Consortium News – by Joe Lauria

WikiLeaks warned Thursday that its founder “will be expelled within ‘hours to days’” from Ecuador’s London embassy and that Ecuador has an agreement with Britain to have him arrested.

President Lenin Moreno will use the pretext of a scandal engulfing his presidency to oust Assange, a “high level source” in the Ecuador government told WikiLeaks.  Continue reading “Assange ‘Will Be’ Arrested in ‘Hours to Days,’ WikiLeaks Says”

Breitbart – by John Binder

Illegal immigration at the United States-Mexico border could more than double from current rates in the next three months, alone, as President Trump postpones action on the issue for a year.

On Thursday, Trump backed away from previous threats he would shut down the southern border, now giving Mexico a year to clamp down on illegal immigration and drug trafficking before he takes any action against the country.  Continue reading “Illegal Immigration Levels May Reach Half a Million over Next Three Months”


BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:00 .M.) – Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Walid al–Moallem stated during a press conference with his Venezuelan counterpart Jorge Arreaza on Thursday that the occupied Golan Heights is Syrian, stressing that his country will retake it by any means necessary.

Moallem said U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to recognize Israel’s sovereignty over the Golan Heights has only isolated them in the region, adding “our right in the occupied Syrian Golan is firm and can’t be disclaimed by time lapse and every inch of the occupied Syrian territories will be liberated.”  Continue reading “Syria will retake the Golan Heights by any means necessary: FM”

Washington Examiner – by Paul Bedard

Legal and illegal immigrants in the United States send a record $148 billion home in 2017, with Latin America and China topping the list, according to new World Bank data.

Mexico received the most, at $30 billion, followed by China at $16 billion and India at $11 billion.  Continue reading “Immigrants send record $148 billion home, Latin America, China tops”

Breitbart – by AWR Hawkins

Rep. Eric Swalwell (D-CA) is pushing for a ban of “assault weapons” coupled with a buyback scheme.

He tweeted for this Wednesday, citing it as the step House Democrats need to take now they have passed legislation criminalizing private gun sales via universal background checks. Continue reading “Rep. Eric Swalwell: ‘We Must Ban and Buyback Assault Weapons’”

Vigilant Citizen

Teen Vogue recently posted a video on YouTube entitled 5 Common Misconceptions About Sex and Gender and it is … quite surreal. The YouTube description says: “7 Activists and LGBTQIA+ people debunk common misconceptions about sex and gender”. In the video, various speakers (none of them in the field of science) dismiss scientific facts about the human body to replace them with artificial constructs.  Continue reading “A Teen Vogue Video Says: “This Idea That the Body Is Either Male or Female is Totally Wrong””

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

Three year ago – almost to the day – Saudi Arabia rattled its first sabre towards the United States, with an implicit threat to dump US Treasuries over Congress’ decision to allow the Saudis to be held responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

In a stunning report at the time by the NYTimes,  Saudi Arabia told the Obama administration and members of Congress that it will sell off hundreds of billions of dollars’ worth of American assets held by the kingdom if Congress passes a bill that would allow the Saudi government to be held responsible in American courts for any role in the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks.

Continue reading “Saudis Threaten To Ditch Petrodollar As “Nuclear Option” To Block NOPEC Bill”

Zero Hedge – by Tyler Durden

It’s a neocon nightmare come true: for the first time in modern history Iran is to set establish a Mediterranean port on the Syrian coast.

In a breaking exclusive, Asia Times reports that Iran has leased a section of the port of Latakia, on the northwest Syrian coast in close vicinity to the Russian Navy, which will end the Kremlin’s exclusive foreign presence on the coastal district. The Asia Times report provides the following detailsContinue reading “Iran To Establish First Ever Mediterranean Port On Syrian Coast”

Atlas Obscura – by Sabrina Imbler

FOR APPROXIMATELY $207 A DAY, the job doesn’t sound very hard. All you have to do is lie down in a precisely angled bed in a private room for a breezy 60 days (plus 29 extra days to transition and rehabilitate). Two months of absolute, compulsory rest and relaxation, all in the name of space exploration. For couch potatoes, it’s a highly regulated dream.  Continue reading “Wanted: Women Who Will Spend 60 Days in Bed, for Science”

