Business Insider – by Cadie Thompson

In a memo to employees on Friday, Delta Air Lines CEO Ed Bastian defended his company’s decision to cut ties with the National Rifle Association and signaled it could end more politically divisive partnerships.

Since ending its relationship with the NRA last weekend, the airline has faced backlash from some customers and lawmakers.   Continue reading “Delta fires back at angry lawmakers amid NRA backlash: ‘Our values are not for sale’”

Daily Mail

Jerusalem’s mayor has urged every Israeli citizen with a gun license to carry a weapon at all times following a rise in security tensions.

Nir Barkat, a former military officer and licensed gun owner, defended his decision to carry a weapon during a visit this week to an Arab neighborhood and encouraged other licensed gun owners to also carry their weapons.

‘One of the advantages Israel has is that there are many veterans of military units with operational combat experience,’ he said. ‘Having a weapon increases the resident’s confidence.’     Continue reading “Jerusalem’s mayor urges EVERYONE across Israel to carry a gun at all times after two Israeli soldiers are stabbed in Alufa”

Need to Know

Prime Minister Leo Varadkar, Ireland’s first ethnic Indian and openly gay government minister, is preparing to bring one-million immigrants to the Emerald Isle!  Ireland’s present population is 4.8 million. The immigrants likely will be Muslims from Africa, the Middle East, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. They will be granted citizenship and subsidized by welfare. They also will be entitled to family reunification (chain migration), which will destroy the culture and the country. [This the New World Order is being built brick by brick upon the rubble of the old world order.] -GEG

Continue reading “Ireland’s Prime Minister to Bring in One-Million Migrants. Farewell Ireland.”

Anti-Media – by Carey Wedler

For years, the opioid addiction and overdose crisis has been headline news across the United States, and rightly so. In 2012, 241,000 privately insured patients had an “opioid dependency diagnosis.” By 2016, that number had ballooned to 1.4 million, not including individuals on state-sponsored healthcare. Also in 2016, over 14,000 people died as a result of overdosing on traditional opioids like Percocet and Oxycontin.

The ongoing health epidemic continues to dominate the news cycle and politicians’ agendas, but there is another pharmaceutical crisis that receives far less attention. While opioids are highly addictive and dangerous, a separate class of legal drugs is also creating widespread dependency and fostering an increasing number of deaths: benzodiazepines.  Continue reading “The Next Prescription Drug Epidemic Is Already Here — and Nobody’s Talking About It”

Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

Louisville, KY — The family of a mentally ill man who was shot and killed by a Louisville police officer has filed a lawsuit after their father, who needed treatment, received a police bullet instead. The family will likely win this lawsuit as the disturbing execution was captured on the officer’s body camera and shows the officer’s senseless excessive force.

In January of 2017, the victim, Chris McClure was in the midst of a mental breakdown and was in a parking lot beating cars with a metal pole. According to attorneys for the family, McClure’s mental health episode worsened after he was told he was too sick to be around his children.  Continue reading “Disturbing Body Cam Shows Cop Kill Unarmed Mentally Ill Man on His Knees, Execution Style”

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

Charlotte, NC  — Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Officer Matthew Porter, 54, was arrested and charged with sexually assaulting a ten-year-old girl. He’s been charged with 28 felony charges, which include 20 counts of indecent liberties and eight counts of first-degree sex offense. The girl, who’s now 17, said it all started when she was 10.

She now lives in Nevada and told authorities there what the career police officer, who has now been placed on unpaid administrative leave, did to her. CMPD Deputy Chief Katrina Graue made the announcement at a press conference in Charlotte on Tuesday. She said:  Continue reading “Alleged Serial Pedophile Arrested, Charged With Dozens of Felonies for Child Rape—He’s a Cop”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

While earlier Europe said that it would disclose its trade war retaliation strategy no sooner than March 5, moments ago Reuters floated its latest trial balloon reporting that the European Union is considering applying a 25% tariffs on roughly $3.5 billion of imports from the United States should Trump execute his plan steel and aluminium tariffs.

