Sent to us by Joe from the Carolinas.

The Daily Sheeple

In a Craigslist ad posted about 17 days ago, our Federal Government is looking for crisis actors for July 4th through July 6th.

“We are looking for crisis actors for a government emergency drill between July 4-6th. Actors will be responsible for portraying different emergency scenarios in a simulated government terror drill. No experience is needed. Confidentiality agreements are required. Pay is $200. Please message for details.” ~Houston Craigslist

Continue reading “False Flag Alert: Craigslist Ad Asking For Crisis Actors In Houston For July 4th”

Anon HQ

Even as the world’s biggest fast food chain moves its headquarters to a $250 million 608,000-square-foot complex in Chicago’s West Side in the spring of 2018, McDonald’s intends to close about 500 weaker-performing, company-operated locations worldwide in 2016 to bolster profits.

McDonald’s spokeswoman Becca Hary confirmed the announcement, released just days after it withdrew its branches from Middle Eastern and three Latin American countries, in an email to The Street:   Continue reading “Not Lovin’ It: McDonald’s To Close Over 500 Restaurants Worldwide To Stay Afloat”

Weather Channel

Officials said at least 20 people have died in West Virginia after heavy rains flooded several towns, and states of emergency have been declared in both Virginia and West Virginia due to the devastating event that has been described as “complete chaos.”

“Roads destroyed, bridges out, homes burned down, washed off foundations,” said Greenbrier County Sheriff Jan Cahill. “Multiple sections of highway just missing. Pavement just peeled off like a banana. I’ve never seen anything like that.”   Continue reading “West Virginia Flooding Kills 20; Emergencies Declared in Two States”

The Federalist – by Maria Servold

Doctors, hospitals, and insurance companies may soon face lawsuits for treating male and female patients according to their biological sex, thanks to a health care rule finalized in May as part of the Affordable Care Act.

On the same day President Barack Obama announced his controversial transgender school bathroom policy last month, a somewhat more sinister mandate was finalized by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) with consequences for health care providers, insurance companies, and American taxpayers.

Continue reading “New Rule Requires Doctors To Treat Trans Patients As Their Pretend Sex”

Free Thought Project – by William N Grigg

The FBI once again appears to have averted a terrorist plot of its own manufacture by arresting 57-year-old William Keebler, a man from Stockton, Utah described in press accounts as a militia organizer exhibiting an “extreme hatred” for the federal government. A vociferous critic of the federal Bureau of Land Management who was present during the April 2014 standoff in Bunkerville, Nevada, Keebler was a close friend of the late LaVoy Finicum. FBI agents arrested  Keebler in Nephi, Utah Wednesday morning after he allegedly attempted to bomb a vacant cabin owned by the BLM.   Continue reading “FBI Just Created and Foiled their Own Terrorist Plot to Demonize Those Who Question Government”

End of the American Dream – by Michael Snyder

We are watching what happens when the economy of a developed nation totally implodes.  Just a few years ago, Venezuela was the wealthiest nation in all of South America, and they still have more proven oil reserves than anyone else on the entire planet including Saudi Arabia.  But now people down there are so hungry and so desperate that some of them are actually hunting dogs, cats and pigeons for food.  Just a few days ago, I gave a talk down at Morningside during which I warned that someday we would see armed guards on food trucks in America.  After that talk was done, I went back up to my room and I came across a New York Times article which had been republished by MSN that explained that this exact thing is already happening down in Venezuela…   Continue reading “They Are Putting Armed Guards On Food Trucks In Venezuela”


President Barack Obama on Friday designated the site of a watershed event in the history of U.S. gay rights, the 1969 Stonewall riots in New York City, as a national monument, the first one to honor the contributions of gay Americans.

The Stonewall Inn gay bar in Manhattan’s Greenwich Village was the scene of a police raid that triggered riots and ignited a long struggle to bring lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people into the American mainstream and guarantee their rights.   Continue reading “Obama creates first U.S. monument to gay rights at New York site”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

HOUSTON, Texas – The leader of a Houston area MS-13 gang was convicted in a Texas criminal district court in connection with the murder of a 14-year-old Texas boy. The murder was carried out with the use of a machete as four gang members hacked the boy to death.

Jose Granados-Guevara, 23, was convicted by state district court Judge Terry Mlenniken following a three-day bench trial. The judge sentenced Granados-Guevara to spend 99 years in a state prison.   Continue reading “MS-13 Gang Leader Murdered 14-Year-Old Texas Boy With Machete”

Washington’s Blog – by Eric Zuesse

Alfred de Zayas, the U.N.’s Independent Expert on the Promotion of a Democratic and Equitable International Order, is assigned the task to apply the standards of international law to proposed treaties, to determine whether they’re in accord with international law. On Friday, June 24th, he issued his finding on three large proposed treaties regarding international trade among Atlantic countries: TTIP, TISA, and CETA. Earlier, on February 2nd, he had issued a similar finding on the proposed TPP treaty between Pacific countries, and his conclusion there was the same: that the proposed treaty violates international laws, and is inconsistent with democracy.    Continue reading “U.N.’s Legal Expert Calls Proposed Trade Deals Illegal”

We received the following tale of terror from a reader.

