they ready to start thinking about the next war — maybe even The Big One? You hope it wouldn’t be World War III, but you have to prepare for the worst,” said Lt. Gen. Robert B. Brown, commanding General of the Army’s Combined Arms Center at Fort Leavenworth. “We need to be ready to play against the pro teams, not just the amateurs.” By that he means a nation such as North Korea, even Russia. A ‘pro team’ could even be a band of radicals with the means to acquire nation-like resources in a hurry — such as those fighters who call themselves the Islamic State, recruiting through the global reach of the Web. In Army-speak, the training needed to fight that brand of enemy is shifting away from ‘mission-specific’ toward ‘decisive action.’ And that requires the reacquainting of soldiers with epic battle plans featuring tanks, surface-to-air missiles, Apache choppers and military precision exercised over a broad and rugged terrain.   Continue reading “Army begins training for next war – may be much different, bigger: Selective Service reignites registration campaign”

Fox News

One student was killed and another person wounded during a shooting outside a Texas Southern University housing complex on Friday, police said.

University President John Rudley says the student who died was a freshman at the school. The other person who was shot is hospitalized in stable condition, according to Houston police. Their names have not been released.   Continue reading “1 dead, 1 hurt in shooting at TSU housing complex”


High-level security advisors to US President Barack Obama recommended that the US should withdraw its military forces from Syria and abandon plans of Assad’s resignation, DWN wrote.

Instead, high-ranking White House officials suggest that the US should undertake steps to improve the situation of the Syrian population and stop the refugee flow, the newspaper reported.   Continue reading “Obama Advisors Recommend US Military Withdrawal From Syria”

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Rundown Live – by Kristan T. Harris

Cooper predicted fast and furious along with ties between mass shooters and psychotropic drugs.

Author, broadcaster and former naval intelligence officer William Cooper has predicted many events which have come to fruition in recent years, making him one the more accurate philosophers of his era.   Continue reading “William Cooper Predicted Rise In School Shootings In His Book Behold A Pale Horse”

Here’s an update on how our patients from the shooting are doing. 

The Register Guard – by Christian Wihtol

SPRINGFIELD — Julie Woodworth, the most severely injured survivor of the Umpqua Community College shooting, is awake and able to track objects with her eyes, but she has not yet spoken, doctors at PeaceHealth Sacred Heart Medical Center at RiverBend said Thursday.   Continue reading “Julie Woodworth, injured UCC shooting victim, is awake but not speaking, doctors say”


Multiple employees were injured in an explosion at the Priest Rapids Dam along the Columbia River in Washington, according to the Grant Public Utility District, the dam’s operators.

Grant County Sheriff’s Office officials said there had been an explosion of electronic equipment, and at least six employees had been injured, according to KREM 2.   Continue reading “Multiple employees injured in Washington state dam explosion – reports”

Jon Rappoport

No, I’m not running. This is a hybrid article about something else. Call it fantasy, metaphor, excursion into the wild blue yonder. It’s as real or unreal as things are to you when you imagine them. Have you ever experienced, with full-bodied impact, a future that didn’t exist, a new day that hadn’t come yet? Have you ever fallen asleep and had a dream that was more real than waking life? If so, you qualify as a candidate for the Presidency…

Okay. Here we go.

Ahem. Let me start off by saying this a metaphysical article, because on that level I am already President of the United States…and if that sounds ridiculous…good. Let’s begin from the ridiculous, since that’s where this country is anyway.   Continue reading “Rappoport: if I were President, if you were”

CNN – by Tim Hume

London (CNN)The first person diagnosed with Ebola in the United Kingdom is back in the hospital with a complication from the virus, and doctors say her condition is serious.

Pauline Cafferkey, who was initially discharged from a hospital in January after recovering from the virus, is being treated in a high-level isolation unit at London’s Royal Free Hospital.   Continue reading “UK’s first Ebola patient back in hospital in serious condition after complication”

Political Velcraft

A man leaping from a luxury lower Manhattan apartment building met a grisly end Thursday when he was decapitated after crashing into a railing, horrified witnesses said.

