Month: October 2015
SOTT – by Arturo Garcia, Raw Story
A Round Rock, Texas man plans to press charges against local authorities for choking his 14-year-old son on Thursday and slamming him to the ground at his high school, KXAN-TV reported.
Footage posted online shows two officers questioning the teen, Gyasi Hughes, inside Round Rock High School. One of them can be seen holding Hughes back as he attempts to walk away. That officer then grabs Hughes by the throat and and spins him around before taking him down. Continue reading “Cop filmed choking, slamming 14-year-old boy at Texas high school; staff does nothing”
Sun Sentinel – by Megan O’Matz, Sally Kestin and John Maines
More Cubans are coming to Florida in their golden years to retire, able to tap U.S. government assistance even though they never lived or worked here.
The number of Cubans arriving over the age of 60 grew fivefold since 2010, according to state refugee data. At least 185 made the crossing in their 80s or 90s.
Unlike most other immigrants, Cubans qualify immediately for food stamps and Medicaid. If they are over 65 with little or no income, they also can collect a monthly check of up to $733 in Supplemental Security Income (SSI).
Continue reading “Cubans retire to Florida – with help from U.S. taxpayers”
Astonishing lapel cam footage shot by a Texas sheriff’s agency shows the moment dozens of illegal immigrants were rescued from a sweltering semi-trailer truck transporting them through the state.
“[D]eputies with the Frio County Sheriff’s Department and agents with the U.S. Border Patrol responded to a 911 call from someone who said they saw several people exiting a tractor-trailer parked at a convenience store in Frio County, southwest of San Antonio,” reports KXAS-TV. Continue reading “Dozens of Dehydrated Illegals Pour Out of Semi Truck in Texas”
Campus Reform – by Peter Hasson
Clemson Dining’s “Maximum Mexican” night, has become a student favorite over the last several years, and this year was no different, at first. Continue reading “Clemson University apologizes for serving Mexican food”
An Oregon middle school cracked down last week on a student who showed up in a battlefield cross T-shirt that said, “Standing for those who stood for us.”
Eighth-grader Alan Holmes’ T-shirt imagery of a rifle, helmet and boots denoting loss may have symbolized patriotism to him, but not to administrators at Dexter McCarty Middle School in Gresham who demanded the boy change his shirt and then suspended him when he refused. Continue reading “Oregon school suspends 8th-grader over battlefield cross T-shirt”
Prosecutors investigating the death of a 12-year-old black boy who was fatally shot by a white Cleveland police officer say they are just trying to be transparent in seeking and sharing outside reviews by experts in use of force. A lawyer for the boy’s family, however, says the outside reports finding that the shooting was justified show that prosecutors are avoiding accountability.
The reports were released Saturday night by the Cuyahoga County Prosecutor’s Office, which asked for the outside reviews as it presents evidence to a grand jury that will ultimately determine whether Timothy Loehmann will be charged in the November death of Tamir Rice, who was holding a pellet gun. Continue reading “Officer’s shooting of Tamir Rice justified, 2 outside reports rule”
One of the most difficult things about tying together my passion for real food with my need for preparedness is finding emergency food that tastes reasonably good, has fewer additives, and isn’t loaded with genetically modified ingredients from a country with low food standards.
I have buckets of emergency food from several different companies, but there was nothing I felt I could really get behind. There were always things like MSG (instant headache), GMO corn syrup (just no), or a label that announced “Made in China.” Don’t even get me started on the copious amounts of gluten and sugary drinks that seem to be the backbone of many emergency kits. Continue reading “Numanna Food Storage Review: Pasta Primavera”
Sent to us by the author, “Barry Soetoro, Esq”
Did CIA create the Obamas?
We know Obama uses Fake ID, and grew up in Indonesia. But when we delve into his past, we get stuck. Is that because Obama is a typical CIA agent, installed to babysit us while we get robbed (via TPP) and disarmed (via Fake Shootings)?
Could this fake CIA family explain why Michelle can’t remember her own wedding? Watch Michelle FORGET what year she got married: Continue reading “The Obamas: Fake CIA Family?”
Sent to us by a reader.
