Washington Free Beacon – by Elizabeth Harrington

There are now more non-military government employees who carry guns than there are U.S. Marines, according to a new report.

Open the Books, a taxpayer watchdog group, released a study Wednesday that finds domestic government agencies continue to grow their stockpiles of military-style weapons, as Democrats sat on the House floor calling for more restrictions on what guns American citizens can buy.   Continue reading “There Are Now More Bureaucrats With Guns Than U.S. Marines”

Free Thought Project – by Jay Syrmopoulos

In the wake of the Orlando nightclub massacre, politicians have attempted to use the tragedy as means of garnering public support for increased gun control measures. Four pieces of knee-jerk gun control legislation were defeated in Congress yesterday, but the debate surrounding gun rights continues unabated.

The new narrative is that “mass shootings,” defined by the FBI as 3 or more people killed in one incident, are at epidemic level and thus require society to increase restrictions on gun ownership as a means of saving lives and lowering the U.S. homicide rate.   Continue reading “Mass Shooting Myth — U.S. Homicide Rate Hits 51-year Low as Gun Ownership Increased 141%”

Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

… our data directly contradicts some of the prevailing assumptions and the proposition that only a small group of rotten apples perpetrate the vast majority of police crime.

A new study tracking criminal activity perpetrated by police found, on average, three law enforcement officers are arrested each day — around 1,100 cops every year — and, more pointedly, this is not the case of a few rotten apples.   Continue reading “Study Shows Police Crime is Rampant — 3 Cops Arrested a Day, Over 1,100 Every Year”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

As of now, artificial intelligence is nowhere near as aware or competent as a human. Heck, even the most powerful supercomputers lack the consciousness of a small animal. We don’t even know if computers are capable of achieving rudimentary consciousness. But that hasn’t stopped the European Union from proposing a law that would define robots as “electronic persons.”

A motion was recently proposed in the EU parliament that would ask the European Commission to consider “that at least the most sophisticated autonomous robots could be established as having the status of electronic persons with specific rights and obligations.” The reason for this idea however, has less to do with establishing rights for machines that may or may not become sentient someday, and more to do with money.   Continue reading “Asinine EU Wants To Redefine Robots As “Electronic Persons””

The Daily Sheeple – by Piper McGowin

It must be so tough to sit-in a protest like a bunch of whiners for nullifying American’s 2nd Amendment rights when there’s a taxpayer-funded buffet going down in the cloakroom:   Continue reading “Dem Gun Control Sit-In, Complete With Fluffy Pillows And Taxpayer-Funded Buffet, Just Ended”

American Everyman – by Scott Creighton

No wonder the MSM doesn’t mention Killary stealing the nomination in spite of tons of evidence piling up proving Bernie Sanders actually won. Fascist Big Business leaders and the Zionist neocons all back Hillary’s ascension to the  throne and that is who they serve, isn’t it?

While the corporate Dems finally found something they would take a stand on in the House of Representatives (unfortunately it’s an unconstitutional bill allowing for the creation of fascist blacklists which deprive citizens of their constitutional rights by arbitrary means that even the ACLU can’t support) the Killary campaign released a list of her Big Business backers who have openly endorsed the raving Queen of Scoop Jackson Dems.    Continue reading “Hillary Clinton Endorsed by Scores of Neocon Republicans and Globalist Business Leaders”

Infowars – by Clifford Cunningham

As citizens of the United Kingdom prepare to cast their votes in a nationwide referendum to decide whether or not to leave the European Union, a plan detailing the initial framework for the creation of a European Union army are being kept hidden from the public until the day after the vote.

The Global Strategy on Foreign and Security Policy, which envisions the formation of new European military and operational structures, was drafted by Federica Mogherini, High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy.   Continue reading “EU army proposal to remain hidden From British voters until day after Brexit vote”

Sent to us by the author.

Tax Revolution Institute – by Guillermo Jimenez

“You’re always looking over your shoulder. When you think you’re doing the right thing, you wonder, ‘Am I doing the wrong thing, even though I think I’m doing the right thing?” This is how Maryland farmer Calvin Taylor describes his experiences with the Internal Revenue Service, and unfortunately, the sentiment is all too common.
Continue reading “IRS Seized Millions from Innocent Small-Business Owners through “Coercion and Power of Government””


An armed man has been killed after opening fire at a cinema complex in western Germany, according to German media. Up to 50 people were wounded in the shooting.

The German Interior Ministry confirmed that the man was shot in the town of Viernheim, according to local media.   Continue reading “Gunman dead after wounding dozens at cinema complex in Germany – reports”

CBS Baltimore

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Office Caesar Goodson, who was driving the police van inside which Freddie Gray incurred his fatal neck injury, has been found not guilty of second-degree “depraved heart” murder Baltimore City Circuit Court Judge Barry Williams.

