Zero Hedge – by George Washington

Preface: We’ve previously shown that 9/11 couldn’t have been an inside job, because:

  • 9/11 was thoroughly and exhaustively investigated by the 9/11 Commission, Congress and U.S. scientific agencies
  • No one could have foreseen 9/11
  • Government officials didn’t have time to stop the 9/11 attacks, once they realized America was under attack

Continue reading “4 Reasons the Twin Towers Could NOT Have Been Brought Down With Explosives On 9/11”

The Daily Sheeple – by Joshua Krause

There are millions of Americans who want to restrict firearm ownership and use by one degree or another. While you may disagree with those people, at least they’re consistent. For the most part, die-hard gun grabbers don’t own firearms, and have probably never even held a gun before. They’re not hypocrites, unlike the handful of politicians and celebrities who often lead them.   Continue reading “Rep. Charlie Rangel: Only Politicians Need Firearms For Protection”


If You Haven’t Got a Tag You Can’t Bathe at Bradley Beach

Beachfront restrictions were invoked at Bradley Beach last week when more than 10,000 tags were issued to summer residents, property owners and hotel proprietors for the accommodation of their guests.   Continue reading “1929 Original Newspaper —-4th Paragraph (Page Seven) New Jersey”

Vac Truth

In 2005, I was told to consider “out-of-home placement” for my son David. He was four years old and had been diagnosed with “worst-case-scenario for autism” by specialists. He was violent, self-injurious and had a tendency to wander.

The recommendation for out-of-home placement inspired me to schedule a Pharmacology Clinic where a team of child experts would meet with me to discuss behavior meds. In preparation for the Pharmacology Clinic, I was asked to put my son’s medical file in chronological order.   Continue reading “Acetaminophen: A Catalyst to Autism”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

A Folcroft, Pennsylvania police officer was attacked and shot seven times Friday morning by released convict. Muslim Donte Brooks, aka Abdul Wahi, then fired on a second police officer called to the scene.   Continue reading “Folcroft Police Officer Attacked – Shot Seven Times… Muslim Felon Abdul Wahi Arrested”

World Events and the Bible

It is being said, in “free and fair elections” Britain decided to leave the European Union. Since when are there free and fair elections in a Western Nation or any nation for that matter? How can everyone be so quick to forget all of the reports of voting fraud and manipulated voting machines that change votes. The computer programmers who testified that they were paid to change the code in the voting machines?

How can we forget who controls the Global Structure? Everyone relax and pull yourself out of the fear and hype. Both the mainstream and alternative media are saying this is a kick in the shorts to the globalists. That documents they do not understand who the globalists really are and unless you are in our Father’s Word you will not understand. The globalists at the upper most levels are the children of Satan. Were they kicked out of Britain? Not a chance, they still control Britain.   Continue reading “Britain Has Not Pushed Out The Globalists”

Guns America Digest – by Alan Korwin

For all the gun myths I’ve exposed so far, none have addressed criminality, have you noticed?

There isn’t much attention to actual threats. They have all addressed baseless fears on the part of the anti-gunners making the proposals.

The myths spread from politicians who work that crowd, to frenzied grassroots people living in imagined terror, to tagalongs and the “news” media.   Continue reading “The Home-Arsenal Myth (The Most Dangerous Myth of All)”

WHDH 7 News

BEDFORD, NH (WHDH) – A New Hampshire man has been arrested for allegedly recording underage girls in a Target dressing room.

According to Bedford police, on Wednesday, June 22 around 9:15 p.m., they responded to the Target store on South River Road for a report of a man recording juvenile girls who were changing clothes in a dressing room.   Continue reading “NH man arrested for allegedly recording girls in Target dressing room”

Freedom Outpost – by Tim Brown

Connnecticut State Police Maj. William Podgorski, one of the lead investigator in the Sandy Hook shooting investigation, died earlier this week. Podgorski, 49, died on Monday following a brief illness and surgery.

The illness was undisclosed, but the New Haven Register reports:    Continue reading “Sandy Hook Lead Investigator Maj. William Podgorski Dies Suddenly”

The headquarters of the United Nations is a complex in New York City designed by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer. The complex has served as the official headquarters of the United Nations since its completion in 1952. It is located in the Turtle Bay neighborhood of Manhattan, on spacious grounds overlooking the East River. Its borders are First Avenue on the west, East 42nd Street to the south, East 48th Street on the north and the East River to the east.[2] The term “Turtle Bay” is occasionally used as a metonym for the UN headquarters or for the United Nations as a whole.[3]   Continue reading “After Trial Target”

SoftPedia – by Catalin Cimpanu

Malicious applications can use the noise emanated by a computer’s fan speed to relay information to a nearby recording device and steal data from air-gapped, isolated systems.

Other researchers proved in the past that malware could use low-frequency sounds sent through the computer’s speakers to exfiltrate data from targeted systems to a nearby microphone-enabled device.   Continue reading “Malware Can Use Fan Noise to Exfiltrate Data from Air-Gapped Systems” – by Leada Gore

The Federal Bureau of Investigation is now saying it cannot confirm a situation involving the Information Services Division of the Alabama Governor’s Finance Office was a routine audit or that it even took place this week.

Earlier in the day, State Auditor Jim Zeigler said his office had received multiple reports that the FBI has seized records and equipment during a raid at the Finance Office’s Information Services Division.   Continue reading “Rumors swirl of seizure of state finance computers; FBI won’t confirm”

Daily Caller – by Ethan Barton

Nearly two decades and $108 million worth of “disturbing” data manipulation with “serious and far ranging” effects forced a federal lab to close, a congressman revealed Thursday.

The inorganic section of the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) Energy Geochemistry Laboratory in Lakewood, Colo. manipulated data on a variety of topics – including many related to the environment – from 1996 to 2014. The manipulation was caught in 2008, but continued another six years.   Continue reading “Federal Lab Forced To Close After ‘Disturbing’ Data Manipulation”

ABC News

A New York Police Department vehicle has gotten a rainbow-themed makeover before the city’s 2016 LGBT Pride March this Sunday.

The NYPD badge on the SUV’s hood is in rainbow colors, as are the words “pride,” “equality” and “peace” on the vehicle’s side. The car also reads “NYC pride 2016” on a heart-shaped rainbow and “Our [heart] goes out to Orlando.”   Continue reading “NYPD Unveils Rainbow-Themed Vehicle Before City’s Gay Pride March”