The unidentified man jumped from a West St. building at about 11 a.m., officials said. His body exploded apart after it hit the railing bordering Battery Place and the underpass that leads to FDR Drive — leaving stunned onlookers covered in blood.   Continue reading “Another Banker Suicide Added To The List Of 72 Dead By Un-Natural Causes!”

WND – by Leo Hohmann

The number of sanctuary cities has exploded since July, when the issue came into the national spotlight after a young woman was gunned down by an illegal criminal immigrant on a pier on San Francisco.

In July, there were 276 sanctuary cities and counties. Now there are 340, according to a new report by the Center for Immigration Studies citing data from the Department of Homeland Security.   Continue reading “41 new sanctuary cities in just 4 months”

Telegraph – by Matthew Holehouse

Nato is to beef up its posture towards Moscow after condemning a“troubling escalation” in Russia’s air campaign in Syria, provocative Russian incursions into Turkish airspace and the continued menacing of the Baltic states, defence ministers said on Thursday night.

Jens Stoltenberg, the Nato secretary-general, said that the organisation intended to “send a clear message” to show that the world’s most powerful military alliance was prepared to act in defence of its citizens. “Nato will defend you, Nato is on the ground, Nato is ready,” he said.

Continue reading “Nato chief says prepared to send troops to defend Turkey”

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Yahoo News

Vatican City (AFP) – Pope Francis has warned bishops at a global Church meeting on the family not to be taken in by conspiracy theories, as conservatives and liberals reportedly engage in Machiavellian attempts to manipulate the synod.

Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi on Thursday confirmed reports that the pontiff had warned Catholic bishops and cardinals behind closed doors on Tuesday not to get caught up in “the hermeneutic of conspiracy”.   Continue reading “Pope warns against conspiracy theories of Vatican skullduggery”

Bloomberg – by Margaret Newkirk

James Parkey spent more than a decade crisscrossing the U.S. selling poor counties on a way to get rich quick. He’d help local governments issue tax-free bonds to build private prisons that would rent beds to the federal government, mainly to hold undocumented immigrants. Parkey’s model for financing lockups, which he promoted with help from a team of bond dealers, consultants, and lawyers, led to a boom in prison construction. While the jails succeeded in many places, almost two dozen defaults followed in cities and counties from Florida to Montana as the prisons struggled to fill beds amid the sudden glut. Then the IRS got involved.   Continue reading “How Local Governments Got Burned by Private Prison Investments”

Yahoo News

(Reuters) – A shooting at Northern Arizona University killed one person and injured three others, the school said on Friday, adding that the suspect was in custody.

“Situation is stabilized,” the university in Flagstaff, Arizona, said in a post on Twitter. The campus was not on lockdown, the university said.   Continue reading “One dead, three injured after shooting at university in Arizona”

Courthouse News Service – by June Williams

YAKIMA, Wash. (CN) – Benton County, Wash. runs a “modern-day debtors’ prison” where poor people who can’t afford fines are sent to jail or put on work crews, a class action claims in state court.

Benton County, pop. 176,000, is in south central Washington along the Columbia River, whose twists and turns form the southern, eastern and northern borders of the county. Only 6,000 people live in the county seat, Prosser; the largest cities are Kennewick, pop. 76,000, and Richland, with 48,000.   Continue reading “‘Debtors’ Prison’ Challenged in Washington”


Senate Democrats unveiled plans on Thursday for gun control reforms that include closing background check loopholes, expanding the background check database, and tightening regulations on illegal gun purchases.

The push is being led by Sens. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., and Debbie Stabenow, D-Mich., who on Wednesday sent a letter to their Senate colleagues outlining the proposals. During the press conference the lawmakers recounted deadly mass shootings across the nation over the past several years and stressed that personal conversations with the victims’ relatives and friends helped underscore the need for “sensible gun reform legislation”.   Continue reading “Senate Democrats Unveil Sweeping Gun Control Proposal”