Daily Mail

Jennifer Lawrence is the star of a new documentary about corruption in the American political system.

The film is called ‘Unbreaking America: A NEW Short Film about Solving the Corruption Crisis,’ and lasts just over 12 minutes.

Continue reading “Jennifer Lawrence gets political in short documentary where she talks about ‘the total political system failure in America’”

Yahoo News

A generous Oregon couple stepped in to pay for 45 hotel rooms for the homeless on Tuesday night as snow coated the ground. Amberly Batten and her husband Ryan had come across Facebook posts from volunteers with the local nonprofit Compassion Highway Project and knew they needed to help.

“I had seen some posts about some people who were homeless that were contemplating suicide because they were cold and didn’t have anywhere to go, and that hit something in my core. I had to do something,” Amberly told local NBC affiliate KOBI-TV.   Continue reading “Oregon couple pays for 45 hotel rooms to house homeless on snowy night”

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Archive: TWFTT 3-1-19

Strategic Culture – by Eric Zuesse

Here are America’s recent targets for regime-change (against which have been used economic sanctions, invasion, and enormous destruction) — and all of them are nations that never invaded nor threatened to invade America:

Iraq 2003, Libya 2011, Syria 2011-2018, Yemen 2015-now, Ukraine 2014, and Venezuela 2017-now.    Continue reading “Lies America’s News-Media Tell”

ABC 7 News

UPLAND, Calif. (KABC) — Like many kindergarteners, 5-year-old Kyler has plenty of hobbies and interests – and one of his dreams is that he wants to be a policeman.

At least he wanted to be one until an incident last week at Foothill Knolls Elementary School.    Continue reading “Upland school calls police on 5-year-old boy”

Health Impact News


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is considering approving Johnson & Johnson’s (J&Js) new nasal spray antidepressant, esketamine (Spravato[1]) after an FDA advisory committee voted on February 12, 2019 in its favor.[2]

The drug is a chemical mirror of ketamine, a potent “dissociative anesthetic” that is abused as the illegal “club drug,” Special K, and generates an intense high and euphoric effects, and hallucinations.   Continue reading “FDA is Mind-Numbing America: Psychotropic Drugs and Electroshock Approval Boosts $35B Industry”

Chuck Balwin

The influence of America’s evangelical churches has been in steep decline ever since the two administrations of professed evangelical Christian President George W. Bush at the beginning of this century. Again and again on my radio talk show and in this column, I tried to warn Christians about the way the Bush presidency was distorting Christ’s teaching and how millions of our countrymen were being turned off to Christianity as a result. For the most part, of course, my appeals fell on deaf ears. But I Pollyannaishly thought we had seen the worst of it with Bush. Boy was I wrong! Donald Trump has taken up where Bush left off—in spades.   Continue reading “Evangelicals Unwittingly Pushing America Toward Atheism And Paganism”

Daily Caller – by Audrey Conklin

The New York Police Department (NYPD) issued warnings to its officers regarding MS-13’s plans to “hit” their homes while they are off duty to improve the gang’s “street credibility.”

The 105th precinct in the Queens borough of New York City issued the warning Tuesday, according to a New York Post report, which cites an internal memo stating that the gang plans to “hit” officers’ homes in the Long Island area.   Continue reading “NYPD Issues Warning Of MS-13 Plans To Target Off-Duty Police Officers’ Homes”

Middle East Monitor

The US on Thursday offered up to $1 million for information leading to the identification or whereabouts of Osama bin Laden’s son, Anadolu reports.

The State Department described Hamza bin Laden as a “key leader” within al-Qaeda who is growing in prominence within the US-designated terror group.   Continue reading “US offers $1m reward for info on Bin Laden’s son”

Vaccine Impact – by Brian Shilhavy, Health Impact News

As we have frequently reported here at Health Impact News, legislative efforts are underway in many states to remove parental choice for childhood vaccines, with new proposed bills removing religious and philosophical exemptions to childhood vaccines which are mandated as a requirement for school attendance. See:   Continue reading “The Next Mandatory Vaccine Battleground: Homeschool Children”

Truth Dig – by Juan Cole

The House of Representatives’ Committee on Oversight and Reform has issued a report on a plot to make billions of dollars by selling Saudi Arabia sensitive American nuclear technology that could allow the Kingdom to develop nuclear weapons. The scheme required breaking US law, which forbids technology transfers that might allow nuclear proliferation.   Continue reading “Jared Kushner’s Multibillion-Dollar Plot to Give Saudis Nukes”

The Organic Prepper – by J. G. Martinez D.

Dear fellows, the title of this article is intended to alert what happens in a real crisis. Criminals have been released in Venezuela and given guns to shoot the demonstrators who are protesting against Maduro.

This is another localized end-of-days event that is incredibly dangerous.   Continue reading “In Venezuela, Inmates Are Being Released, Uniformed, Armed, and Sent to Kill Protesters”

Courthouse News – by Nick Calhill

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (CN) – After an argument with his wife ended nonviolently, Joseph Ledesma hopped into his truck to try and clear his mind. But before he could make it out of his driveway, a Vallejo Police officer appeared and started thumping on the truck window with a flashlight.

What started as a typical domestic violence call – the marital dispute ended quietly before officers even arrived – escalated into a police beating that left the 5-foot-5-inch, middle-aged husband with broken arms and without a job on Christmas.   Continue reading “Claims of Brutal Beating by Police Headed to Trial”