Jon Rappoport

From Kennedy’s video presentation, “7 Minutes on the CDC,” Anne Dachel (Age of Autism) has transcribed excerpts. This is explosive material, particularly because there is a chance Kennedy will head up an investigation of vaccine safety under Trump.

Kennedy understands the inherent conflict of interest at the CDC, which operates as a vaccine sales and marketing company, while at the same time posing as a neutral scientific body that assesses vaccine safety—AND OF COURSE, THE CDC PRESENTS AN EVER-EXPANDING SCHEDULE OF “NECESSARY” VACCINES TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.  Continue reading “Robert F Kennedy Jr’s devastating quotes on vaccines and the CDC”

Oddity Central – by Spooky

Every winter for the past three years, 80-year-old Mette Kvam, from the Norwegian town of Aurland, has been getting two daily visits from a very special friend – a majestic stag who seems to love her tasty snacks.

It all started three years ago, when Mette first saw her friend “Flippen” hanging out in her yard, on the edge of the nearby forest. She opened the window and offered the beautiful animal a crunchy cookie. To her surprise, the animal came closer and stretched its neck to grab the treat. Flippen must have liked it very much, because he has been coming back for more ever since. He visits Mette every morning and evening, from early November to April, when he and his deer friends head higher up into the mountains for the warm season. But as soon as they come back down, he starts coming by the woman’s house again.   Continue reading “Snack-Loving Deer Visits Norwegian Pensioner Twice a Day Every Winter”


Anonymous notes threatening to “blow up” a refugee community center catering mainly to Muslim immigrants were found at the Denver-area building, prompting a hate-crime investigation by the FBI, police said on Friday.

The two identical, typewritten notes were left on Thursday in the parking lot and stairwell of the Mango House in the Denver suburb of Aurora, both with the message: “WERE GONNA BLOW UP ALL OF YOU REFUGEES,” according to police spokesman Sergeant Chris Amsler.   Continue reading “FBI probes threat to ‘blow up’ Denver-area refugee center”

Statistical Ideas – by Salil Mahta

With the battle growing in sanctuary cities to deviate from President Trump’s strategy on immigration law, it is worth seeing another topic that we have been following closely: violent crime rate across major U.S. cities.  This of course comes as President Trump menacingly engages with Chicago Mayor Rahm Emmanuel, in a twitter exchange that reiterates the use of the term “carnage” (the President’s quotes, not ours) to suggest the warfare-style chaos that is occurring there.   Continue reading “Are sanctuary cities more violent?”

Yahoo News

WASHINGTON (AP) — Setting a hard-line tone on national security, President Donald Trump on Friday ordered strict new screening for refugees to keep “radical Islamic terrorists” out of the United States and alternated tough talk with kind words in his diplomatic standoff with Mexico.

Trump traveled to the Pentagon where he joined Defense Secretary James Mattis for the signing of an executive action to bring sweeping changes to the nation’s refugee policies and put in motion his plans to build up the nation’s military.   Continue reading “Trump orders strict new refugee screening, citing terrorists”


The text of the bill below is as of Jan 3, 2017 (Introduced).

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

San Antonio, TX — In November, the Free Thought Project brought you the disgusting story of a San Antonio cop defecating on a piece of bread and giving it to a homeless man as food. For making a literal sh*t sandwich, San Antonio police officer Matthew Lockhurst was fired. However, the Free Thought Project has just learned that Lockhurst was involved in yet another feces related ‘prank’ — after the sh*t sandwich.

“It was a disgusting, vile act — that, there is no excuse; there is no explaining it; there is no justification,” San Antonio Police Chief William McManus told KOMO News after the termination of an officer for, quite literally, giving a homeless man a sh*t sandwich.   Continue reading “Cop Who Gave Homeless Man a Sh*t Sandwich, Fired AGAIN for 2nd Poop Prank”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Willow Springs, IL — It’s become apparent that there is a systemic problem in policing, yet many Americans continue to be willfully ignorant of the dark reality transpiring outside of their front doors. Often people will claim “it’s just a few bad apples,” but the truth is that problem is much more deeply ingrained. The following example is evidence of the previous claim.

In Willow Springs, Illinois, a three-year long internal investigation is coming to fruition and the rats are scurrying for the exits. After hundreds of pages of depositions and many hours of investigations, half of the Willow Springs department has now been fired or forced to quit.   Continue reading “Isolated Incident? Half of ENTIRE Police Dept Fired, Quit Amid Corruption Probe”

The Daily Caller – by Jonah Bennett

Female Marines joining the infantry will have to share tents with their male counterparts while out in the field.

