Month: January 2016
Rense From Wolfgang Halbig, 1-12-16
This is Monte Franks response to me after filing our CT FOIA requests on Feb 1, 2015.
This is Monte Frank at his best lying for the Newtown School Board.
Wolfgang Continue reading “Halbig On The Latest Lies Out Of Sandy Hook”
Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden, January 11, 2016
The continued collapse of The Baltic Dry Index remains ignored by most – besides we still have Netflix, right? But, as Dollar Vigilante’s Jeff Berwick details, it appears the worldwide ‘real’ economy has ground to a halt!!
Last week, I received news from a contact who is friends with one of the biggest billionaire shipping families in the world. He told me they had no ships at sea right now, because operating them meant running at a loss.
Continue reading ““Nothing Is Moving,” Baltic Dry Crashes As Insiders Warn “Commerce Has Come To A Halt””
We have received a preliminary copy of one of the most dangerous pieces of anti-gun legislation we have ever seen.
While the concept was first floated by Ginny Burdick, there may be other legislators behind it.
This bill eviscerates due process and turns Oregon into a Soviet style collection of secret snitches. Continue reading “Oregon: The Most Dangerous Gun Bill Ever?”
Try as Obama might – as he did during his televised town hall meeting on CNN– to dissuade people from the notion that he has undertaken a massive conspiracy to confiscate guns from the American people and disarm their right to keep them, there is every sense that great powers for gun control could be seized. There is every sense our rights are under threat from within by a force never before seen in our system of government.
Would the president really evoke martial law to satisfy his hunger for destroying the 2nd Amendment? Will he stop at anything in undermining the right to keep and bear arms, and civil rights like due process in general? Continue reading “Victim’s Father Demands Obama Use Martial Law Powers: “Declare State of Emergency for Gun Epidemic””
San José (AFP) – The first 180 Cuban migrants, of nearly 8,000 stranded in Costa Rica, flew to El Salvador to continue an arduous journey through Central America and Mexico to new lives in the United States.
The Cubans are part of a big wave of migrants leaving their Communist-ruled island over the past year for America, in the wake of a diplomatic thaw between Washington and Havana. Continue reading “After Central America slog, Cubans can expect US welcome”
I have been in many places, but I’ve never been in Cahoots. Apparently, you can’t go alone. You have to be in Cahoots with someone.
I’ve also never been in Cognito. I hear no one recognizes you there..
I have, however, been in Sane. They don’t have an airport; you have to be driven there. I have made several trips there, thanks to my friends, family and work. Continue reading “My inconclusive travel plans for 2016”
The Free Thought Project – by Andrew Emmet
Between incessant waves of applause breaks and standing ovations, President Barack Obama delivered his final State of the Union address Tuesday night. Boasting about economic growth and military prowess, the president made several misleading statements while failing to disclose numerous politically inconvenient facts.
“Let me start with the economy and a basic fact,” Obama stated on Tuesday. “The United States of America right now has the strongest, most durable economy in the world.” Continue reading “7 Lies From Obama’s Last State of the Union Address that the Media is Ignoring”
Activist Post – by Kevin Samson
If there is ever a perfect example of dual-use technology, it is WiFi connectivity. I’ve already covered the mounting evidence that our ubiquitous gadgets and wireless connections are doing irreparable physical harm, especially to the young and to pregnant women, but the concern about surveillance is running a parallel track.
Recent announcements in the UK and in New York City have shown that governments are working with private corporations to blanket entire cities with WiFi connectivity. Naturally they are appealing to people’s love of technology for entertainment and business to push this agenda forward. Continue reading “How WiFi Will Be Used To Erase Civil Liberties”
On the 10th day of an armed standoff on federal property near Burns, Oregon, the leader of a rancher militia, Ammon Bundy, said he and his supporters “are breaking codes and regulations, but we are not breaking the supreme law of the land.”
RT’s Simone Del Rosario took a tour around the Malheur National Wildlife Preserve with Bundy, who led militia members and anti-government activists in a takeover on January 2. They believe that the federal ownership of the land is unconstitutional and that it should belong to the local community. Continue reading “‘We may be breaking codes, but not supreme law of the land’ – Bundy”
The pension fund for the United Methodist Church has blocked five Israeli banks from its investment portfolio in what it describes as a broad review meant to weed out companies that profit from abuse of human rights.
