Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill
You may be familiar with Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson, who is known for getting arrested and criminally charged in Europe a few years ago for saying that the holocaust is a hoax. He has also said that 9/11 was an inside job and that the Boston Bombing was another false flag.
UPDATE 1/8/16 6:30PM Pacific Time: It turns out that Richard Williamson has been excommunicated once again, from the Catholic Church, so it is incorrect and inaccurate to refer to him as a Catholic Bishop or even a Catholic for that matter. This is very sad news for me. Here is some history on the matter. Please understand that Williamson’s political opinions, and his stance on the holohoax, 9/11, the police state, etc., which I completely agree with, have nothing whatsoever to do with his excommunication from the Catholic church. Continue reading “A Very Interesting Conversation With Catholic Bishop Richard Williamson, Who Says The Holocaust Is A Hoax & 9/11 Was An Inside Job”