The Washington Times – by Victor Morton

Student leaders at a high school in the San Francisco Bay Area have decided that the national anthem is racist and outdated and have banned it from school rallies.

According to multiple area news outlets, the Associated Student Body at California High School in San Ramon made that decision based on a phrase in the rarely-played third verse.   Continue reading “High school bans ‘outdated and racially offensive’ national anthem from rallies”

“This is not good!” cautions a new Lebanese friend in a stern tone of warning, clutching this reporters arm for emphasis. “This, where you are going.. it is their neighbourhood… Hizbullah’s neighbourhood. They control this completely!”

Protesting that this quest is well-intentioned, no secret and no threat, this friend provides probably the most important council, and most accurate statement, in properly understanding today’s modern Hizbullah.

“You do not understand well about Hizbullah,” he says, the seriousness of his face indicating his sincerity. “You do not see Hizbullah… they see you!”   Continue reading “Hizbullah: “You Don’t See Them…They See You!””

With the last shot  of the 2006 war fired and the IDF moving back into Israel, Lebanon began to heal its wounds. At the same time, Hizbullah, that had so successfully turned back the tides of war, began to rebuild- this time in new ways.

Using the respect it had gained by fighting for all of Lebanon, while the Lebanese army looked on from safe havens to the north, Hizbullah began the decade-long process of moving from purely a defensive military to a full faceted political organization. Leader Nasrallah has been consistent, methodical and unwavering in these nationalist goals and by doing so has dragged the previously western aligned Lebanese political parties into having to similarly support their country first or die at the ballot box. All signs point to resounding success.   Continue reading “Hizbullah Today: Of Power, Money, and… the People.”

I had an interesting conversation with a customer at work today. This woman and her husband were recently driving down the Garden State Parkway.  This week they received a letter from EZ Pass.  The letter stated that they went from “point A” to “point B” in “X” amout of time, so they should watch their speed.  There was no traffic citation, but it makes one wonder how long before such fines start being issued upon unsuspecting drivers.  Those who use EZ Pass (or as I like to call it, Sleazy Pass), be aware that your speed is being tracked by those devices.

Activist Post – by Catherine Frompovich

If ever there were doubts about so-called “conspiracy theorists” reports regarding world population reduction plans and efforts, you now can put them aside and take a long-over-due reality check on what’s been in the works since the early 1970s under the “tutelage” of none other than globalist Henry Kissinger!  Mr. Kissinger is Jewish; didn’t he learn anything about Adolph Hitler’s attempted reduction of the Jewish race?  Shame on you, Mr. Kissinger!

The main testament to the globalists’ population controls plans for reducing humanity literally were set in stone in the 1980s, i.e., granite monoliths known as the Georgia Guidestones, whose first “new commandment” of the New World Order is:   Continue reading “It’s A Fact: Population Control Efforts Since The 1970s Per Declassified USA Document”


One man was killed and two other men were wounded in a shooting outside Salt Lake City on Tuesday, and police said were looking for whoever carried out the attack.

The shooting occurred in a residential neighborhood of West Valley City, West Valley City police said in a statement on Twitter. No further information of the victims was provided.   Continue reading “One man killed, two wounded in shooting in Utah: police”

Daily Mail

Israeli police have recommended the country’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has been charge with corruption.

For months, police have been investigating two cases against him. In one probe, Netanyahu reportedly received over $100,000 in gifts from Hollywood mogul Arnon Milchan and other wealthy supporters in return for 10-year US visas.   Continue reading “Israeli police recommend Benjamin Netanyahu be charged”

Washington Examiner – by Melissa Quinn

A second federal judge has blocked the Trump administration’s attempt to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

Nicholas Garaufis, a judge for the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York, granted a request from 17 attorneys general who sued the Trump administration for a temporary injunction against the move while the case against President Trump and his top officials makes its way through the courts.   Continue reading “Second federal judge blocks Trump administration’s move to end DACA”

Morris Seligman Dees Jr. (born December 16, 1936) is an American attorney who is the co-founder and chief trial counsel for the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), and a former market engineer for book publishing.[2] Along with his law partner, Joseph J. Levin Jr., Dees founded the SPLC in 1971.[3] Dees and his colleagues at the Southern Poverty Law Center have been “credited with devising innovative ways to cripple hate groups” such as the Ku Klux Klan.

Vox – by Alexia Fernández Campbell

President Donald Trump’s businesses don’t seem too concerned about “America First.”

A Vox analysis of hiring records for seasonal workers at three Trump properties in New York and Florida revealed that only one out of 144 jobs went to a US worker from 2016 to the end of 2017. Foreign guest workers with H-2B visas got the rest.  Continue reading “3 Trump properties posted 144 openings for seasonal jobs. Only one went to a US worker.”

Truth Command

A new proposed legislative amendment would ban the practice of childhood circumcision, making circumcision of a child illegal, and punishable by up to six years of prison time.

The bill, which is supported by members from at least five different political parties (including, among others, the Pirate Party, the Left Green, and the Progressive Party), calls for amendments to the current criminal code in the country.   Continue reading “Iceland to Ban Boys’ Circumcision, Introduces 6-year Jail Term for Offenders”

Washington Examiner – by Susan Ferrechio

What was supposed to be an open-ended debate on immigration reform stalled on Tuesday when Democrats objected to the Republican’s first amendment, which would punish so-called sanctuary cities.

Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., blocked a request by Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., to start by debating the sanctuary city language. Without Schumer’s consent, the debate cannot begin until either late tonight or tomorrow morning.   Continue reading “Senate immigration debate stalls after Democrats block first GOP amendment”

The Organic Prepper – by Cat Ellis

If the general public understood how vulnerable our reliance on global shipping made us, they’d all become preppers overnight. Trucks, planes, and cargo ships are responsible for just about everything modern life depends upon. This reliance on global goods and long-distance shipping puts us all at risk.   Continue reading “How Our Dependence on Global Shipping Will Come Back to Bite Us”


South Africa — An unidentified man suspected of being a poacher was killed and eaten by a pack of lions over the weekend near the Kruger National Park in South Africa, according to local media reports.

What little remained of the man was found in a private game reserve in the northern province of Limpopo. Authorities initially believed the deceased to be an employee who had gotten stuck while driving a tractor, but that individual has since been verified to be alive.   Continue reading “Lions Eat South African Poacher, Leaving Just His Head”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Homestead, FL — An elderly Korean War veteran was gunned down by four police officers in his home on Monday. Raymond Bishop, 84, died inside his home at the Hidden Grove apartments after the veteran had become suicidal over an eviction notice he received because of his service dogs.

“They were throwing him out. He had nowhere to go,” said neighbor Jonathan Rodriguez, who often fed Bishop and took him to the veterans hospital for medical treatment, according to the Miami Herald.
Continue reading “Cops Shoot and Kill 84yo Veteran Facing Eviction Over His Tiny Service Dogs”