Yahoo News

(Reuters) – A Michigan man whose drug-related prison sentence was commuted by former President Barack Obama was shot dead this week at a federal halfway house, according to local media reports.

Demarlon Thomas, 31, was shot and killed on Monday night by a man with an assault-style rifle in Saginaw, Michigan, around 100 miles (160 km) northwest of Detroit, according to local CBS affiliate WNEM.   Continue reading “Michigan man whose sentence was commuted by Obama killed: media”

New York Post – by Shari Logan and Natalie O’Neill

She’s no chicken.

A plucky Queens mom of five fought off a bandit who tried to rob the chicken restaurant where she worked — by grabbing a kitchen knife in each hand and telling him to scram, the woman and cops said Tuesday.   Continue reading “Would-be robber tried to steal from the wrong chicken joint”

Truth Dig – by Emma Niles

American whistleblower Edward Snowden recently gave a lengthy interview at an event hosted by acTVism. “Freedom & Democracy—Global Issues in Context,” moderated by acTVism Munich founder and senior editor Zain Raza, also featured interviews with philosopher Srecko Horvat, Real News Network founder Paul Jay, economist Richard D. Wolff, Intercept founding editor Jeremy Scahill, and German writer Jürgen Todenhöfer.   Continue reading “Edward Snowden: ‘Faith in Elected Leaders’ Is a Mistake Americans Keep Making”

Heat Street – by Jillian Kay Melchior

A Colorado history museum has come under attack after a group of activists renting its facilities hung a Donald Trump piñata, promising attendees “a chance to strike.”

The controversy began last Friday, when one Facebook user posted a photo of the piñata, hoisted by the neck from the rafters of the El Pueblo History Museum. The museum had rented its space out to Chicanos Against Trump for its Popular Vote Fiesta.   Continue reading “Trump Piñata Hung From Rafters of CO Museum For ‘Chicanos Against Trump’ Event”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It wasn’t just the EPA.

Earlier today, we reported that the Trump administration instituted a media blackout at the Environmental Protection Agency and barred staff from awarding any new contracts or grants.   Continue reading “Trump Orders Media Blackout At Government Agencies: Bans Use Of Social Media, Bars New EPA Contracts”

Breitbart – by Neil Munro

President Donald Trump’s deputies have yet to stop the Department of Homeland Security from printing more of President Obama’s work permits for younger illegals who claim they were brought into the United States when they were younger than 16.

This inaction is in violation of one of Trump’s most prominent campaign promises, and it also gives away bargaining power that Trump needs to make the GOP-led Congress implement his popular campaign promises on immigration reform, warns Mark Krikorian, head of the Center for Immigration Studies.   Continue reading “Trump’s Deputies Break His Cheap-Labor Immigration Promise on Day One”

Natural News – by Ethan Huff

They’re a popular mealtime beverage for millions of people who believe that by drinking them, they’re avoiding the pitfalls of sugar consumption. But diet soda pop is neither healthy nor safe, as research continues to show that its primary sweetening constituent in most cases, aspartame, is a damaging neurotoxin that can lead to a host of chronic health issues, including cancer.   Continue reading “Aspartame in diet soda linked to significant health issues, tumors”


U.S. President Donald Trump is expected to sign several executive orders on Wednesday restricting immigration from Syria and six other Middle Eastern or African countries, according to several congressional aides and immigration experts briefed on the matter.

In addition to Syria, Trump’s orders are expected to temporarily restrict access to the United States for most refugees. Another order will block visas from being issued to those from Iraq, Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and Yemen, said the aides and experts, who asked not to be identified.   Continue reading “Trump expected to sign executive orders on immigration”

Yahoo News

DENVER (AP) — Two Denver officers involved in a fatal shooting that sparked angry protests and followed high-profile killings by police elsewhere in the country will not be disciplined, officials said Monday.

An investigation by the Denver Police Department and other agencies determined the officers used appropriate force when they shot and killed Jessica Hernandez, 17, on Jan. 26, 2015. The review also said they complied with policies in place at the time.   Continue reading “No punishment for Denver officers who shot, killed teenager”

New York Post – by Daniel Harper

President Trump’s adviser Kellyanne Conway is getting Secret Service protection after receiving suspicious “white substances” at her home, she revealed in a TV interview.

The White House counselor — Trump’s most visible adviser — is being protected by the same agency tasked with his security after receiving the threats, Conway told Fox News’ Sean Hannity.   Continue reading “Conway gets Secret Service protection due to death threats”

Yahoo News

Jerusalem (AFP) – Israeli police have widened a probe into Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, already under investigation in a graft case that has shaken the country’s politics, media reports said.

Police are now looking into two other matters related to Netanyahu, Channel 10 television reported on Monday night.   Continue reading “Police probe of Israel’s Netanyahu widens: report”

Natural News – by Vicki Batts

Shingles, also known as “zoster” or “herpes zoster,” will affect roughly 1 out of every 3 American adults during their lifetime. Estimates suggest that there are upwards of one million cases of shingles each year in the United States. The disease is caused by dormant varicella zoster virus — the same virus that causes chicken pox. It is fairly well known that a history of having had chicken pox puts you at risk of developing shingles in your elder years.

But, did you know that the shingles vaccine could raise the risk of someone else getting chicken pox?   Continue reading “Scientists shocked to learn that shingles vaccines can transform vaccinated people into “carriers” who spread infectious disease”

Yahoo News

JERUSALEM (Reuters) – Israel announced plans on Tuesday for 2,500 more settlement homes in the occupied West Bank, the second such declaration since U.S. President Donald Trump took office signaling he could be more accommodating toward such projects than his predecessor.

A statement from the Israeli Defence Ministry, which administers lands Israel captured in a 1967 war, said the decision was meant to fulfil demand for new housing “to maintain regular daily life”.   Continue reading “Israel plans more than 2,500 new settler homes to start Trump era”

Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich

One of the foremost researchers in electromagnetic frequencies and their effects on human health is Professor Olle Johansson of the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden.  Dr. Johansson made a 7-minute YouTube explanation telling why everyone should be concerned about the science being promoted regarding EMFs/RFs.  That happened back on October 8, 2010, and you can listen to it here.
Continue reading “A Wake-Up Call About Electromagnetic Frequencies”


Pakistan has for the first time successfully test-fired its surface-to-surface ballistic missile capable of carrying nuclear warheads, the military press department said.

The missile, called Ababeel, has a maximum range of 2,200km and “is capable of delivering multiple warheads, using Multiple Independent Re-entry Vehicle (MIRV) technology,” the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), the media branch of the Pakistani armed forces, said in a press release.    Continue reading “Pakistan conducts 1st test of nuclear-capable surface-to-surface missile”

Breitbart – by Bob Price

The mayor of Los Angeles has set up a “justice fund” to help, among others, criminal illegal aliens fight deportation orders.

In an interview with Fox News Channel’s William La Jeunesse, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti announced he was creating the L.A. Justice Center with the goal of raising millions of dollars to provide legal assistance to immigrants facing deportation by Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials. The sanctuary city mayor made the move in advance of the inauguration of President Donald Trump.   Continue reading “L.A. Mayor Sets Up Justice Fund to Protect Criminal Aliens”