Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

Once thought to be too approachable for their own good — as in, able to efficaciously perform the tasks they’ve been designed to do — robots are now being programmed with self-defense capabilities.

Now, robots which, say, patrol for criminal or suspicious activity come with a blend of humanoid characteristics and self-defense programs which prevent them from being perceived as too cute — or too menacing.   Continue reading “What Could Go Wrong? Crime Fighting Robots Now Equipped with Self-Defense Instincts”

Vac Truth – by Michelle Goldstein

Working with a physician who supports your vaccine choice is essential for developing a cooperative, supportive relationship. Unfortunately, many doctors in private practice refuse to see patients who do not follow the aggressive Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) vaccination schedule. These physicians may be willing to make some allowances, but will push for many vaccinations.

Other medical doctors employed by hospitals receiving government funding will likely favor vaccines, but are legally forced to accept parent choices regarding vaccinations and provide medical care to all patients. Where can one find a health care provider who respects parent vaccine choice and the right to not vaccinate?   Continue reading “How to Find a Physician to Support Your Vaccine Choice”


The man who attempted to steal a police officer’s gun and “kill Donald Trump” at the Treasure Island casino in Las Vegas, Nevada, was in the US illegally, having overstayed his visa, a federal court found out during the arraignment.

Michael Steven Sandford faced a federal judge in Las Vegas on Monday afternoon, after his arrest on Saturday night at the Trump rally. The 19-year-old had tried to grab a service pistol from a Las Vegas Police Department officer. Secret Service agents protecting the presumptive GOP nominee then arrested the teenager, whose only form of identification was a UK driver’s license.   Continue reading “Man arrested for wanting to ‘kill Trump’ in Vegas was in US illegally”

Raw Story – by Alexandra Rosenmann

Look no further if you were wondering how messed up America’s anti-terror program is.

In the wake of the Orlando massacre, even some of the biggest objectors to gun control are opening the door to restrictions.

“I will be meeting with the NRA, who has endorsed me, about not allowing people on the terrorist watch list, or the no-fly list, to buy guns,” Donald Trump tweeted Wednesday, surprising both the left and right.   Continue reading “What the hell were these 10 people doing on the terrorist watch list?”

Who What Why – by Brent Gregston

The biggest corporate takeover of 2016, if it happens, will create a company with a virtual lock on the world’s food supply.

Germany’s pesticide and pharmaceutical giant Bayer has offered $62 billion to buy Monsanto, the world’s largest producer of genetically modified seeds. The first bid was rejected but Bayer has the money to go much higher.   Continue reading “After Monsanto Binge, Bayer Could Dictate What We Eat”

Chicago Tribune

When Dennis Hastert served as the nation’s longest-reigning Republican U.S. House speaker, he had a secure phone to the White House and could look upon the Washington Monument and Lincoln Memorial from the balcony of his posh Capitol office.

But, when the disgraced Illinois politician surrenders this week at a federal prison hospital in Minnesota, a life that began from humble beginnings while working on the back of a feed truck amid Midwestern farmland will once again take a dramatic, unexpected turn.
Continue reading “Dennis Hastert scheduled to report to prison this week”

Submitted for your consideration:

My rating: Invaluable, 5 Stars +++ ad infinitum as the Lady clearly states what I knew or should have known and still can not articulate as well; and yes, the 6 Cassettes play for 5+ hours so just turn OFF that Boob-Tube, miss the Big Game and Feed Your Head; for your Mind is your Shield and Sword, the primary weapon!   Continue reading “Energy Anatomy, Dr. Caroline Myss”

The Daily Caller – by Eric Owens

A Republican National Committeeman from Arizona has called for Donald Trump’s Arizona campaign staffers to be killed because of their gross ineptitude.

The committee member is Bruce Ash, reports the Arizona Independent.

Ash suggested the executions on Saturday during an interview on Tucson AM talk radio station KVOI as he was criticizing Trump staffers for failing to prevent the appointment of former Utah Congresswoman Enid Mickelsen to the rules committee at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland.   Continue reading “Republican National Committee Member Calls For Trump Staffers To Be ‘SHOT IN THE BACK OF THE HEAD’”

NBC News

Four gun policy measures failed to pass the 60-vote threshold to move forward in the Senate on Monday, following impassioned debate from both sides of the aisle.

