Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Suspected Marjory Tillman High School shooter Nikolas Cruz was often abusive to his adoptive mother, Lynda Cruz, eliciting no fewer than 39 ‘911 calls‘ to report violent and disturbing behavior at this former home before Lynda succumbed to pneumonia in November. During one incident, he reportedly assaulted Lynda and hurled violent threats in response to her taking away his X-box privileges.

But according to the Snead family, which took Cruz and his younger brother in following the death of their adoptive mother, Cruz was quiet, grateful, respectful and obedient during his multi-month stay with the family, according to the Wall Street Journal.
Continue reading ““He Followed The Rules” – Family That Housed Florida Shooter Describes Last Days Before The Attack”


WASHINGTON (Reuters) – Jolted by the global investment craze over bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, U.S. lawmakers are moving to consider new rules that could impose stricter federal oversight on the emerging asset class, several top lawmakers told Reuters.

Bipartisan momentum is growing in the Senate and House of Representatives for action to address the risks posed by virtual currencies to investors and the financial system, they said.   Continue reading “Congress sets sights on federal cryptocurrency rules”

Daily Mail

The United States Army will no longer require recruits to show they can throw hand grenades 25 meters because many of them can’t throw the explosive far enough, it revealed on Friday.

The Army says that starting next summer it will remove the requirement from its Basic Combat Training because it takes too much time to teach enlistees to throw grenades at an adequate distance.   Continue reading “US Army drops grenade throwing as a requirement to graduate because new recruits can’t throw far enough”

Information Liberation – by Chris Menahan

It’s always nice when the swamp drains itself.

From The Hill:

A top GOP donor in Florida is threatening to withhold contributions to candidates and political groups that do not get behind a ban on assault weapons, The New York Times reported.
Continue reading “Top GOP Donor Al Hoffman Jr. Says He Won’t ‘Write Another Check’ Without Gun Ban”

Between 2014 and 2016, the sheriff of one Alabama county pocketed more than $110,000 worth of “excess” taxpayer dollars his office received to feed inmates in the county jail he oversees.

Another Alabama sheriff paid a teenager to mow his lawn in 2015 using checks that drew from funds that were allocated for inmate food but ended up in one of his personal accounts.   Continue reading “Alabama sheriffs pocket tens of thousands of taxpayer dollars allocated to feed inmates”

The Tribune Democrat – by David Hurst

GREENSBURG – Ray Shetler lowered his head, slammed his fist onto a desk and wept Friday night as a jury found him not guilty on his most serious charges – first- and third-degree murder – in the shooting death of a St. Clair Township police officer.

Behind him, Lloyd Reed Jr.’s widow, Rose Marie, put her hands to her face and cried, too, stunned by the decision after six days of court testimony and 20 hours of deliberation in the 2015 shooting.   Continue reading “Jury finds Shetler not guilty of murdering police officer”

Sent to us by a reader.

Gateway Pundit – by Kristinn Taylor

A security scare with the motorcade for President Donald Trump prompted the abrupt replacement of every press van driver Monday morning at Mar-a-Lago after a gun was found in a bag of one of the drivers. The gun was found outside Mar-a-Lago as the driver was being screened by the Secret Service.

Jordan Fabian of the Hill filed a pool report on the incident:   Continue reading “Trump Motorcade Press Van Drivers Abruptly Replaced After Gun Found in Driver’s Bag”

LA Times

Ever since Sam Paredes crossed into the U.S. illegally from Mexico nearly 30 years ago, he followed a simple philosophy of keeping his head down and trying to stay out of trouble.

The 39-year-old put in long hours for little pay as an office manager at a clothing wholesaler. He paid his taxes and hoped that after many years of waiting, there would come an immigration reform that would grant him a pathway to becoming an American citizen.

Continue reading “Focus on Dreamers breeds resentment from other immigrants here illegally”

The Organic Prepper

Kelly Guthrie Raley has been teaching for 20 years and currently educates kids at Eustis Middle School in Lake County, Florida. Just last month she was named the 2017-2018 Teacher of the Year.

