ABC News

Macy’s is cutting up to 4,800 jobs and has slashed its profit outlook after a miserable holiday season.

The nation’s largest department store chain, which also operates upscale Bloomingdale’s, said about 2,110 of the job cuts will come from reducing staffing levels at stores, eliminating duplications in back office operations and consolidating regional store groups. The remaining 2,710 job cuts will come from the store closings that Macy’s announced last fall, says Macy’s spokesman Jim Sluzewski.   Continue reading “Macy’s to Cut up to 4,800 Jobs After Weak Holiday Sales”


Heidi Whitehead of Denver is asking for help in identifying the gentleman in this photo. He is in possession of a cell phone that Whitehead’s son lost. The phone has an Android app called CM Locker that takes a photo when an incorrect password is entered on a phone, and emails the photo to the phone’s owner.   Continue reading “App reveals face of man who has teenager’s missing smartphone”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

On January 7, The Baltimore Sun gave President Obama kudos for issuing executive orders for gun control, but expressed their desire that he add another measure–a public registry of gun owners.

And the Sun wants the registry to be searchable, so that mothers can look up the parents of their children’s friends to see if they keep guns in their homes.   Continue reading “Baltimore Sun: Obama Should Create Public Registry Of Gun Owners”


President Barack Obama said on Thursday that he will not campaign for Democrats who don’t back gun reforms, part of his effort to make tougher gun laws a cause in the November 2016 presidential and congressional elections.

“I will not campaign for, vote for or support any candidate, even in my own party, who does not support common-sense gun reform,” Obama wrote in an op-ed column in the New York Times.   Continue reading “Obama says won’t campaign for any Democrat who doesn’t back gun reforms”


The same day that President Obama announced executive actions on gun control, a man yelling, “Obama!” shot up an apartment building in Redding, California. Cell phone video shows police communicating with him, then opening fire when he raised his gun.

Redding police received a 911 call at 5:47pm Tuesday, reporting six to eight shots fired, according to the Shasta County Sheriff’s Office, which is now investigating the incident. Officers arrived at 6:10 p.m., and after less lethal means failed, they shot and killed the suspect as he exited his apartment, pointing his gun at them.   Continue reading “Police kill man who shouted ‘Obama’ while shooting up apartment building”

National Journal

Shift­ing demo­graph­ics na­tion­wide are chan­ging the face of Amer­ic­an em­ploy­ment. Im­mig­rants make up 13 per­cent of the pop­u­la­tion and 17 per­cent of the work­force, but their em­ploy­ment pat­terns con­trast with those of their U.S.-born coun­ter­parts across in­dus­tries and states. Un­der­stand­ing these dif­fer­ences na­tion­ally and with­in each state is vi­tal for poli­cy­makers as they con­sider strategies to boost their eco­nom­ies and de­vel­op their work­forces. To help give them the clear pic­ture they need, The Pew Char­it­able Trusts pro­duced first-of-their-kind data on the like­li­hood of im­mig­rant work­ers be­ing em­ployed in 13 ma­jor in­dus­tries, com­pared with U.S.-born work­ers, in all 50 states and the Dis­trict of Columbia.   Continue reading “Immigrants in the Workforce, State by State and Industry By Industry”


Wal-Mart Stores Inc, the world’s largest retailer, faces a lawsuit in Pennsylvania claiming store employees negligently allowed an underage, intoxicated customer to buy a box of bullets later used to commit three murders.

The lawsuit, filed in Philadelphia by families of the victims, seeks compensatory and punitive damages from Wal-Mart and several employees at its Easton, Pennsylvania, store, where the bullets were purchased by Robert Jourdain on July 5 at 2:56 a.m. The Bentonville, Arkansas-based company operates stores under the Walmart name.   Continue reading “Wal-Mart sued over sale of bullets used in Pennsylvania murders”

Washington Post – by Mark Berman and Carissa Wolf

BURNS, Ore. — This small community has been the focus of national attention since an armed group arrived and occupied a nearby wildlife refuge, holding periodic news conferences to say they had no plans to leave and to insist that they were there to help residents. But the sheriff has his own message for the occupiers: Please go home.