The votes came just over a week after a deadly shooting spree in a gay nightclub in Orlando — the nation’s worst mass shooting in modern history — and a subsequent 15-hour filibuster by Senate Democrats who demanded action on gun control.   Continue reading “Senate Votes Down 4 Gun Control Measures After Fiery Debate”

Jewish Telegraphic Agency

WASHINGTON (JTA) — Tensions between Donald Trump’s campaign manager Corey Lewandowski and Jewish son-in-law Jared Kushner reportedly were behind Lewandowski’s departure announced Monday by the campaign.

On the same day, Lewandowski said separately that he stood by Trump, the presumptive Republican presidential nominee.
Continue reading “Jared Kushner tensions reportedly behind ouster of Trump campaign manager”


Most of what you learned from orthodox history schooling is flat out wrong. Add into this indoctrination, the movie accounts that portray the reasons and motivations about the conflict during World War II. Especially, the European theater which has been obfuscated in scores of books and political analysis, mislead and distort the facts. All the efforts to chastise the NAZI regime profoundly ignore the true end results of the German surrender. To the victors belongs the descriptive end account of the narrative. Yet, when you peel back the onion, the tears that are exposed carry forward well into the next millennium.   Continue reading “Fascist Victory Behind the European Union”

The New American – by Joe Wolverton, II, J.D.

On June 16, a Minnesota Public Radio news program held a debate on this timely question: Has the president usurped the power of Congress?

With the presidential election fewer than five months from now and in light of promises made by both major party candidates about what they will do in their “first 100 days,” it is important to review the powers granted to that office by the states when they created the federal government in the Constitution.   Continue reading “Has the President Usurped the Constitutional Authority of Congress?”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

With Speaker Ryan decrying the preposterousness of redacting the Orlando shooter’s 911 call transcript, The FBI has been forced to explain itself (and its Obama administration-driven political-correctness). Simply put, “you (America) can’t handle the truth,” as the bureau argued that letting the public hear or even read the gunman’s justification for the attack in his own words risked encouraging further attacks.   Continue reading “FBI Explains Why It Redacted The 911 Transcript – “Simply Put, You Can’t Handle The Truth””

CounterPunch – by Eric Draitser

The horrific massacre in Orlando has once again thrust the specter of domestic terrorism into the limelight, and into the media space.  Pundits and politicians alike have taken the incident as yet another opportunity to thump their chests about the need for even more counter-terrorism legislation, a further increase in surveillance state activity and, of course, more war abroad.

And while such opportunists posture as defenders of the American people, none care to face the inescapable reality that since 9-11, and the introduction of numerous pieces of draconian legislation ostensibly aimed at combatting terrorism, the agencies charged with surveillance and law enforcement have not managed to prevent attacks.  Obviously, this raises the question of what exactly legislation such as the PATRIOT Act is really intended for if not to ‘keep Americans safe.’   Continue reading “After Orlando, Democrats and Republicans Clamor for Expanded Police State”

The Sleuth Journal – by Sayer Ji

A study published in the Journal of Ethnopharmacology reveals that the seeds of Nigella sativa, commonly known as “black seed,” may provide an ideal nutritional supplement for preventing or slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease.[1]

Researchers divided forty elderly volunteers into a treatment group receiving 500 mg capsules of Nigella Sativia twice daily for nine weeks and a placebo group. Subjects were assessed for neuropsychological state and safety profile twice before treatment and after nine weeks. The trial resulted in significant improvements in memory, attention and cognition without any measurable changes in any biochemical markers of cardiac, liver, or kidney function during the nine-week study period.   Continue reading “Could Eating This Simple Black Seed Prevent Alzheimer’s Disease?”

USA Today – by Haya El Nasser, March 30, 2007

The Census Bureau turned over confidential information including names and addresses to help the Justice Department, Secret Service and other agencies identify Japanese-Americans during World War II, according to government documents released today.

Documents found by two historians in Commerce Department archives and the Franklin D. Roosevelt Presidential Library confirm for the first time that the bureau shared details about individual Japanese-Americans after Japan’s Dec. 7, 1941, attack on Pearl Harbor.   Continue reading “Papers show Census role in WWII camps”

Yahoo News

Members of the GOP Convention Rules committee are planning to consider an amendment to allow delegates a way out of voting for Trump on the first ballot—an effort that in an extreme could be used to deny him the nomination.

Under the proposal, delegates could be granted conscientious objector status, thereby freeing them from their pledge to vote as they are bound as the result of primaries and caucuses. The measure, first put forward by Colorado delegate Kendal Unruh, would undo the strict ‘faithless-delegate’ rule enacted at the GOP convention in 2012 and allow a “vote of conscience, whether personal or religious” by delegates.   Continue reading “Republicans Consider ‘Conscientious Objector’ Rule for Convention Delegates”