While the European Commission has said it would respond “firmly” to proposed U.S. import duties, it also warned it would join others in a challenge at the World Trade Organization and consider safeguard measures, last deployed in 2002, to guard against steel and aluminium being diverted to Europe from elsewhere if U.S. tariffs come in.  Continue reading “Europe To Retaliate With Tariffs On Harley, Bourbon & Blue Jeans; HOG Tumbles”


At least two people were shot dead in what appeared to be a“domestic dispute” at a dormitory at Central Michigan University on Friday and police were hunting for the gunman, school officials said.

The university, located about 125 miles (200 km) northwest of Detroit, said two victims, who were not students, were fatally shot at the residence, which houses male and female students. It identified the suspect as 19-year-old James Eric Davis Jr. The university said no others were injured by the gunfire.   Continue reading “Two shot dead in Michigan university shooting, suspect at large”


More than 12,000 people have signed a petition asking President Donald Trump to let white people in South Africa emigrate to the U.S. amid a vote by the country’s parliament favoring a motion that could see South Africa’s constitution amended to allow for land to be stripped from owners without any compensation.

The motion, which will still need the approval of the South African Parliament’s Constitutional Review Committee before an amendment can even be drafted, has once again stoked fears among the country’s white farmers of a violent and disastrous land redistribution akin to that which crippled Zimbabwe in the 2000s.    Continue reading “Thousands Sign Petition Asking Trump To Let White Farmers In South Africa Migrate To U.S. After Country Votes To Force Them Off Land”

The po-lice and the FUBAR we call “military” is a group of illegal, egotistical maniacs that consist of a thousand different denominations and species of “Judeo-Krishuns” hell bent on world domination for the bankers, rabbis and a host of other “humans” that detest Jesus Christ and the Bible.

They want God to be “lawless”, so it will only be them that makes the law…….the problem is….   Continue reading “The Police and the Military”

Eric Peters Autos

An interesting unasked question has been raised by Ford’s announcement that it is developing a cop-less cop car. That is, an automated and AI cop car that would sneak itself behind the bushes and use license plate scanners, facial recognition and other such revenue-raising technologies to automatically issue paying’ paper.

All the time. Everywhere.   Continue reading “Auto Cop”

Fox News

A Facebook video showing a homeless man being escorted off the premises of a Myrtle Beach, S.C., McDonald’s after a customer reportedly paid for his food has gone viral, and is sparking outrage.

Yossi Gallo, the man responsible for the video, said he saw a homeless man across the street and invited him into the fast-food restaurant with him.   Continue reading “Video of homeless man kicked out of McDonald’s after customer buys him food goes viral”

The New Observer

The self-described “legal arm of the pro-Israel community” Jewish lobby has issued “cease and desist” legal threats against Google, Twitter, and Yahoo, demanding that they censor content critical of the Jews’ “Holocaust” narrative—or face legal action.

According to a press release issued by the New York-based Lawfare Project—which on its website claims to be the “Legal Arm of the Pro-Israel Community,” that organization’s Executive Director Brooke Goldstein has announced the legal action in Spain “against internet giants Yahoo, Google, and Twitter, for failing to address the proliferation of Holocaust denial websites” on their platforms.   Continue reading “Jewish Lobby Demands Google, Twitter, and Yahoo Internet Censorship—or Face Lawsuits”

When Mayor Kenney signed an executive order in August to post online civilian complaints against Philadelphia police officers, he touted it as a “commonsense reform” that would build trust between the Police Department and the communities it serves.

“This data will show residents in an easily accessible, online format how the city handles complaints against police officers,” Kenney said in a statement.   Continue reading “Philadelphia police complaints now online – with cops cloaked in anonymity”

Gizmodo – by Kristen V. Brown

In a massively ambitious project aimed at improving the health of its 3 million residents, the city of Dubai plans to sequence the DNA of its entire population.

The United Arab Emirates city announced the initiative this month as part of its Dubai 10X Initiative, a bid to implement as soon as possible the technologies it believes will become standard 10 years from now.   Continue reading “Dubai Plans to DNA Test All 3 Million of Its Residents”


Five days ago, IDEMIA announced their plan to install facial recognition cameras in rental vehicles.

IDEMIA and Omoove are combining forces to spy on car renters everywhere.

You will never rent a car the same way thanks to EasyOpen solution that combines IDEMIA’s expertise in secure service enablement and Omoove’s experience in Shared Mobility platforms and on-board technology.”
Continue reading “Rental cars to use facial recognition to spy on your vacation”