Reuters – by Ethan Lou

U.S. President Donald Trump’s move this week to revive the Keystone XL oil pipeline marked a major step under his “America First” energy plan to boost U.S. drillers and create new U.S. jobs. But the project’s biggest winners may be Canadian.

If built, TransCanada’s Keystone XL from Alberta to Nebraska would yield about $2.4 billion (C$3.2 billion) a year for Canada, split between government revenues, shareholder profits and re-investment into the still-recovering Canadian oil patch, according to a Conference Board of Canada research note prepared for Reuters on Thursday.   Continue reading “Keystone XL pipeline: A ‘Canada First’ energy plan?”

AP – by Rob Gillies

TORONTO (AP) — The company behind the Keystone XL pipeline submitted on Thursday a new presidential permit application to the U.S. Department of State for approval.

The project would move 800,000 barrels of oil a day from Alberta to refineries along the U.S. Gulf Coast.   Continue reading “TransCanada makes new application for Keystone XL”

Yahoo News

MIAMI (AP) — Miami-Dade County’s mayor instructed jail officials in that South Florida community on Thursday to honor all immigration detainer requests, a day after President Donald Trump signed an executive order that would strip federal funding from sanctuary cities.

Mayor Carlos Gimenez sent a memo to the county’s corrections director saying jails should hold undocumented immigrants detained by police and turn them over to the Department of Homeland Security when requested.   Continue reading “Mayor: Miami-Dade jail to heed immigration detainer requests”

The Great Recession Blog

Last week the mainstream media devoted huge resources of time and space to comparing photos of President Obama’s inauguration audience to photos of President Trump’s inauguration audience. Apparently audience size matters because major news media all over the US wouldn’t let go of the subject for an entire week. Their claims that Trump had a comparatively tiny audience became so important to the newly elected president that his press secretary, Sean Spicer, devoted his first press meeting to attacking the media he will have to work with for the next four years over what he claimed were false representations.  Continue reading “More Fake News: Media Contrived Photos to Diminish Trump’s Inauguration Crowd”

John Liver Eating Johnston

John Liver Eating Johnston. Farmer, sailor, teamster, trapper, hunter, guide, scout, deputy, Union Private, trader, and more. A frontiersman born in New Jersey, sailing the seas then digging for gold in the Montana Territory and continuing to live a robust, adventurous life in the west dodging arrows, bullets, fists, weather, animals, until the frailty of old age came upon him.
Continue reading “John Liver Eating Johnston, The Real-Life Jeremiah Johnson”

Eric Peter’s Autos – by Eric

If you have the bad luck to toll up on a DUI “sobriety” checkpoint, how should you handle it?

The fact that you haven’t been drinking is, unfortunately, immaterial.

Every person entering one of these checkpoints is treated as presumptively “drunk” until they convince a cop that they are not. You may be asked to perform curbside gymnastics or take a roadside breath test.   Continue reading “Dealing With Checkpoint America”

WIAT – by Jamie Ostroff and Sarah Cantey

BROOKWOOD, Ala. (WIAT) — A Tuscaloosa County couple was served a restraining order, keeping them from parts of their own property.

CBS 42 was on the property along Lock 17 Road in Brookwood with Kenneth and Loretta Kennedy, when a Tuscaloosa County Sheriff’s Deputy served them with an injunction that bars them from interfering with crews from the Black Warrior Methane Corporation.   Continue reading “Drilling company serves Brookwood couple with restraining order”

The College Fix – by Jeremy Beaman

The Office of Diversity and Inclusion at the University of Maryland has advised its faculty and staff not to ask about a student’s immigration status or use the term “illegal alien.”

The requests are part of a “What You Can Do” online message to employees as the public university works to help students in the country illegally feel safe and secure. The message is contained within a larger “Undocumented Student Resources” website recently rolled out by the university.   Continue reading “Public university: Don’t use ‘illegal alien’ or ask about immigration status”


The Greenpeace protesters who unfurled a banner reading “Resist” on a 270ft crane near the White House in protest against President Donald Trump now face multiple charges after being arrested for the stunt.

“Due to the extreme danger of the situation, the Metropolitan Police Department monitored the situation until the protesters descended from the crane at 10:04pm,” the MPD said in a statement on Wednesday, according to ABC. “At that time, seven individuals were detained and taken into custody. These individuals are charged with Second Degree Burglary, Unlawful Entry and Destruction of Property.”  Continue reading “Anti-Trump Greenpeace crane protesters hit with charges of burglary, destruction of property”

Anti-Media – by Darius Shahtahmasebi

Although in rhetoric Trump appears to differ somewhat from his predecessor regarding his positions on foreign policy, he has already begun continuing some of Barack Obama’s most disastrous policies. In his first weekend after the inauguration, the military pounded Yemen, the poorest country in the Middle East, with drone strikes. Now, it has been reported that Trump is considering sending more troops to Afghanistan, a failed strategy that continuously plagued the Obama administration.   Continue reading “Trump Considering Sending More Troops Into Afghanistan”

Free Thought Project – by Claire Bernish

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.”

President Donald Trump’s first week in office has seen a tumultuous mix of sweeping executive actions peppered with a few pleasant surprises; but if one thing proves true — as with the first term of any new president — there will be cause for someone to protest something.   Continue reading “10 Sinister State Moves, Including Killing Protesters, Prove 1st Amendment is Dying”

The Daily Sheeple – by Lily Dane

A video of a Dallas ISD teacher pointing what appears to be a squirt gun at an image of President Donald Trump and saying, “Die!” has surfaced on social media.

Payal Modi, an art teacher at W. H. Adamson High School, was placed on administrative leave today, and the incident is being investigated.   Continue reading ““DIE!” Dallas Teacher Under Investigation for Shooting Toy Gun at Image of Trump”

Waking Times – by Nathaniel Mauka

The deep state is now trying to determine if someone is a criminal based solely on an image of their face. A Cornell University study describes how scientists are using computer generated algorithms to decide if someone should be labeled felonious, completely ignoring the fact that using a computer model which mimics facial features cannot possibly be a legal means with which to label people either criminal or non-criminal.  Continue reading “Deep State AI Algorithms will Scan Faces to Determine Criminality”


The much-discussed $221 million transfer to Palestine authorized by Barack Obama just hours before Trump was sworn into the presidency has already reached West Bank and Gaza, an advisor to Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has claimed.

We have already received the last sum assigned by Obama’s administration. They have transferred this money,” Husam Zomlot, strategic affairs advisor to the Palestine president, told RIA Novosti in an interview on Thursday.   Continue reading “Palestinian Authority did receive Obama’s final $221mn aid payout – Abbas’s advisor”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Roughly eight years ago, Obama infamously first shared with “Joe the Plumber” his plans to “spread the wealth around.”  Unfortunately, at least for the like-minded socialists of the country, as data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reveals, he failed miserably.

In fact, as Bloomberg points out today, not only did income inequality not decline under Obama’s reign, it actually surged to multi-decade highs with people in the 90th percentile of all earners bringing home over 5x the amount paid to people in the 10th percentile.
Continue reading “U.S. Wage Disparity Rises To New Multi-Decade High During Obama’s Last Year In Office”