The Wounded Knee Massacre occurred on December 29, 1890,[5] near Wounded Knee Creek (Lakota: Čhaŋkpé Ópi Wakpála) on the Lakota Pine Ridge Indian Reservation in the U.S. state of South Dakota.

The previous day, a detachment of the U.S. 7th Cavalry Regiment commanded by MajorSamuel M. Whitside intercepted Spotted Elk‘s band of Miniconjou Lakota and 38Hunkpapa Lakota near Porcupine Butte and escorted them 5 miles (8.0 km) westward to Wounded Knee Creek, where they made camp. The remainder of the 7th Cavalry Regiment, led by Colonel James W. Forsyth, arrived and surrounded the encampment. The regiment was supported by a battery of four Hotchkiss mountain guns.[6]   Continue reading “The Worst Mass Killings in the United States were Perpetrated by the Traitors in Government who want your guns”

Eric Peter’s Autos – by Eric

California has become – ironically – the most anti-car state in the country. Fifty years ago, the Beach Boys sang about the The Little Old Lady From Pasadena.

Today, the state government wants to restrict how often you’re allowed to change your car’s oil.

And also, who’s allowed to do it.    Continue reading “No Oil Change For You!”

AlterNet – by Jill Richardson

Imagine painstakingly making up your way up the cables of Yosemite National Park’s famous Half Dome peak — only to see swooshes and slogans encouraging you to “Just Do It.”

“Welcome to Half Dome,” a gleaming banner greets you, “sponsored by Nike.”   Continue reading “Are We Really Going to Let Corporations Buy Naming Rights to Our National Parks?”

Ars Technica – by Beth Mole

If you ask the Internet what’s wrong with you when you’re not feeling well, it’s bound to break the news that you’ve probably got cancer or perhaps some rare, terminal disease. It doesn’t matter that you just have a mundane, generic symptom. You likely only have a few months left and you should start getting your affairs in order. Sincere condolences, poor Internet user.

With the Web brimming with such bum medical advice—alarming patients and irking doctors worldwide—Google is now rolling out new search tools to try to strip away the medical malarkey or at least shove it down deep in search results.   Continue reading “Googling medical symptoms may no longer convince you that you’re dying”

Free Thought Project – by William N. Grigg

Philadelphia, PA — As chief of Pennsylvania’s Bureau of Narcotics Investigation, Jonathan Duecker had just been handed control of the Philadelphia Gun Violence Task Force, which he wanted to turn into a sleek paramilitary unit. Duecker, an ex-DEA agent, wanted door-busters and ass-kickers, and his ambitions were impeded by a group of older officers who were still inhibited by scruples regarding due process and the Bill of Rights.   Continue reading “Top Cop Takes Over State Task Force, Removes the Good Cops to Create His Own Mafia”

KDRV 12 News

MERLIN, Ore. — A man is in custody after a standoff lasting more than five hours in Merlin.

SWAT team members are still out searching the property after arresting 70-year-old Mike Dills.

Oregon State Police troopers arrested him for possession and delivery of meth.   Continue reading “Update: Man Arrested After 5-Hour Standoff in Merlin, Oregon”

Eric_rudolphEric Robert Rudolph (born September 19, 1966), also known as the Olympic Park Bomber, is an American convicted for a series of anti-abortion and anti-gay-motivated bombings across the southern United States between 1996 and 1998, which killed two people and injured over 120 others.[1]

Described by US Attorney General Alberto Gonzales as a terrorist,[2] he spent five years on theFBI Ten Most Wanted Fugitives list until he was caught in 2003. In 2005, as part of a plea bargain, Rudolph pleaded guilty to numerous federal and state homicide charges and accepted four consecutive life sentences in exchange for avoiding a trial and a potential death sentence. He remains incarcerated at the ADX Florence Supermax prison in Florence, Colorado.

Get Off the BS

Sources within the Santa Monica police department claim that James Wesley Howell, an Indiana man who was caught with explosives and weapons on Sunday Morning, told the Santa Monica police that as many as five people were involved in planned attacks on gay communities in both Florida and California.

According to the LA Times, Santa Monica Police Chief Jacqueline Seabrooks initially said on Twitter that the 20-year-old Indiana man (James Howell) told one of her officers after he was arrested that he wanted “to harm the Gay Pride event.”  

Continue reading “Howell and Four Other Suspects Involved in Planned Sunday Massacres”

Grant Pass Daily Courier

MERLIN — State police urged people to stay away from a location in downtown Merlin shortly before 3 p.m. Wednesday because of an armed standoff.

An OSP spokesman said that they attempted to serve a search warrant at 126 Galice Road and the person barricaded himself inside the residence. More details were not available.   Continue reading “Armed standoff in Merlin, OR continues”

Xerox News

The New Jersey E-ZPass Group has awarded Xerox an eight-year contract to enhance its E-ZPass® System customer support. Xerox will provide a state-of-the-art customer service center, violations processing, and financial back-office services for the New Jersey E-ZPass System.

Once fully operational, drivers will be able to contact support representatives through phone, e-mail, fax, a mobile application, web and online chat functions. Additionally, all customer correspondence will be presented in a single, dynamic dashboard, allowing agents to view past customer information and tailor the support as needed.   Continue reading “Xerox to Help New Jersey E-ZPass Enhance Customer Experience, Simplify Operations”

Liberty Fight

Paul Elam of ‘An Ear for Men’ has a very interesting video analysis of the San Diego, CA District Attorney’s recent video targeting domestic violence victims.

During the video, he points out an undeniable bias against men, as well as a very interesting study which notes “286 scholarly investigations, 221 empirical studies and 65 reviews and/or analyses, which demonstrate that women are as physically aggressive, or more aggressive, than men in their relationships with their spouses or male partners. The aggregate sample size in the reviewed studies exceeds 371,600. [- Martin S. Fiebert, Department of Psychology, Cal State University, Long Beach.]   Continue reading “Advocate Warns: “Male Domestic Violence Victims Should Not Seek Help in San Diego or Anywhere Else””

NBC News

House Democrats led by Civil Rights veteran Rep. John Lewis, D-Georgia, are in the midst of a sit-in on the chamber floor to try and force a vote on gun control.

“Now is the time for us to find a way to dramatize it, to make it real,” Lewis said. “We have to occupy the floor of the House until there is action.”

Then Lewis and House Democrats sat.   Continue reading “House Democrats Hold Sit-In on Gun Control”

This is a list of LGBT rights organizations around the world. For social and support groups or organizations affiliated with mainstream religious organizations, please see List of LGBT-related organizations and conferences. For organizations affiliated with political parties, please see List of LGBT organizations that affiliate with political parties.

See the list here: