New York Daily News

A Jewish Brooklyn man faces hate crime charges for allegedly scrawling messages on four synagogues, and burglarizing one of them, during an hour-long crime spree.

Emil Benjamin, 39, was charged Thursday with burglary and criminal mischief as a hate crime in connection with the early Saturday spree.

Continue reading “Hate crime charges for Jewish man accused of graffiti, burglary spree at Brooklyn synagogues”

Yahoo News

An intensive care unit (ICU) specialist has said people have ‘blood on their hands’ if they don’t wear a mask and willingly flout the COVID-19 rules.

Professor Hugh Montgomery told BBC Radio 5 Live hospitals were facing a “tsunami” of cases over the next few weeks and they were already stretched thin. Continue reading “People who don’t wear masks ‘have blood on their hands’, intensive care specialist says”


ADEN (Reuters) – At least 22 people were killed and dozens wounded in an attack on Aden airport on Wednesday, moments after a plane landed carrying a newly formed Saudi-backed cabinet for government-held parts of Yemen.

Prime Minister Maeen Abdulmalik said all members of the cabinet were “fine”. But the attack underlined the difficulties facing a government intended by Saudi Arabia to unite two of its allies in the war against the Iran-aligned Houthi movement. Continue reading “Twenty-two killed in attack on Aden airport after new Yemen cabinet lands”

Press TV

A conservative evangelical Christian singer and COVID denier in the US has decided to hold two worship services in Los Angeles this weekend, sparking fear that the event may turn into a “super-spreader.”

Sean Feucht, who has the history of hosting “Let Us Worship” open-air concerts across the US in 2020, is opposed to COVID-related bans on religious gatherings. Continue reading “Christian singer plans to hold COVID-19 ‘super-spreader’ event in LA”

Yahoo News

The Second Amendment is one of the most frequently cited provisions in the American Constitution, but also one of the most poorly understood.

The 27 words that constitute the Second Amendment seem to baffle modern Americans on both the left and right. Continue reading “Five types of gun laws the Founding Fathers loved”