The day after the horrific shooting that took place at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, she posted a rant on Facebook that has since gone viral. In the post, she talked about parental responsibility, compassion, and respect…and more than 823,000 people have “liked” the post and agreed with it, while more than 649,000 have shared it with others.   Continue reading “Florida’s Teacher of the Year Bluntly Writes WHY School Violence Is Out of Control”


You can kayak from New York to Iceland in 1,317 hours. Or fly Icelandair in five. At least that’s the tagline Iceland’s main airline plastered all over the Big Apple a few years ago as part of an ad campaign to attract New Yorkers to the land of the Northern Lights (it would be 1,417 or six, respectively, from Washington, D.C.) Along with most of the 2 million tourists who visit Iceland each year, Rabbi Avi and Mushky Feldman will be flying to the island country’s capital of Reykjavík later this year. But unlike the others, they and their two young daughters, Chana and Batsheva, are flying one-way in order to establish the Chabad-Lubavitch Jewish Center of Iceland.  Continue reading “Reykjavik, Iceland: The Last European Capital Without a Rabbi Gets One”

College Fix

Legislation has been introduced in the Hawaii State Senate which, if passed, would require homeschooling parents to undergo background checks.

State Senator Kaialii Kahele’s bill is a reaction to several “high-profile abuse cases,” according to World’s Leigh Jones. The state’s Child Welfare Services would conduct reviews on parents wishing to homeschool their children.   Continue reading “Hawaii bill would require background checks for parents who homeschool”

BBC News

Search and rescue teams are continuing to look for an Iranian plane that crashed in bad weather on Sunday.

Local government officials reported that the wreckage had been found, but a Red Crescent official later said there was no evidence of this.

A civil aviation official was also unable to confirm the reports.  Continue reading “Iran plane crash: Search continues for missing Aseman Airlines plane”

I know, let’s take away the right to use a smart phone; they can kill you as well. Sure, your kid calls a stranger, they meet up, and the kid turns up dead. There is absolutely zero difference, yet people act with hysterics and cower under the guise of stupidity.

Over 600 homicides in Chicago last year, but the parents in Florida feel their cause is justifiable to kill the 2nd Article to the Bill of Rights because their Florida families are more important. If these professional cry babies want to kill something that millions died for, then brother, you are American National public enemy number one. You will not take away gun rights that protect millions from tyranny, no way, no how.   Continue reading “14 Sets of Parents Try Remove Rights Millions Died For – 2nd Article to Bill of Rights”

Daniel Deline was born May 20, 1955 in Gold Beach, Oregon and died May 22, 2014 in Colfax, Wisconsin.

When Diggerdan died it was his wish that half of his ashes be spread in Wisconsin and that the other half be brought to Gold Beach, Oregon where he was born and raised.

Millard, being Dan’s closest friend, scattered half of his ashes in Wisconsin via a ceremony he videoed for we Trenchers, which is posted on the site.  It was Millard’s intent to bring the other half of Dan’s ashes to Oregon, and he and Laura and I were to take them to Gold Beach to be put into the Pacific Ocean.  Millard’s failing health made it impossible for him to travel.   Continue reading “Bringing Diggerdan Home”

I want to help create a ‘refounding’ of our country by putting out CDs of Henry’s Bill of Rights/Common Law Explained so that more people can understand who they are and the power they hold as American nationals.

If you would like a CD with the whole presentation on it, just send your request and your mailing address in an email to and indicate how many CDs you would like.    Continue reading “Bill of Rights Common Law Explained CD Project”


A private school in east Georgia intends to start drug-testing its oldest students.

The Columbus Ledger-Enquirer reports that Brookstone School in Columbus recently announced that the drug-testing of students in grades 8-12 will be voluntary next school year – and then mandatory in succeeding years.

Brookstone plans to use students’ hair samples which are sent to Psychemedics Corp. to conduct the testing, the newspaper reported. The Massachusetts-based company would then provide test results within a few days.
Continue reading “Georgia school to drug-test students by using hair samples”