The Mexican immigrant acquitted of murder in the 2015 shooting of Kathryn Steinle on a San Francisco pier was sentenced to time served Friday for weapons possession, but he did not walk out of court a free man.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate, 45, was taken into custody by U.S. Marshals even though he already served more than two years behind bars while awaiting trial for the Steinle killing.   Continue reading “Immigrant acquitted of Steinle murder gets time served on lesser gun charge, taken into federal custody”

Fox News

NFL heiress Jacqueline Kent Cooke’s scuffle with a 52-year-old lawyer at a Manhattan restaurant last Sunday is now being probed as a hate crime for her alleged anti-Semitic remarks, The New York Daily News reported.

Cooke was arrested and charged Wednesday with second-degree assault for allegedly bashing Matthew Haberkorn in the head with a $300 glass purse outside an Upper East Side restaurant. The two had gotten into a heated argument outside the restaurant after Cooke and her boyfriend allegedly made anti-Semitic remarks to Haberkorn and his family.   Continue reading “NFL heiress’ alleged anti-Semitic remarks being probed as hate crime”

East Bay Times – by Joseph Geha

A former high school teacher in Fremont who pleaded no contest to charges of having unlawful sex with an underage student may not face any jail time for her crimes, a prosecutor said last week.

Corine Audiat, also known as Audiat-Gee, agreed to a deal with the Alameda County District Attorney’s Office last month in which she pleaded no contest to two felony charges in exchange for the dismissal of five other charges, according to court records.   Continue reading “Fremont: Former high school teacher who had sex with student may avoid jail”

Breitbart – by Neil Munro

Vice President Mike Pence has invited Sen. Jeff Flake and other pro-amnesty Senators to meet with President Donald Trump next week as business-first advocates scramble to shift the president’s pro-American immigration priorities.

The invite was leaked to Politico:   Continue reading “Report: VP Pence Invites Sen. Flake To Lobby Trump For Amnesty”

Fox News

The illegal immigrant and seven-time felon who was acquitted of murder and assault in the 2015 San Francisco fatal shooting of 32-year old Kate Steinle was sentenced to three years in prison on Friday.

Jose Ines Garcia Zarate was credited for time served. He will be on parole for 48 months and will remain in custody to face federal charges.   Continue reading “Illegal immigrant who killed Kate Steinle sentenced to time served”

Fox News

The Justice Department has launched another investigation into allegations the Clinton Foundation used “pay to play” politics while Hillary Clinton was U.S. secretary of state, Fox News has confirmed.

Sources close to the investigation told Fox News the probe, led by the U.S. attorney’s office and the FBI in Little Rock, Ark., has been ongoing for months. Fox News has learned that investigators have already conducted multiple interviews associated with the probe.  Continue reading “Justice Department investigating Clinton Foundation over ‘pay to play’ allegations”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

For Fed watchers, and traders, September 2012 was a memorable month: that’s when the Fed launched QE3 also called “QEternity”, a continuation of the “Operation Twist” program that was unveiled earlier in the year, and the Fed’s third – and so far final – asset purchase program which was meant to stimulate the economy but whose real purpose was to push markets higher (as we have now learned).   Continue reading “Fed 2012 Transcripts: “I Sense Self-Congratulation That QE3 Had Such A Great Impact On The Market””

Breitbart – by Charlie Nash

LG Electronics is planning to sell robots that will replace human workers in hotels, airports, and supermarkets.

According to CNBC, “LG said it will showcase three new ‘concept robots’ at the global consumer electronics show, CES, in Las Vegas next week,” designed for “commercial use at hotels, airports, and supermarkets.”  Continue reading “LG Electronics to Sell Robots to Replace Hotel, Airport, Supermarket Employees”


Turkey’s leader has accused the US and Israel of meddling in the affairs of Iran and Pakistan, as well as those of other Muslim countries, and are driven by the desire to grab their natural resources.

“We cannot accept that some countries — foremost the US, Israel — to interfere [sic!] in the internal affairs of Iran and Pakistan,” Erdogan told reporters in Istanbul on Friday, AFP reports. On Tuesday President Donald Trump tweeted support for the protests “against the brutal and corrupt Iranian regime” which erupted last week.  Continue reading “US & Israel target Iran, Pakistan and other Muslim countries for their resources – Erdogan”

Zionist Report

Guess who did it? The tribe. And why? Because he knew that The United States was fighting the wrong war. Instead of allying with those who were fighting for freedom, they allied themselves with the enemy. Patton spoke the truth, therefore, he was killed. In his diary he tells his wife, he knew that they were out to kill him. So, what is America then? The land of the free? Or the land of the hostages of the Devil?
Continue reading “Patton Assassination”


A 10-year-old boy and his mother are suing Washington, DC police officers for unlawfully pepper spraying them during a roundup of protesters on President Donald Trump’s Inauguration Day.

The complaint filed Wednesday says that Gwen Frisbie-Fulton and her son, identified only as as “AS” – since he was 10 at the time – were peacefully demonstrating when police kettled protesters at 12th and L Streets on January 20, 2017.   Continue reading “DC police sued over pepper-spraying 10yo at Trump inauguration”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

This week, President Donald Trump’s Attorney General, Jeff Sessions turned back all the progress madein the war on drugs and began a federal attack on states’ rights by rescinding a policy that allowed states to make up their own minds on cannabis legalization. This move will inevitably lead to more crime, put more cops in danger, fill more prisons, oppress more people, and bolster the police state in general.

When the federal government interferes with states’ rights by kidnapping, caging, and killing people over a plant their citizens agreed to legalize—this is not freedom—it is tyranny. What’s more, promising to attack peaceful people for choosing to ingest a plant that can treat illness, cure addiction, and simply make people happy is the complete opposite of #MAGA.   Continue reading “Left and Right UNITE to Demand Trump Fire Sessions Over Tyrannical War on Pot”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

The National Rifle Association is readying a lawsuit against California’s new ammunition controls and that suit focuses on the failure to meet “statutorily mandated” deadlines throughout the lead-up to the launch of the controls.

Breitbart News reported that the ammunition controls went into effect January 1, 2018. They bar out-of-state ammunition purchases and require that all in-state purchases be made from a licensed dealer. This shrinks the supply, which will inevitably drive up price. Moreover, they require that any ammunition purchased online be sent to a licensed in-state dealer, who will then charge a processing fee for the ammo, thereby driving the price up even further.   Continue reading “NRA Readies Lawsuit Against California Ammunition Control”

Spero News

Two leading members of the House Freedom Caucus are calling on Attorney General Jeff Sessions to resign. Writing in an op-ed published in the Washington Examiner on Thursday, Reps. Jim Jordan (R-Ohio) and Reps. Mark Meadows (R-N.C.), both of whom are notable defenders of President Donald Trump, denounced what they called “manufactured hysteria” over the Russian collusion narrative that has “masked the substantial accomplishments of President Trump’s administration.”   Continue reading “Freedom Caucus Republicans call on AG Sessions to resign”

Climate Depot – by Marc Morano

Former Vice President Al Gore has weighed in on the record cold and snow in the U.S. “It’s bitter cold in parts of the US, but climate scientist Dr. Michael Mann explains that’s exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis,” Gore wrote on January 4 on Twitter.

Gore linked to one of his organizations’ articles on the brutal winter weather written by Climategate professor Michael Mann: The Climate Reality Project: 

In the Gore touted article, Mann linked the cold and “lots of snow” to “climate change.”

Continue reading “Al Gore: ‘Bitter cold’ is ‘exactly what we should expect from the climate crisis’”