Free Thought Project – by Matt Agorist

San Leandro, CA — Deadly force, in the land of the free, is not the exception. It is the norm. In cases in which mentally ill people need help, all too often, police show up and give them bullets instead of that help. A tragic case out of San Leandro, California this week illustrates the propensity of police officers to escalate to deadly force in cases where mentally ill people are in a crisis. A man was killed inside a Walmart for wielding a bat. Continue reading “Video Shows Cops Shoot Man Holding a Bat Inside a Walmart—Killing Him”

New York Daily News

Gas is selling at drastically reduced prices in the United States as people continue to quarantine themselves indoors due to coronavirus.

In a whopping 13 states, gas could be found for less than $1 per gallon as of late last week, according to data released by the travel and navigation app GasBuddy.

Continue reading “Gas selling for under $1 per gallon in 13 states as national prices plummet during coronavirus quarantines”

Health Impact News – by Brian Shilhavy

The pharmaceutical trade publication, Fierce Pharma, is a publication targeting investors in pharmaceutical products, such as vaccines.

This week (April 2020) they published an article titled:  Continue reading “Medical Analytics Firm: COVID19 Vaccine to Take 5.2 Years to Develop with 5% Chance of Success”

Gateway Pundit – by Jim Hoft

Save America protests are planned across the country in the coming days.
Continue reading “Freedom Protests to Reopen Economy Planned in 21 States – Including California on Monday, Missouri on Tuesday”

Yahoo News

Police shot and killed a man who allegedly opened fire inside a public transportation bus, hijacked the vehicle with people inside and engaged in a firefight with officers. Continue reading “Bus hijacker leads police on chase through Texas, killed in shootout with officers, officials say”

Video Rebel’s Blog

On April 19, 1995 there was an explosion in front of the Alfred P Murrah building that killed 168 people including 19 children in the daycare center.  The seismic record indicated two bombs and not one. It was said that there were 4 barrels of ammonium nitrate in a fertilizer bomb. That grew to 5,000 pounds and then to 7,000 pounds to explain the bomb damage. The original helicopter news coverage said the bomb results showed the building being blown from the inside. And there was bomb debris blown past the Ryder truck that Timothy McVeigh was said to have used to deliver the bomb. Later that day as federal officials took over, the local news said the videos showed the building being blown from the outside. Continue reading “Oklahoma City Bombing 25 Years Later”

Daily Mail

Healthcare workers clashed with anti lockdown protesters in Colorado on Sunday, defiantly standing in front of the cars of demonstrators who flocked to the state Capitol in their hundreds to urge Gov. Jared Polis to lift COVID-19-induced stay-at-home orders. Continue reading “Healthcare workers are heckled as they stand in front of anti-lockdown protesters cars’ in Colorado and more demonstrations erupt across the US”

I checked in on the celebrity extravaganza last night, all brought to us by (what else?!) GLOBAL CITIZEN.  Its title sells us an oxymoron:  One World Together At Home.  Another caustic attempt to crush our intelligence.  Its goal:  to raise funds for the Covid-19 Solidarity Response Fund for the World Health Organization.  Anyhow, I could only manage a few minutes; it really was disgusting.  The celebs were like whores ordered to dutifully pull off a trick.  Even the so-called “heavyweights” were pathetic:  McCartney and Jagger – aging, soulless machines.  Laura Bush and Michael Obama, presenting Globalism like it was a door to paradise. Continue reading “One World Together At Home.”

Global News

More than 10 people, including one member of the RCMP and the primary suspect, are dead after a shooting rampage across rural Nova Scotia on Sunday.

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki said the force is aware of 13 deceased victims. Continue reading “13 dead, including one RCMP officer, after shooting spree in Portapique, N.S.”

So the International Corporate Mafia doesn’t want us to be together and wants this lockdown to last until Fall of 2021. Already I am so sick and tired of nanny’s at the stores telling me to stay back 6 feet and playing the same in-store “Safety and Security” commercials/announcements.
For cryin’ out loud, everyone knows the government lies LIES LIES! Yet they still follow their “play along to get along” bullshit. I don’t get it.

Continue reading “Public health expert on coronavirus: Concerts and sporting events won’t be safe until ‘fall 2021 at the earliest’”

Biz Pac Review

States have begun reacting to President Trump’s plans to reopen the U.S. and many coastal towns are lifting beach access restrictions put in place to stem the spread of the coronavirus. Continue reading “Navy Master Chief stands his ground, becomes face of freedom as coastal towns cautiously lift beach restrictions”

Daily Mail

Protestors at an anti-lockdown rally in Texas yelled ‘fire Fauci’ in a targeted chant against President Trump’s top medical advisor, as thousands of Americans defied stay-at-home and social distancing orders at rallies.   Continue reading “Crowd in Texas chants ‘fire Fauci’ as thousands across the country protest stay at home orders”

Free Thought Project – by Jack Burns

Los Angeles, CA – Vincent Velasquez, 29, was exercising his constitutional rights to film police officers in the course of their duties when the crime scene tape was being erected in a double murder/suicide case. Velasquez noticed the police were mistreating his neighbor, a grandfather, who lived at the home where the crime took place. The grandfather called police and asked for Torrance PD to respond but when Lomita Sheriff’s Department arrived Velasquez witnessed Lomita deputies throwing the elderly grandpa in his 70’s to the ground, pulling him around, yanking him around on his arms, and slamming him against the squad car even after they had him in cuffs. Continue reading “Car Wash Manager Attacked by Cops For Filming Them Beat His Elderly Neighbor”