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Month: September 2019
DALLAS (AP) — Four Texas officers carrying handguns wait in the dim early morning light for a petite 31-year-old woman to arrive.
When Amber Guyger emerges from a black SUV, she is guarded by men with dark suits and close-cropped hair. The armed officers join them, forming a perimeter around Guyger as she walks toward a side door of the yet-to-open Dallas courthouse. Continue reading “Security bristles around Texas police shooting trial”
Americans will be fined by New York City judges if they tell an illegal alien they are an illegal alien, says a speech code issued by city’s department of civic regulation.
“It is illegal for a person’s employer, coworkers, or housing provider … to use derogatory or offensive terms to intimidate, humiliate, or degrade people, including by using the term “illegal alien,” where its use is intended to demean, humiliate, or offend another person,” says the instructions from the New York City Commission on Human Rights. Continue reading “New York City Aids Migrants by Imposing Speech Code on Americans”
The Senate “assault weapons” ban outlaws 205 specific guns, magazines holding 11 rounds or more, and bump stocks, which are already illegal.
Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA), the bill’s sponsor, cites alleged benefits from the 1994-2004 “assault weapons” ban in an effort to bolster the chances for passage of the new version. However, she ignores the Department of Justice’s National Institute of Justice report showing that the 1994-2004 ban could not take credit for any reduction in crime. Continue reading “Senate ‘Assault Weapons’ Ban Outlaws 205 Guns”
The House passed legislation Friday to end President Donald Trump’s national emergency to build a wall along the southern border.
The House passed S.J. Res. 54, 236-174, with strong Democrat support and limited Republican backing. The bill would end President Donald Trump’s national emergency declaration on the southern border. Continue reading “House Passes Motion to End Border Wall National Emergency”
The Economic Collapse – by Michael Snyder
Just like in 2008, most Americans are living right on the edge financially, and so any sort of an economic downturn is going to be extremely painful for tens of millions of American families. When you have not built up a financial cushion, any sort of a setback can be absolutely disastrous. During the last recession, millions of Americans suddenly lost their jobs, and because most of them were living paycheck to paycheck a lot of them suddenly couldn’t pay their mortgages. In the end, millions of Americans lost their homes during the “subprime mortgage meltdown”, and today the housing bubble is even larger than it was back then. Sadly, the reality of the matter is that many of us are just barely scraping by from month to month, and that is a very dangerous position to be in. Continue reading “A Shocking New Survey Finds That Most Americans Are Completely Unprepared For The Next Recession”
Lithuania’s Defense Ministry has announced a new deployment of US troops to their country. The deployment will include a number of US soldiers, tanks, and fighting vehicles, and will be an “extended mission.”
The deployment is being presented by Lithuanian officials as proof of a “larger, long-term US military involvement in Lithuania,” while others say it is meant to deter Russian aggression. Continue reading “US Troops and Tanks Headed to Lithuania for ‘Extended Mission’”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Oklahoma City, OK — Isaiah Mark Lewis, 17, was going to graduate high school last May. However, he’ll never walk down that aisle now thanks to two police officers who put multiple rounds into the teen’s body two weeks before he graduated. Lewis was unarmed and naked when Edmond police ended his life during a confrontation. Despite these facts, Oklahoma prosecutors cleared both of those officers this week. Continue reading “No Charges for Cops Who Shot and Killed a Naked, Unarmed Teen”
The Daily Sheeple – by Sean Walton
U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Acting Director Matthew T. Albence held a White House press briefing Thursday to explain how sanctuary policies threaten public safety and called on the public to hold their local lawmakers accountable. The briefing made clear that local jurisdictions across the U.S. that refuse to cooperate with ICE are complicit in the crimes committed by aliens who ICE could have otherwise been arrested and removed. Continue reading “Acting ICE director calls out jurisdictions with sanctuary policies for threatening public safety”
Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist
Sacramento, CA – As TFTP reported, last year, disturbing body camera footage was released from a police shooting that took the life of a father who was confronted in his grandparents’ backyard and then gunned down because officers claimed his phone was a gun. Now, after Sacramento Police Department officers Terrance Mercadal and Jared Robinet escaped any and all accountability, they will be going back to work—to potentially kill other unarmed fathers in their backyards. Continue reading “Cops Back On Duty After Video Showed Them Kill Unarmed Father Lying Down In His Own Backyard”
BEIRUT, LEBANON (12:30 P.M.) – The U.S. could launch airstrikes in response to the alleged chemical weapons attack by the Syrian military in the Latakia Governorate town of Kabani, the Russian aviation publication Avia.Pro reported on Friday.
“It can be expected that the U.S. will launch airstrikes on Syria in the very near future (probably within the next two weeks), using false accusations of using chemical weapons by Damascus,” the publication reported, citing a representative from the Syrian intelligence. Continue reading “US could launch strikes against Syrian military over chemical weapons accusation: Russian media”
Cliff Mass Weather and Climate Blog
If you live in western Washington, you might want to check that your heating system still works.
If you live in eastern Washington on the slopes of the Cascades, you might want to make sure you have a snow shovel. Continue reading “Arctic Express Coming to the Northwest”
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu will get another chance to form the country’s next government after both his and rival Benny Gantz’s parties failed to secure anything approaching a majority in the Knesset last week.
Final results from the September 17 election gave the rightwing Likud 32 seats compared to Benny Gantz’s more moderate Blue and White’s 33 in the 120-seat parliament. Continue reading “Netanyahu nominated to form Israel’s government after deadlocked election”