
Republican presidential hopeful Jeb Bush said his brother, former U.S. President George W. Bush, was “the strongest friend to Israel in modern history,” and that if elected, he has no intention of pursuing a two-state solution for the Israeli-Palestinian conflict or of pressuring Israel back to the negotiating table.

In a preview of an interview with Bush by the Jewish Insider, the Republican nominee said that his brother’s presidency will be his model when it comes to the relations between the U.S. and Israel,  and leveled the responsibility for the stalemate in the peace process on the Palestinians. The interview will be published in full over the weekend.   Continue reading “Jeb Bush: My Brother Was the Strongest Friend to Israel in Modern History”

Dallas Morning News – by Brandi Grissom

Gov. Greg Abbott, aiming to spark a national conversation about states’ rights, said Friday that he wants Texas to lead the call for a convention to amend the U.S. Constitution and wrest power from a federal government “run amok.”

“If we are going to fight for, protect and hand on to the next generation, the freedom that [President] Reagan spoke of … then we have to take the lead to restore the rule of law in America,” Abbott said during a speech at the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Policy Orientation that drew raucous applause from the conservative audience.   Continue reading “Texas Gov. Greg Abbott calls for Constitutional Convention to take back states’ rights”

The story you are about to read is true. The names have not been changed to protect the guilty. This book may have the effect of changing your life. After reading this book, you will never look at national and world events in the same way again.

None Dare Call It Conspiracy will be a very controversial book. At first it will receive little publicity and those whose plans are exposed in it will try to kill it by the silent treatment. For reasons that become obvious as you read this book, it will not be reviewed in all the “proper” places or be available on your local bookstand.   Continue reading “None Dare Call it Conspiracy (Gary Allen, 1971)”

Truthstream Media – by Melissa Dykes

And here I thought the system couldn’t surprise me anymore…

Just days after announcing more executive action on gun control, last night CNN hosted a town hall which featured President Obama answering questions about guns.

Yes. The establishment felt the need to go there. Watch this:   Continue reading “Obama: You’re a Conspiracy Theorist if You Think He Wants to Confiscate Your Guns”

SHTF Plan – by Mac Slavo

President Obama knows that the American people have not embraced his radical, leftist gun control agenda.

That’s why he took to the stage at a town hall spectacle hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper in attempt to defend his unconstitutional executive actions for stealth gun control, and try to convince Americans once and for all that he is not enacting some kind of gun grabbing conspiracy.   Continue reading “Chinese Immigrant Turned Citizen Defies Obama Gun Grab: “I Will Never Be A Slave Again””

Mr. President, Barack, Barry if you will,

You have billed yourself as a teacher of the Constitution.  Contained within that document is my people’s Bill of Rights.  These rights are described as unalienable, (That which cannot be taken away or given away.)

The 2nd Article states, “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”   Continue reading “My question for Obama had I been invited to the Town Hall Meeting”

USA Today

Lobbyists in Missouri who have sex with state lawmakers or their aides would have to disclose that activity to the state ethics commission, under a bill introduced this week by a Republican state representative.

The measure, pushed by Rep. Bart Korman, defines sexual relations between lawmakers and lobbyists as a “gift” to be reported on the disclosure forms that lobbyists file on a monthly basis. The bill does not assign a “dollar valuation” to the gift of sex.   Continue reading “Mo. bill defines sex between lobbyists, lawmakers as ‘gifts’”

AmmoLand – by Justin Stakes

Washington, DC -(AmmoLand.com)- For the last several days, as reported by numerous news outlets, a headquarters facility at the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge in eastern Oregon has been occupied by an armed group of extremists from outside the state.

This ongoing occupation represents a seizure of public land that American hunters and anglers find unacceptable.   Continue reading “Authorities Should Hold Extremists Accountable for Seizure of Public Land”

Fellowship of the Minds – by DGC

“Journalist” and now “filmmaker” Jose Antonio Vargas is an illegal, gay, Filipino American who was born in the Philippines and raised in the US since the age of 12. He is the founder of Define American, a nonprofit organization intended to open up dialogue about the criteria people use to determine who is an American. He has said: “I am an American. I just don’t have the right papers.”