I would like to let you know about an extremely disturbing incident that happened to my daughter and her friend while driving on I-5 south, between Seattle and Portland.

They both live in Portland, and her friend had bought a vintage van, and they went up there to get it and bring it back to Portland.   Continue reading “Terrorism on Interstate 5”

The Tennessean – by Julie Thanki

Bluegrass legend Dr. Ralph Stanley died Thursday night after a battle with skin cancer, according to a Facebook post by his grandson, Nathan Stanley.

Dr. Stanley was 89 years old and a member of the Grand Ole Opry and the Bluegrass Hall of Fame. After receiving an honorary Doctorate of Music from Lincoln Memorial University in 1976 (and another from Yale in 2014), he was known to fans worldwide as “Doctor Ralph.”   Continue reading “Ralph Stanley, bluegrass legend, dead at 89”

The Bay State Examiner – by Maya Shaffer

“You’re going to see people drawing their guns, all pointing their guns into my car.” Steven Cepeda is describing his terrifying encounter with Lawrence police after he was stopped in the lot of a pizza shop on April 14.

“Then a police officer on the righthand side—he starts bashing my window with a baton, trying to break in. That’s when I noticed they might kill me.”   Continue reading “Lawrence police draw guns on motorist after he asked for an officer’s name”

Atlas Obscura – by Sarah Laskow

The exact moment when one of the world’s most dangerous mosquitoes arrived in the Americas is unknown. It’s clear that they came from Africa, and they may have crossed the Atlantic as early as 1495, on some of the first European ships to reach Hispanola. By 1648, when yellow fever broke out on the Yucatan peninsula, Aedes aegypti had definitely arrived.

Their behavior upon arrival, though, was unusual. Most of the world’s 3,500-plus mosquito species are innocent of lust for human blood but on these long journeys across the sea, the mosquitoes that survived were the ones willing to bite humans. Female mosquitos females need blood to lay eggs. En route to America, A. aegypti learned to love ours.   Continue reading “While Brazil Was Eradicating Zika Mosquitoes, America Made Them Into Weapons”

Pogo Was Right

Mark Rumold writes:

In a dangerously flawed decision unsealed today, a federal district court in Virginia ruled that a criminal defendant has no “reasonable expectation of privacy” in his personal computer, located inside his home. According to the court, the federal government does not need a warrant to hack into an individual’s computer.   Continue reading “Federal Court: The Fourth Amendment Does Not Protect Your Home Computer”

Fox 13 Now

SALT LAKE CITY — Prosecutors have charged a Stockton man, accused of plotting to blow up a federal building in northern Arizona.

William Keebler, 57, was charged Wednesday with one count of attempted damage to federal property by means of fire and explosives. He is the self-described leader of the “Patriot’s Defense Force Militia.” Federal prosecutors accuse him of putting an explosive device at a Bureau of Land Management building in Mt. Trumbull, Ariz.   Continue reading “Feds charge Utah militia man with plotting to blow up federal building”

The Daily Caller – by Christian Datoc

Speaking shortly after the Supreme Court’s immigration decision, President Obama made it “very clear” that deporting illegal immigrants is not a priority of his administration.

On Thursday morning, Supreme Court upheld an injunction on Obama’s 2014 Deferred Action for Parents of Americans and Lawful Permanent Residents policy by a 4-4 split vote.    Continue reading “Obama: SCOTUS Ruling Doesn’t Change My ‘Priorities’ — I’m Still Not Deporting Most Illegals”

The Intercept – by Murtaza Hussain

LAST MONTH, A GROUP OF STUDENTS at University of California at Irvine gathered to protest a screening of the film “Beneath the Helmet,” a documentary about the lives of recruits in the Israeli Defense Forces. Upset about the screening of a film they viewed as propaganda for a foreign military, the students were also protesting the presence of several IDF representatives who here holding a panel discussion at the screening.   Continue reading “Students In California Might Face Criminal Investigation For Protesting Film On Israeli Army”

The Intercept – by Alice Speri

LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES, including the FBI, have been knocking on the doors of activists and community organizers in Cleveland, Ohio, asking about their plans for the Republican National Convention in July.

As the city gears up to welcome an estimated 50,000 visitors, and an unknown number of protesters, some of the preparations and restrictions put in place by officials have angered civil rights activists. But the latest string of unannounced home visits by local and federal police mark a significant escalation in officials’ efforts to stifle protest, they say.   Continue reading “FBI And Police Are Knocking On Activists’ Doors Ahead Of Republican National Convention”


A majority of British voters said Thursday that the United Kingdom should leave the European Union, launching markets into turmoil as investors tried to digest what the referendum means for the U.K. and the European bloc as a whole.

Although concern for the future of the EU may seem like hyperbole, nearly every member state has a political contingent in favor of leaving the union, and the successful Brexit vote may have just politically legitimized — and energized — those movements.
Continue reading “With Brexit locked in, here are other EU countries that poll high to ‘exit’”