When: Sunday November 8 2015 05:30 am
Where: The Woodlands Mall – Please park at the Tinsletown outdoor lot. Continue reading “Volunteers Needed – Joint Active Shooter Law Enforcement Exercise”
Are you tired of brutal cops, corrupt courts, profitable prisons, rigged elections, lost freedom, a criminal government, invasive surveillance, poisonous medicine, chemtrail warfare, the crashing economy, dissolved borders, the resulting crime wave, the attack on our culture, worthless money, the theft of our nation, a congress of perverts, endless wars, and the mail being late?
Do you really think any political candidate can fix all that, any of that, or even wants to? Or is it more likely that every candidate is only another crook trying to get his hand in the cookie jar? Continue reading “Who’ll fix this?”
Dozens of people have been killed and scores injured in two blasts at a peace rally in the Turkish capital, Ankara, officials said. According to the Turkish government, the explosions appeared to be the result of suicide bomb attacks.
The death toll from the tragedy has reached 95 people, the office of Turkish Prime Minister, Ahmet Davutoglu, said. Continue reading “Powerful explosions kill dozens at peace rally in Ankara”
Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill
- “The holocaust has been proven to be a lie beyond a reasonable doubt…”
- “It’s important to note that jews hate free speech & are known bullsh-ters”
- “I’m a wage slave to ink and paper dollars we print to bailout jewish mega banks as kikes go on bout #WhitePrivilege & I’m not suppose to kill?” – David Joseph Lenio – facing 10 years in prison for alleged Twitter posts ‘defaming’ Jews
A crowd of onlookers who witnessed a woman crash her car Thursday afternoon, issued a bizarre request to the police officer who responded to the scene: “shoot her @ss!”
The woman was apparently suffering from mental illness of some sort. Little is known about her background or health issues and history of episodes at this point.
But what is known is that she was not of sound mind when she the North Carolina woman crashed her vehicle, then began ranting about “Jesus”. Continue reading “Sadistic Crowd Begs Cop To Shoot Woman Who Crashed Her Car”
Huffington Post – by Nick Wing
Moments before he died, Charly Keunang took a swing at a cop. This wasn’t an ordinary jab or hook. In cell phone video filmed by a bystander in March, the 43-year-old homeless man can be seen spinning toward a group of Los Angeles police officers, arms flailing. He looks more like the Tasmanian Devil than Mike Tyson.
The whirlwind attack lasts a few seconds, and then ends just as quickly as it began. Keunang, a Cameroonian immigrant who was known as “Africa” on Los Angeles’ Skid Row, careens wildly into the incoming fist of one of the officers. The cop punches Keunang in the face and takes him to the ground, where the scuffle continues. Continue reading “Here’s How Police Could End Up Making Body Cameras Mostly Useless”
The Liberty Beacon – by Christina England
For many years, the US government and mainstream media have continued to blame the unvaccinated community for the spread of infectious disease. We are constantly being bombarded with statements like the one written by Philip Ross and published in the International Business Times, which stated: Continue reading “Scientists Prove Those Vaccinated for Shingles Can Infect Others with Chicken Pox”
A cop accidentally shot a four-year-old girl while responding to an incident inside her home.
Her mother, Andrea Ellis, had cut her arm on some glass in her house near Columbus, Ohio, and her sister called 911 for help. Continue reading “Cop Accidentally Shoots 4-Year-Old Girl: ‘Mommy Am I Gonna Die?’”
Information Liberation – by Holly Dickson, ACLU
When 16-year-old Matthew Robinson and his mother, Eva, took their dog out for a walk one September evening four years ago, they never once thought they’d end up in a federal courtroom. Yet that’s where they have been as their terrifying case against two police officers was put in the hands of a jury this week in Little Rock, Arkansas.
Tased, beaten, and terrorized — the Robinsons were not suspected of any crime when they were stopped by police beside their home in Dover, Arkansas. The catalyst for the stop was innocent: Matthew looked and waved at Dover Deputy Marshall Steven Payton as he drove by. Payton admitted this behavior is perfectly legal, yet said he found it suspicious. That led to Matthew being beaten, tased multiple times, kicked, searched, and arrested while his mother was also beaten, handcuffed, choked, and arrested. Her glasses were broken as her face was repeatedly slammed into the hood of a patrol car. Continue reading “16-Yr-Old & His Mom Tazed & Arrested After Boy’s Waving at Cop Deemed ‘Suspicious’”