Goodson, 46, has also been found not guilty on charges of manslaughter, assault, misconduct in office and reckless endangerment.   Continue reading “Freddie Gray Van Driver Found Not Guilty of Murder”


The British pound rallied on Thursday, climbing to its highest level this year as voting begins in the historic referendum on the UK’s future membership of the European Union. Polling stations opened at 06:00 GMT and will close at 21:00 GMT.

The British currency advanced almost 1.5 percent to over $1.49 against the US dollar by 10:48 GMT during trading in London.   Continue reading “Pound surges to 2016 high as Britons start voting in EU referendum”


A robot-maker from Perm, Russia, is considering de-activating IR77 – the world-famous machine that escaped its testing grounds in June and caused traffic chaos. The robot’s fans are in uproar, claiming the step would be akin to killing a living being.

The ‘Promobot’ (promotional robot) from the company of the same name recently made another attempt to escape its testing grounds, and its creators now believe the bot’s memory has to be replaced to remove the machine’s “love for freedom.”   Continue reading “‘Don’t kill it!’: Runaway robot IR77 could be de-activated because of ‘love for freedom’”


HARVEY, La. (AP) — A sheriff’s deputy in a New Orleans suburb was just about to search a suspect when the 19-year-old flipped around, pulled out a gun and reaching over the officer, shot him in the back, a Louisiana sheriff said, calling the incident a “cold blooded murder.”

Jefferson Parish Sheriff Newell Normand late Wednesday said the suspect, identified as Jerman Neveaux, was later apprehended and admitted to shooting Detective David F. Michel Jr. The sheriff said Neveaux was on probation for a previous crime and didn’t want to go to jail if Michel found the weapon he was carrying.   Continue reading “Louisiana sheriff calls deputy’s death ‘cold-blooded murder’”


WASHINGTON (AP) — A drained and dwindling group of Democrats carried their remarkable House floor sit-in into the morning Thursday, disrupting the business of Congress in the wake of the Orlando shooting rampage and making demands for gun-control votes in an extraordinary protest broadcast live to the world.

Republicans, who control the chamber, refused to yield, branding the move a publicity stunt and summarily adjourning the chamber at about 3:15 a.m. EDT until after the Fourth of July. By 9:30 a.m., 22 hours after the protest commenced, about a dozen Democrats remained. They gave speeches that mixed victory declarations with promises not to back down in their drive to curb firearm violence.   Continue reading “Dems stage election-year sit-in on guns; GOP refuse to yield”

NBC News

The U.S. Supreme Court split 4-4 Thursday over a challenge to President Obama’s immigration policy, a result that prevents the administration from putting the program into effect during the rest of him term.

Announced in late 2014, it would shield more than four million people from deportation. But lower courts blocked its implementation after Texas and 25 other states sued, claiming the president had no power to order the changes.   Continue reading “Supreme Court Tie Dooms Obama Immigration Policy”

NBC News

The U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday upheld the affirmative action program at the University of Texas at Austin, ending a protracted legal battle.

It was not immediately clear how far-reaching the ruling will be because of the specifics of the Texas program at issue.   Continue reading “Supreme Court Upholds Affirmative Action in College Admissions”

Washington Free Beacon – by Natalie Johnson

Authorities are investigating a Department of Homeland Security employee with a top-secret clearance after he was caught bringing a gun, knife, infrared camera, pepper spray, and handcuffs into the agency’s headquarters in Washington, D.C., CBS News reported Wednesday.

Government officials said in court documents that investigators had “probable cause” to pursue a probe after Jonathan Wienke entered the building June 9 with the contraband.   Continue reading “DHS Employee Arrested After Bringing Gun, Knife, Radios Into D.C. Headquarters”


A mother posted the picture at left of her three-year-old daughter practicing a lockdown at home.

Congratulations, DHS and police. You’ve done what no parent could have dreamed of twenty years ago, you given kids new nightmares. Instead of kids being afraid of the dark or monsters under the bed, they’re now afraid of being killed in school.

‘Fear, American Style’ isn’t a remake of the old ‘Love, American Style‘ TV show. Sadly, its about kids being afraid of getting killed.
Continue reading “‘Fear, American Style’ preschoolers practicing lockdowns”

Vac Truth

For many years, controversy has surrounded the three-in-one vaccine against measles, mumps, and rubella. Most notably, the MMR vaccine is infamous for its disputed connection to autism, and despite the fact that it has been blamed in vaccine courts for causing autism, vaccine supporters still deny its fault in skyrocketing rates of autism spectrum disorder, which is at least one in 68 children, with even higher rates of diagnosis among boys. [1, 2]   Continue reading “Japanese Government Continues to Ban the MMR Vaccine”