World Events and the Bible
It is being said, in “free and fair elections” Britain decided to leave the European Union. Since when are there free and fair elections in a Western Nation or any nation for that matter? How can everyone be so quick to forget all of the reports of voting fraud and manipulated voting machines that change votes. The computer programmers who testified that they were paid to change the code in the voting machines?
How can we forget who controls the Global Structure? Everyone relax and pull yourself out of the fear and hype. Both the mainstream and alternative media are saying this is a kick in the shorts to the globalists. That documents they do not understand who the globalists really are and unless you are in our Father’s Word you will not understand. The globalists at the upper most levels are the children of Satan. Were they kicked out of Britain? Not a chance, they still control Britain. Continue reading “Britain Has Not Pushed Out The Globalists”