He’s also a racist. He believes he’s above the law of the land. Which is why democrats and Hollyweird love him.   Continue reading “Illegal Jose Antonio Vargas organizing a film festival – centering on immigrants – in Iowa before caucuses”


Campbell Soup Company said it supports the enactment of federal legislation for a single mandatory labelling standard for foods derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs).

The world’s largest soup-maker said on Thursday that it believes if all foods and beverages regulated by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) are labelled for GMOs clearly, it will help raise consumer awareness.    Continue reading “Campbells Soup backs plan for mandatory GMO ingredient labelling”

Guns of America – by S.H. BLANNELBERRY

Our beloved tuber Hickok45 was booted off of Google+ and Youtube Wednesday for apparently violating corporate policy on firearm-related content.

The story is still developing but the old gunslinger posted on Facebook to provide a little more clarification on the sudden shutdown.   Continue reading “Hickok45 Booted Off Of YouTube”

North Jersey – by Hannan Adely

A Fair Lawn High School student found herself at the center of a national firestorm involving free speech rights and the Israeli-Palestinian conflict after school administrators questioned her about anti-Israel social media posts and warned that she could be in trouble under the state’s anti-bullying law.   Continue reading “Fair Lawn High School looks into whether student’s anti-Israel political tweets are bullying”

Eric Peter’s Autos

Radar detectors, like bulletproof vests, don’t make you invulnerable. They improve yours odds. And like a bulletproof vest, the more you know about your radar detector’s capabilities – and vulnerabilities – the better off you’ll be. Here are some things worth knowing:

* Radar detectors usually can’t pick up “instant on” radar… until it’s too late –   Continue reading “Things To Know About Radar Detectors … and Police Radar”

Infowars – by Mikael Thalen

An investigative summary released by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ) Thursday reveals that Drug Enforcement Agnecy (DEA) paid a Security Screener with the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) to alert them to travelers carrying large sums of cash.

The report, released by the DOJ’s Office of the Inspector General (OIG), summarizes whether the DEA acted accordingly in registering a TSA employee as a paid Confidential Source (CS).   Continue reading “DEA Hired TSA Informant to Confiscate Travelers’ Cash”

The Hill – by Mark Hensch and Jonathan Easley

A woman who publicly accused former President Clinton of raping her in 1978 is resurrecting her claims on social media.

“I was 35 years old when Bill Clinton, Ark. Attorney General raped me,” Juanita Broaddrick tweeted Wednesday.    Continue reading “Bill Clinton rape accuser: Hillary ‘tried to silence’ me”

Associated Press – by Bob Christie

PHOENIX (AP) — An Arizona lawmaker wants to bar the public from videotaping law enforcement officers from close-range, saying groups that rush in to film police interactions are routinely endangering officers by distracting them while they’re engaged with suspects.

Republican state Sen. John Kavanagh’s bill would bar videotaping police from 20 feet or closer. The proposed legislation filed for consideration in the session that begins Monday would make it a petty offense to violate the law, or a misdemeanor if the person keeps taping after being warned or has a previous conviction.   Continue reading “Bill would make videotaping police a crime if too close”

California Political Review – by Stephen Frank

Congratulations California. Thanks to the open borders ORDERED by Janet Napolitano (now the chancellor of our hate filled and bigoted UC system campuses) El Centro, in Imperial County, saw a 216% increase in the number of illegal aliens coming across the border. The bad news is that we do not know how many were imported by Obama from Central America and how many came from Pakistan and the Middle East.   Continue reading “Two Months SURGE of Illegal Aliens Into El Centro, California: 216% INCREASE”

CBS News – by Justin Finch

PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – Authorities say a Philadelphia police officer is recovering after he was shot several times during an ambush late Thursday night in West Philadelphia.

Philadelphia police commissioner Richard Ross says the officer was sitting in his patrol car around 11:30 p.m. at 60th and Spruce Streets when a gunman fired 13 shots through the driver’s side of the car.   Continue reading “Police Officer Ambushed, Shot Multiple Times In West Philly”