Senior officials in Israel’s Foreign Ministry said they are still examining the decision, but added that Israel will make quiet efforts to convince the leaders of the church to change or soften the measure ahead of the Methodist General Conference in May. Continue reading “U.S. Church Puts Five Israeli Banks on Investment Blacklist”
(Washington, DC) – Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton made the following statement regarding the report released today by the State Department’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG) regarding the Hillary Clinton email scandal and the mishandling of Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests by former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the State Department: Continue reading “Judicial Watch Statement on IG Report Confirming FOIA Violations by Hillary Clinton and Obama State Department”
Americans who ask why the legal age for going to war is lower than that for buying alcohol could finally get a break: three states are considering lowering the drinking age, believing it will go a long way to combatting accidental deaths and bingeing.
New Hampshire, Minnesota and California have been reviewing pieces of legislation that would bring their state laws in line with much of the rest of the world’s – which would mean lowering the legal drinking age from 21 to 18. The overarching logic concerns curbing underage binge drinking and getting teens to relax about fake IDs and to drink socially, the way Europe does. Continue reading “3 of the United States could soon lower drinking age to 18”
BEIRUT (AP) — After taking in a million Syrian refugees, Lebanon has quietly changed course in recent months, forcing refugees to return to Syria — where they are at risk of persecution or death — or stay illegally, leaving them vulnerable to exploitation and abuse.
The situation is drawing attention at a time when Turkey and Jordan have also tightened their admission policies. A Human Rights Watch report published Tuesday warned that Lebanon’s new regulations have “set the stage for a potentially explosive situation.” Continue reading “Once accommodating neighbors now turn back Syrian refugees”
NIPTON, Calif. (AP) — Waiting in the longest line ever outside what officials call the busiest lottery store in the nation, 74-year-old William Burke had three hours to think about what he’ll do if he wins a multi-state Powerball jackpot estimated at $1.5 billion.
“I’d certainly take care of my family,” the Nevada resident said as he emerged from the store in Nipton, California, just over the state line, 40 miles south of Las Vegas. “But I would also set up a charity to help as many kids go to college as I could.” Continue reading “Nevadans long for lotto, the bit of gambling they can’t have”
ISTANBUL (AP) — Turkish police have arrested one person suspected of a direct link to the deadly suicide bombing that killed 10 Germans in Istanbul’s main tourist area, officials said Wednesday.
More than a dozen other suspected IS militants were detained Wednesday in other parts of the country and 59 a day earlier, but officials say they don’t appear to be tied to Tuesday’s attack just steps from the Blue Mosque in Istanbul’s historic Sultanahmet district. Continue reading “Turkey arrests suspect with reported link to Istanbul blast”
Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill
A heckler at a Marco Rubio campaign event in Dallas Texas disrupted and shocked the entire room when he stood up and shouted very clearly “Marco Rubio is owned by Jews! Jews! And Freemasons!”
A large man in a black shirt sitting directly behind the heckler quickly stood up and grabbed the heckler by the shoulders, immediately pulling the thin man down to the ground. He resembled Brutus from the Popeye cartoons, lol. It was a brutal and immediate takedown. Continue reading “Heckler Shouts “Marco Rubio IS OWNED BY JEWS!” In Dallas, Assaulted Immediately By Rubio Fan”
DHS will stoop to any level to profit from the war on terror, even writing books that claim terrorist attacks are imminent. For more info. about how Homeland Security will do anything to profit from the Police State, read my article ‘Homeland Security Corporation, incorporated 9/12/01 is profiting from pot businesses, breathalyzers and pot kiosks.’
Chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee Michael McCaul’s new novel claims, terrorists could easily target Disney World, the Academy Awards and shopping centers like the Mall of America with biological attacks. Continue reading “Fear-mongering DHS chairman claims terrorists could target malls, Disney World etc.”
MORENO VALLEY ( — Dramatic video captured an unmanned car doing doughnuts in reverse in Moreno Valley.
“I’ve lived out here a long time and I’ve seen a lot but I’ve never seen anything like this before,” said Tommy Anderson, a Moreno Valley resident.
Anderson caught the incident on tape. Continue reading “Dramatic Video Captures Driverless Car Doing Doughnuts On Busy Residential Street”