According to the Marine Corps, no gender accommodations will be made out in the field for female infantry Marines, as that could break unit cohesion, Marine Corps Times reports.   Continue reading “Male, Female Marines In The Infantry Will Have To Share The Same Tents”


The new U.S. ambassador to the United Nations, Nikki Haley, pledged on Friday to overhaul the world body and warned U.S. allies that if they do not support Washington, then she is “taking names” and will respond.

Haley made brief remarks to reporters as she arrived at the world body’s headquarters in New York to present her credentials to U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.   Continue reading “New U.S. U.N. envoy warns allies: back us or we’ll take names”


US President Donald Trump says relations between the United States and Israel were repaired once he took office, noting, however, that it’s too early to talk of moving the US embassy to Jerusalem or his reported freeze on money transfers to Palestinians.

It’s repaired. [Relations with Israel] got repaired as soon as I took the oath. We have a good relationship. Israel has been treated very badly,” Trump said in an hour-long with Fox News on Thursday. When asked about his recent promises to relocate the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem, however, he stated that it was too early to talk about the issue.   Continue reading “Trump says ‘relations with Israel repaired, but too early to talk of moving embassy to Jerusalem’”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Having discontinued its production of EUR500 banknotes, it appears Europe is charging towards the utopian dream of a cashless society. Just days after Davos’ elites discussed why the world needs to “get rid of currency,” the European Commission has introduced a proposal enforcing “restrictions on payments in cash.”

With Rogoff, Stiglitz, Summers et al. all calling for the end of cash – because only terrorists and drug-dealers need cash (nothing at all to do with totalitarian control over a nation’s wealth) – we are not surprised that this proposal from the European Commission (sanctuary of statism) would appear…   Continue reading “Europe Proposes “Restrictions On Payments In Cash””

Economic Policy Institute – by Jeff Faux, Dec. 2013

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NATFA) was the door through which American workers were shoved into the neoliberal global labor market.

By establishing the principle that U.S. corporations could relocate production elsewhere and sell back into the United States, NAFTA undercut the bargaining power of American workers, which had driven the expansion of the middle class since the end of World War II. The result has been 20 years of stagnant wages and the upward redistribution of income, wealth and political power.   Continue reading “NAFTA’s Impact on U.S. Workers”

Fox News

Democratic lawmakers on Thursday introduced a bill supporters say would make California the first state to add a third gender option on state identifying documents.

State Sen. Toni Atkins’ bill would add a non-binary gender marker option for driver’s licenses, birth certificates, identity cards and gender change court orders. The San Diego Democrat says SB 179 would also simplify the process for changing one’s gender on those documents.   Continue reading “California lawmakers want third-gender option on IDs”

KTVQ – by  Aja Goare

BILLINGS – The two former Yellowstone County Sheriff’s deputies who shot and killed a Huntley man in 2015 did not act reasonably and are not entitled to protections under the law, according to a federal judge’s ruling this week.

Judge Susan Watters filed the summary judgment Tuesday in the case filed in U.S. District Court.

The wrongful death lawsuit was filed in October of 2015 by the Estate of Loren Simpson.  Continue reading “Judge: Former Yellowstone County deputies used excessive force in deadly stop”


The Israel Missile Defense Organization (IMDO) of the Directorate of Defense
Research and Development (DDR&D) and the U.S. Missile Defense Agency (MDA)
successfully complete a test series of the David’s Sling Weapons System, a
missile defense system that is a central part of Israel’s multi-tiered
antimissile array.   Continue reading “Israel and U.S. Successfully Complete David’s Sling Weapon System”

The Denver Post – by Alicia Wallace

The Colorado Supreme Court on Monday ruled that law enforcement officers cannot be forced to return marijuana to defendants even after they are acquitted of pot crimes because doing so would force officers to be marijuana “distributors” and violate federal law.

The ruling overturns a decision by the Colorado Court of Appeals, which ruled that police officers must return marijuana to defendants who win court decisions related to illegal marijuana possession in Colorado.   Continue reading “Cops can’t be forced to return marijuana in failed drug cases, Colorado Supreme Court says”

World Events and the Bible

WEB Notes: See how easily these folks can get the world all worked up? It certainly does not look like the world is preparing for war. But when global leaders say that people take notice. Instead his message is about unity and wiping out terrorism by working together. What we outlined in, “Signs, Seasons and the Escalation of Events in 2015” when world leaders vowed to work together to destroy the common enemy of mankind, called terrorism. He goes on to say wars must be outlawed because they are not going to solve the global problems of today.
Continue reading “Mikhail Gorbachev: ‘It All Looks As If The World Is Preparing For War’”