“A Leader should be like a father… he helps the country grow, teaches it, provides for its future. Erdogan? He is no father to Turkey.” – Turkish citizen on the streets of Istanbul.

Author’s Note: This is Part One of an on-scene investigative series direct from the streets of Turkey, Lebanon, and Syria.

On the streets, cafes, and carpet shops of Istanbul a very different story than the one presented by western media is developing about the true allegiance of Turkey’s president Recep Tayyip Erdogan. While he continues to play a dangerous international game between Russia and the NATO/ Israeli/ US alliance his biggest future enemy walks the streets of his realm… the Turkish people. And he knows it.   Continue reading “Erdogan’s Turkey: When Knives Cut Both Ways.”


Russian President Vladimir Putin has likened communism to Christianity and Vladimir Lenin’s mausoleum in Moscow’s Red Square to the veneration of the relics of saints.

Maybe I’ll say something that someone might dislike, but that’s the way I see it,” Putin said in an interview for the documentary Valaam, an excerpt of which was broadcast on Russia 1. “First of all, faith has always accompanied us, becoming stronger every time our country, our people, have been through hard times.   Continue reading “Putin: Communist ideology similar to Christianity, Lenin’s body like saintly relics”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

The Department of Justice unsealed an 11-count indictment on Friday to a former DoD intelligence analyst-turned uranium transportation executive who stands accused of a bribery and money laundering scheme involving a Russian nuclear official connected to the Uranium One deal. 

The indictment corroborates a November report by The Hill that an FBI mole deeply embedded in the Russian uranium industry had gathered extensive evidence of the scheme.    Continue reading “DOJ Unseals Indictment Involving Uranium One Scandal”

The Organic Prepper

The false alarm in Hawaii yesterday should be an enormous wake-up call. It should inspire everyone, everywhere to make a survival shelter plan.

While people who panicked are busy pointing fingers at the person who allegedly “hit the wrong button” and sent out a message warning of an incoming missile and to seek immediate shelter, where should that finger really point?   Continue reading “Why (And How) EVERYONE Should Make a Survival Shelter Plan (+ Printable Checklist)”

Tea Party

The United Nations has one mission above all others – to break down the borders of independent nations and mix cultures all over the planet, in order to bring all of humanity under a New World Order: a single bureaucratic tyranny. And they just made a serious move that has Patriots on edge.

U.N. Secretary General António Guterres has shared his plan to bring about mass migration across the world in the left-wing slimerag The Guardian, according to Breitbart News. Guterres is a former Socialist Party prime minister and a native of Portugal, and took the highest position in the UN on Jan. 1, 2017.   Continue reading “LEAKED: New UN Boss Reveals Chilling Plot To Promote Global Mass Migration”

The Hill  – by Max Greenwald

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services said on Saturday that it has begun allowing certain young, undocumented immigrants to renew protections under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The move comes after U.S. District Judge William Alsup issued a preliminary injunction this week blocking President Trump‘s decision to end the Obama-era program, which granted temporary reprieve from deportation to hundreds of thousands of undocumented immigrants brought to the U.S. as children, often called “dreamers.”   Continue reading “Trump admin resumes accepting DACA renewals after court order”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

On Friday a federal judge made public hundreds of pages of court documents that had been filed by the FBI in the days and weeks after the Las Vegas concert shooting.

The judge did so in response to a lawsuit filed by CNN and several media organizations.

On Sunday October 1, 2017, Stephen Paddock opened fire on concertgoers at the Route 91 Harvest music festival in Las Vegas, Nevada.  Continue reading “Federal Documents Reveal Stephen Paddock Had Likely Accomplices — And SEVEN Different Cellphones”

Fox News

A man aboard a Greyhound bus who allegedly threatened to shoot and kill fellow passengers on Friday, leading police on a chase that began in Wisconsin and ended in Illinois, is an illegal immigrant, and is now facing terror charges.

Police responded to a call around 9:40 p.m. Friday from a bus passenger who claimed there was a person threatening to kill people, Fox 6 reported, citing the Racine County Sheriff’s Department.   Continue reading “Greyhound bus chased by police after illegal immigrant threatens passengers”

Food Freedom – by J. Holcombe, D. Jacobson, and T. Ruhl


“Farbenfabriken Bayer’s worldwide efforts had left few places lacking aspirin. In the United States, Bayer’s giant factory produced aspirin under “American” management. After Bayer executives were charged with violating the Trading with the Enemies Act in August 1918, advertisements encouraged confidence in aspirin.” Karen Starko

The world has believed for almost a century that a new and virulent virus came out of nowhere worldwide and killed millions in 1918.  Two reports, one published in 2008 and the second in 2009, lay that myth to rest for good.   Continue reading “Bayer and Death: 1918 and Aspirin”

KFVS 12 News

HANOVER PARK, IL (WGN/CNN) – An 11-year-old girl who is suffering from leukemia can now use medicinal marijuana at her elementary school.

A federal judge gave the ruling Friday after the girl’s parents sued their daughter’s school district.

Ashley Surin was diagnosed with leukemia in December of 2008.   Continue reading “11-year-old girl allowed to use medical marijuana at school”