Papers Please – by Edward Hasbrouck

According to a press release  issued today by the Transportation Security Administration, the TSA plans to start posting signs as shown above in airports throughout the USA, claiming that “ID Requirements Are Changing” and that  “Beginning Beginning October 1, 2020, you will need a REAL ID compliant license or another acceptable form of ID, such
as a valid passport or U.S. military ID, to fly within the U.S.”  Continue reading “TSA plans to put new lying signs in airports”

The Organic Prepper – by Dagny Taggart

A recent report from Kaiser Health News raises serious concerns about the spread of “medieval diseases” that are resurging in some parts of the US.

“Infectious diseases — some that ravaged populations in the Middle Ages — are resurging in California and around the country, and are hitting homeless populations especially hard,” the report explainsContinue reading “HORRIFYING Medieval Diseases Are Making a Comeback: “It’s a Public Health Crisis””

The Organic Prepper

This weekend, on April 6th, we’re having another Y2K. This one is on GPS devices, as they roll over from “week 1024” to “week 1.”

  1. Best case? Nothing happens.
  2. Not so great case? If you have a Garmin or a TomTom on which you rely for navigating, you could run into trouble.
  3. Worst case? Some experts warn that the power grid, transportation, and the financial system could be affected.

Continue reading “This Weekend Is Y2K for GPS Systems: Experts Warn the Grid, Finance, & Transportation Are at Risk”

Natural Health 365 – by Lori Alton

5G wireless technology is coming –ready or not – as corporate giant Amazon partners with Lennar (the nation’s largest home builder) to offer homes with WiFi, according to the Wi-Fi CERTIFIED Home Design specifications.

The cloud-based Home Design system – which allows voice control of lighting, security, temperature and other options – is already being featured in model Lennar homes in select locations throughout the country. But many natural health experts and advocates, citing a lack of study into health effects, would like to put the brakes on the whole thing. Continue reading “World’s first WiFi homes supported by Amazon”

Fox News

A hostage situation in Georgia that lasted nearly 20 hours reportedly ended early Friday with three deaths and two wounded police officers.

The alleged gunman, a teenager and a pregnant woman were found dead inside a house in Henry County after an exhausting standoff with police that began early Thursday, Atlanta station WSB-TV reported.  Continue reading “Georgia standoff ends after nearly 20 hours; 3 dead inside house, including gunman: report”

USA Today – by Rob O’Dell, Nick Penzenstadler

Each year, state lawmakers across the U.S. introduce thousands of bills dreamed up and written by corporations, industry groups and think tanks.

Disguised as the work of lawmakers, these so-called “model” bills get copied in one state Capitol after another, quietly advancing the agenda of the people who write them.  Continue reading “You elected them to write new laws. They’re letting corporations do it instead.”

Weather Channel

Red swamp crayfish could be the next invasive species to take up residence in the Great Lakes, researchers say.

While the red-hued crayfish are considered a culinary delight in places like New Orleans, they can wreak havoc on freshwater ecosystems.  Continue reading “Great Lakes Facing Possible Invasion of Red Swamp Crayfish”

Collective Evolution – by Josh del Sol

Great news. A Belgian government minister has announced that Brussels is halting its 5G plans due to health effects.

The statement was made by Céline Fremault, the Minister of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region, responsible for Housing, Quality of Life, Environment and Energy. From an interview last Friday, with L’EchoContinue reading “Brussels Becomes First Major City to Halt 5G Due to Health Effects”

Texas Tribune – by Julian Aguilar

EL PASO – Eduardo Talamantes talks about his long-ago military service the same way he does his volunteer service at a migrant shelter today: He downplays the importance of both.

“I was below the water line,” he said of his four-year service in the U.S. Navy that began in 1969. “Here, they call me the ‘shower guy.’”  Continue reading “As migrant surge continues, El Paso’s safety net is feeling the strain”