“They’re welcome to leave, and I’ll escort them out of the county,” Harney County Sheriff David Ward said at a community meeting Wednesday evening.   Continue reading “Oregon sheriff meets with armed group occupying wildlife refuge and asks them to leave”

Scribd – by protectourliberty

16 Feb 2009: List of all U.S. Presidents – Eligibility under the original citizens Grandfather Clause (GFC) or Natural Born Citizen (NBC) clause or seated despite constitutional ineligibility and fraud by the candidate and lack of in-depth vetting of early life documents by the media and Congress. By: CDR Charles Kerchner (Ret). Last updated 2 Nov 2013.   Continue reading “All U.S. Presidents & Eligibility: Grandfather Clause, Natural Born Citizen Clause, or Seated by Fraud”

Liberty Fight – by Martin Hill

Jason Patrick is one of the protesters up in Oregon. He has been featured in media interviews since the seizure began last week. He has also been featured as a Red Cross hero of the year award for rescuing stranded motorists, including a pregnant woman who had been stranded in her car a few years ago. You can read FOX 5 Atlanta’spost on that storu HERE. Jason is currently giving live updates on the Oregon situation via his Facebook page, and there is some very interesting info there in responses to his latest post.   Continue reading “FedEx Corporate Issues Dictate About Oregon Protesters: “Do Not Make Any Deliveries To Anyone At The Refuge.””

Deviant Investor – by Roxanne Lewis

As through this world I’ve wandered I’ve seen lots of funny men, some will rob you with a six-gun and some with a fountain pen.  As through your life you travel and as through your life you roam you won’t NEVER see an outlaw drive a family from their home.” – Woody Guthrie

The media today distracts with inane fears, the homegrown terrorist of late.  You are much more likely to get hit by lightening than be affected by a terrorist attack.  The real threat today, never reported, is that your life savings could be wiped out in a massive derivatives collapse.  Bank bail-ins have begun in Europe and the infrastructure is in place in the U.S. as well.  The poverty it will wreak will kill families quicker than any random attack by extremists.  [Portugal Bail-In Jan. 2017 – It is happening.]   Continue reading “The FDIC Can No Longer Ensure the Return of Your Deposits!”

Free Thought Project – by Andrew Emett

Although the number of cops charged with murder or manslaughter sharply spiked last year, not a single officer was convicted for these unjustified deaths. With less cops killed in the line of duty in 2015, the number of people killed by police increased yet again.

The accumulated number of people killed by police in the U.S. last year remains between 986 and 1,200, with The Guardian currently totaling 1,138 victims. Although many disagree on the exact number of fatalities caused by cops, most concur that 2015 saw an escalation in both the total of people killed by police and the number of officers charged with murder or manslaughter.   Continue reading “Record Number of Cops Charged with Killing People in 2015 — Not a Single Officer Convicted”

If You Only News

According to Article 1, Section 3 of the United States Constitution, the requirements to become a United States Senator include that the candidate must:

  • be at least 30 years old.
  • a United States citizen for at least nine years at the time of their election to the Senate.
  • a resident and inhabitant of the state they are being elected to represent in the Senate.

Continue reading “Ted Cruz Should Prove His Mother Was A U.S. Citizen When He Was Born”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

With WTI trading with a $32 handle, collapsing below December 2008’s $32.40 lows briefly overnight, OPEC’s broad basket price for crude has also reached a worrisome milestone. Amid Saudi price cuts to Europe, the basket price was set at $29.71 today – the first print below $30 since April 2004.

WTI broke 2008 lows overnight… and then ran stops to overnight highs…   Continue reading “OPEC Basket Crude Price Crashes Below $30 – Lowest Since 2004”


A reporter was hospitalized after a demonstration of a knife-proof vest’s effectiveness went wrong, much to the embarrassment of the manufacturer.

Israel has been hit by a wave of stabbing attacks in recent months and, as part of an educational report covering the vest manufacturing process, Channel 1 journalist Eitam Lachover agreed to get stabbed on camera.   Continue reading “Israeli TV reporter stabbed & injured in knife-proof vest trial”